They're nerfing Dynamic Flight Speed in Old World content

I don’t agree with him though.

I like that dragon riding is faster- but I really like how it feels to actually engage with it.

Not that it matters. It’s still way faster than normal riding even with the nerf.


Bruh did you just argue for like 7 posts that DF is not only better because of the speed only to post if the speeds were the same people would use static because its easier? lol.


No, I argued people will pick the easiest path.

No matter the fun factor, as stated way back up the top.

Also, you can stop switching between accounts to “like” your own posts and comment as your own cheerleader.


No, you clearly said without its speed people will choose static flying.

Glad you admitted there is little appealing about DF at all. Also had to laugh at you mentioning wind graphics as some kind of proof of better flying.

As if anyone plays WoW for its graphics.


Because old world is not designed for it, too small or too big.

Ok Vladamis alt… Lol


He’s not the only one. Infact, a lot of people who like dragonriding, like it solely for that reason alone.

Bring up any other problems, they will go… “But it’s fast! so it’s much more useful then other flying!!”


Ahh I get it, now turning to trolling. Calling people my alt now that you no longer can cover up your failed argument.

Cuen liked my first couple posts, dude has over 14.8k rep. Warthin, 16k rep. Carrosh 17.1k rep…but they are all my alts…you are the lowest kind of troll.

Oh and I just liked Baridorielors post, he must be me…he also agreed with me. We are the same person lol.


There’s another whole thread on this, trust me… It’s not gonna be a big horribly noticeable difference. It’s faster than old world and will be less likely to crash whole servers.


Dispute my arguement.

Gamers will always pick the easy path, no matter the fun factor.

K go.

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Gonna hard disagree here. Nothing is easier than being lazy and literally walking away from your keyboard while still flying in a straight line.


Oh no, I just liked another persons post. Must be my alt.


I be wondering what they feeding that ground mount then :thinking: :sweat_smile:

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…Why? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Old world traveling has been trivial for like… a decade. I don’t see the need for this nerf. Especially since Eastern Kingdoms and Kamidor is bigger then Dragon Isles.

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I know… kind of sad about it. There are times I would want travel time to be “trivially short”.

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I’ve only got 5mins left of work before I leave, can you dispute a bit faster?

Faster/funner :wink:

Too busy liking all of my alts posts across what appears to be a dozen or so accounts with very different achievement points to keep trying to refute a troll that already admitted im right.


Keeping old flight will turn out to be one of their biggest regrets in some time.

It won’t end until these people have complete parity. Should have just told them to learn or get lost.

Got ya, you can’t.

You just had to say so. :slight_smile:

Have a good day.

Yeah im sure it wont be any of the things that drove away 10 million players…it will be keeping old school flying!