They're nerfing Dynamic Flight Speed in Old World content

Again, you attempted to say that dragon flying has NOTHING without its flying. A 100% lie.

You still have all the flying skills and abilities without the speed.

Its funny because you are posting an argument that props up what I said but I am arguing against it because MY POINT doesnt need lies to be correct.

Hover alone is better than all the DF skills.


I’d actually be really down if I could dynamic fly as a druid - but at the same time, as a druid if that happened, please take away my ability to pick herbs as an owl if I have it activated. I don’t want to see everyone and their mother flying as a druid because you can go fast to get every herb node in existence without swapping out.

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It’ll be about triple.

They’re capping DR in the old world to 80% of the max speed in Dragon Isles, not actually at 80%.

If I remember correctly, it’ll be about 644% speed. So double normal epic flight speed. It’ll be fine.

Smaller zones? Maybe to make it feel bigger? Just a guess. I never understand why Blizz does anything.

The reasons they gave are quite sound. You want it to be slower than teleporting.

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DR (without the speed boosts) caps at 929%. It can max out to around 1400% when using Skyward. So it should be around 740%-ish without boosts and 1100%-ish with boosts.

Trivially fast travel… Like the numerous amount of portals we have. It takes me less than 8 seconds to get from SW to IF now a days.

Port from SW to Boralus. Turn 180 take port from Boralus to IF.

If 8 seconds (with loading screens) to cross half the continent isn’t considered trivially short then I don’t know what is.

Dragonriding at 80% normal speed isn’t going to solve anything.

But why?

FUN DETECTED Better not let players have fun in this video game…

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This. This is why this topic is so toxic.

Dynamic Flying is not just speed, its a whole lot of flying abilities. If those abilities do not hold up without speed, then they are not good abilities at all.

They could just make static flying faster and it would be preferred and that means that DF is a complete fail. A gimmick.

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I suspect that there are technical limitations with crossing zones that quickly that Blizzard isn’t being entirely candid about, but I also don’t disagree that it’s less immersive, either.

Old zones are smaller in-game because they’re designed to accommodate slower travel speeds. Portals circumvent distance entirely, but physically flying over four zones in the space of a few seconds makes the old world feel much smaller and less significant.

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An actual rational take, very refreshing to see!

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To be honest, I really don’t understand this logic. The abilities give a sense of weight and momentum that makes achieving those high speeds more satisfying as a gameplay mechanic. Static flight at 810% would be better as a mount, but Blizzard’s goal isn’t just to make a better mount, it’s to make an engaging system of travel that’s more fun and interactive than traditional pre-DF flight.

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Then they need to come out and say this. Instead of trying to gaslight us with some excuse about immersion they need to just say “it’ll break the game. This is a compromise.”

But it is. That’s just fact. Trying to artificially hide that by slowing us down isn’t fooling anyone and it’s not helping anyone.

The old world is inconsequential to 95% of the players. Lol. It’s only relevant to people who are leveling for the first or second time who don’t have flying.

The rest of us just want to get to where we want to go. Hence my portal example.

I don’t disagree that they should be more transparent, if that is the case.

This is just game design. It’s all artificial. The zones’ size has remained the same for over a decade, but they can feel smaller or larger and more or less significant depending on how the player is able to traverse it. If you doubled the speed of Dragonriding, the Isles would suddenly feel a lot smaller and they’d be a lot less impressive as a result. One of the core parts of zone design is how the player is going to be moving around it, and the old zones were not designed with that level of speed in mind.

The portal example just isn’t great because it doesn’t affect the scale of the world, it ignores it entirely.

Really, it’s just another argument for an old world revamp. Modern player mobility has exceeded old zone design, so Blizzard is using a band-aid solution to cover it up. I don’t think it’s particularly good, but I understand why.

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Ah ok. That makes a LOT more sense!

You’ve got horrible reading comprehension mate. Lol

Read like the first or 2nd thing I wrote.

I said they would do the easiest thing, even if the other one is more fun.

Dragon riding is more fun than static flying.

If they both went the same speed, no one would use DR.

Then when you finally understood what I meant you ran away and refused to respond. Lol

Pretty much you’ve done a rain dance, it rained two weeks later and you claimed you were right because of it.

Sure you were right that it was going to rain, but you were wrong about the reason it rained.

Now that I’ve given it a try on PTR, I’m honestly glad they nerfed the speed a bit. You can get from Stormwind to Gilneas in two minutes flat. You really don’t notice the speed decrease, it feels just as fast because of how rapidly you progress through the tiny old world zones.

Amazing how someone can keep posting the same thing over and over again and still not understand he is saying I am right.

Dragon Flight is only liked because of its speed. You saying no one would use dragon flight if it had the same speed as old school is you saying dragon flight is only liked because of its speed…it does not matter if you say people would only do it because its easier or not because “fun” is SUBJECTIVE, speed is NOT.

That makes speed FACT and FUN an opinion. Derp.


I’m convinced people complaining about only being able to go 664% instead of 810% speed in zones that are a fraction of the size of the Dragon Isles zones are just Jeremy Clarkson in disguise.

They crave that SPEED and POWEEEEEEEEER.