They're gonna screw over Elune and Anshe

Well Kyalin, how else would you explain the 100% supportive Elune magically making the Nelves at Teldrassil drowsy so they couldn´t feel the pain of being burned alive BUT not moving a censored word finger to prevent their eternal torture at the hands opf Zooval POST death? Reading between the lines it would imply she didn´t want to be exposed as perfectly A-Ok with them dying, she does the literal minimum effort and then washes her hands on them.

Even a minor entity like Bwonsamdi managed… how the hell an Eternal tier “goddess” didn´t manage?


tbh…the other eternal didn´t manage it aswell :wink:

I’m not sure that I really care for your speculation so much as your motives. You seem to have tagged this as something that I won’t like, and that on that basis, you like it.

Put another way, this feels based in hate.

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Uhhh… none of the current Eternals has been depicted as the “God” of any Azerothian race whatseover nor much less giving particular favor to any of the plaable races, yes?

Kindly feel entitled to knock yourself down from that high horse, cause I certainly DON´T play this game nor much less get entertainment from the story depending on your particular feelings nor opinions (those I couldn´t care less about, cause those are your problem not mine). I just tried to be polite and give you some credit over “hating” the idea some of us may find interesting this kind of narrative development, period.

You still can´t read minds, Kyalin, so take your victim complex elsewhere ffs.


Eh, this strikes me as one of those ‘too clever by half’ game theories YouTube personalities come up with to try and generate traffic to their videos.

With Blizzard the simplest (and sometimes stupidest) development is usually the one they go for.


Well, this is a fair assesment too I guess.

We will probably know for certain a decade from now with Blizz perchant for dropping their narrative plots.


And like most such “theories” it’s entirely without foundation. Or it’s a troll post that feeds on the particular paranoid gamer subculture of which you seem to be a part.

This what in technical terms is known as “a reach”.

Kind of the same reasons a Q would tend to use the same form of speech, perhaps?

Of course! it was Elune who burned Teldrassil and Anshe who pushed Vol’jin to install Sylvannas as WarChief! I see it now!

Because Valen has realised that he’s made a 25,000 year string of bad decisions based on his blind faith in the Light.

Whether religion is “good or bad”, that’s a discussion for another venue. X’era however is the dictionary version of fanatic. And the Fanatic in any cause treads a very thin road that separates her from becoming as bad as or worse than what they fight. X’era in her interactions with the player shows how far she’d gone off the road in her callousness, insensitivity, and downright hostility to those who deviate the slightest from her set plan. She’s essentially Dark Kosh lifted straight from Babylon 5.

Well, speculating using lore from a basis is part of the stuff one usually sees in this forums, you know… and it´s acceptable as long as one clarifies those ARE speculations, not lore proper.

I just feel it´s quite suspicious how Elune has been made “impotent” to properly protect their supposedly most beloved Azerothian race from the actual Jailor´s machinations not just one time but TWICE if we consider the 9.1 cinematic underwhelming resolution.

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I mean that’s how we got Elune as the Winter queen sister so yes I agree

Villain batting a deity would indeed be simple and stupid if they wanted to buff up the First Ones

It’s called speculation weirdo

You speculate where the story is going based on both existing lore and prior dev choices (including retcons to existing lore)

Villain batting Elune and introducing Anshe in order to villain bat him is entirely possible, and would profoundly suck

You can complain about negativity in the lore community without attacking my person incoherently

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I don’t feel like you were giving me credit for anything, and rolling up with “Bring all your hate” doesn’t leave me with good impressions about this.

Now frankly, I got into this post because once again, I have an issue with crackpot theories based on paper-thin connections. I didn’t see the theory as aligning with other information, and presented that. But if you want to raise this issue - I also have a problem with (primarily Horde-player-based) salivating over demolishing what’s left of the Night Elf playable experience, in this case, their culture.

You’ve already taken enough from us, thank you.

Well, what else was I supposed to expect from you if anything you don´t “approve” gets basically labeled with the “HoRdIeS jUsT wAnT tO dEsTrOy NeLf StUfF cAuSe ThEy HaTe Us LiKe ThE fAcIsT tHeY aRe” stigma, hmmm?

I´ll repeat as many times as needed until you get it through your stubborn brain: no Kyalin, you are NO victim and the Horde players are NOT criminals for not entertaining your ideas to the 100%. Move on.

