They/them pronouns

Prolly shouldn’t engage with that guy. He seems pretty unhinged tbh lol.


seriously?? who gives a crap about this?

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They are, but honestly I’m happy to allow them to see my toons. If an unpleasant person wishes to ignore me so they no longer interact with me then that’s them. They only make my life easier and more free from dramatical rages.

When I’d moved to a new page and complained about it only labelling “the rage worgen” she followed me and went crazy claiming I called them out…basically that is what linked it to them. I moved to the different post on another toon so others wouldn’t see via my other toons messages to them to know who I was talking about.

I was giving them amity and they pop in to point themselves out and claim I did it. Now they still have this calling me out by the alt.

Its kinda funny.

(Edit:. It’s further funny because I was using they them to speak about the three of them I linked the video to. Not Just Pawzer but they read what they want and see what they want like me posting a video that doesn’t establish any opinion about they/them as a singular pronoun but they the 3 of them make assumptions and refuse to view and claim it inflammatory. They are all being rediculious and demanding to be called something people already call someone they are talking about to others when they don’t know or want to specify the gender. I also never gave my outright yes or no on this because it’s redundant because it’s already been a thing and will be implemented in game. They all just want to be angry and entrap over nothing arguments… So just they are all unhinged she the worgen he the blood elf male and Talonel who demands to be called he yet is playing a female toon))

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Misgender, insults, from the person that does everything they claim LGBTQIA+ people are doing in the game.

Which, thanks for proving my point and why you’re on ig. You don’t even stand by the video you just posted, meaning you were just posting it to be inflammatory and didn’t believe anything about the mention of pronouns.

LOL you got lucky. You got the ignore, I got the cyber stalking by a weirdo who wants it to be okay to be lewd at kids.


How is telling you to refer to a video about pronouns inflammatory the post in no way gave it’s opinion one way or the other. Lol

I said
Let’s all refer to Schoolhouse rock for proper use of pronouns folks don’t forget to sing along!

So where’s the inflammation? Where did I give an opinion on either side? You are the one perpetuating assumptions…nothing new there though.



Please don’t let the world know you are unstable because you don’t know if you are boy or girl. Better to keep that stuff private.


It’s posts like these that reenforce my joy at deleting social media and turning off the TV. Life has been so much better without everyone else’s faux drama!

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Why you announcing it on yourself? Lot of projectiong going on there again from people that don’t understand gender, pronouns, or anything else.

i’m not from USA…so it’s very hard to understand that.

how can i call someone “they/them” - this is very confusing.

“Hey, they, how do you …sorry, how do they doing ?”

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“Sorry, how are they doing”? isn’t particularly hard, as someone that is also not from the USA, it’s not terribly hard. It’s the same as learning any other language and different words used for different things, and finding the correct string that it makes sense with.

“Hello Dan, how are you doing?”

There’s no applicable gendered pronoun in that sentence to change. You’re talking to them directly. On the other hand,

“I was talking to Dan and they said that they wanted tacos for lunch.”

You’re talking about Dan, Dan uses they/them pronouns. So instead of saying “he said he wanted” or “she said she wanted” you sub in “they said that they wanted”.

Which is considerably less awkward than the “I don’t use pronouns” approach of “I was talking to Dan and Dan said that Dan wanted tacos”, that just makes you sound like a crazed evil robot.

When you go from fighting for your rights to dictating how other people should talk you are moving away from being liberal and toward the extreme. It’s basically a form of political correctness.


Telling others not to call me something offensive, or hurtful is not an extreme sorry. But you’ve already proven yourself to be related to the Talo group so off you go.

You have to realize how silly you sound when you tell others “Call me by my name or by these other two words” is ‘extreme’ and ‘dictating how other people should talk’.

Hope you know, every single job dictates how you talk in that case, and not only that, but literally every single person, school, and etc does by forcing you to interact with them in a certain way and call them by specific names.

mawrider, cause we aint walking no maw!

That’s a lie but keep telling yourself that


Dude…just go with it. For the lols.

I’m going to go on supporting LGBT+ on important issues in spite of the fact that you are making this more difficult by demanding too much and refusing to compromise at all on things that are just not important.