Weren´t you the “it´s only 100% canon lore and valid” if it appears in-game? Sorry to burst your bubble, but Nelf souls getting condemned to the Maw IS a thing in game (ergo no Elune anywhere saving their poor butts) AND also we got Elune making a last concession of power to Tyrande just to remove it at the last second, in-game too. So excuse me, but this is no “paper thin” crackpot theory, it´s literally making an educated question over the actual narrative deal going on with Elune, cause so far she has NOT got actual heroic nurturing development in regards to the Nelves as a race.


You could have presented your theory without “bring all of your hate”, which again suggests to me a certain motive.

As for the responsibility of Horde players - to the extent that you glibly rub events in our faces for your entertainment or cheer on developments that would make things worse specifically because of how we would react - you ARE responsible for that.

Ariel is only different from the usual Horde Poster in that they aren’t afraid to wear their rabid hatred for the Night Elf Community on their sleeve. This is nothing new.

Well dear, that´s what happens when one basically labels people from the other side of the playerbase as irl criminals for “daring” to disagree when one´s notions.

You private speculations are just that: your own victim complex and paranoia in plain sight, so you know what? Feel free to chain yourself down to those negative feelings as much as you want, after all this is the only consistent variable in your behaviour on these forums.

My fault for expecting you to actually overcome your issues withour making sure beforehand and risking any interaction involving “the theme who shall not be named” A.K.A. the Nelves while using a red background.

Sure Kyalin, cause ALL the Horde players reveled in “harrasing” poor wittle yourselves… is not like is the type of reasoning using by actual prejudiced racists or something.

Blocking your butt from now onwards, you just become worse and worse the more one gives you chances to evolve. Time for me to grown up and stop wasting time with your kind.

Whatever you say, lvl 70 classic poster who is basically a NEFPA. Keep telling yourself whatever you need to sleep at night about the “psychopath” I am while you and your “buddy” have no qualms about putting a whole criminal label over millions of people for their faction preference on a game.

That sure will “teach” the other posters in these forums, lol.


Not all Horde players.

Just people like you.

Weird thing to point. I only play Classic. So yes I’m posting on my Classic Character. Level 70 is the current level cap for Classic.

Oogy boogy boogy.

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This would be one hell of a twist that I would most certainly not see coming.

I’ve seen Ariel and Baal’s posts before. This is an unfair attack- they are quite reasonable and not generally out to attack night elf players or their experiences.
They just want good things for the Horde experience, which I can understand.

On-topic, I’m less afraid of them villain batting Elune and more afraid of “Sylvanas is important for the cosmos” nonsense- essentially justifying both Teldrassil and her “betrayal” of Tyrande in a critical moment. It’s almost a certainty now with an incoming Sylvanas redemption arc.


To be honest, I think that the devs are so obsessed with the concept of “age of mortals”, that when I saw another thread some time ago, I could totally see this happening

And it’s really one of those cases where I am not sure if people realize that they say truth: age of mortals is the part of the story that brought the worst parts of the game for story and gameplay.

Offtop example:

It’s like with the fact that the best horde-alliance time was when the Stormwind leader was in fact Onyxia. I am sure the devs did not intend to have this outcome but she was a far better ruler than Wrynns. Like, objectively: better faction relationship, all while with rivalry, and justifiably grey-ish alliance.

Magni-Fandral-Katrana were accidentally the faces of possibly the best alliance time. Not sure if the horde players would like to have such rival, but I am sure some players can add their perspectives on the subject.

I can see Elune have some purpose for the dead elves aka the genocide is actually good sometimes. I can see An’she being the mentioned trapped Light in some way (Shadowlands collector’s ed. book; all caps there):

The Maw is like a malevolent lantern: a realm not devoid of light, but one in which light is held captive like the damned the Maw was built to imprison.

The Jailer’s dwelling is a maze of torment chambers and endless despair from which there is no escape.

So, possible. And the undead night elves that felt betrayed by Elune might be proven right and this might be a justification to keep them in the horde.

It’s all interconnected. The nonsense with communication. Nonsense with how they look for ways to turn Classic versions into something closer to retail. Telling stories to each other for mutual approval. And so on.

(and given some sort of censorship of some visuals of D 2 remaster even the external studio is affected by internal blizz policies. Which is rather sad, but kind of make me think that there is no point in blaming activision. Although some Kotick memes are funny, I can’t deny that)

gl hf

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