They're gonna screw over Elune and Anshe

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I genuinely don’t think Blizzard understands why people play their games if they go ahead and do this.

If I wanted an Age of Mortals game I’d play idk Call of Duty

Even back in Cata it was cringe


Ah, the upcoming “it’s all right that you were slaughtered. You must care about Ardenweald you never knew existed before the last year, so Teldrassil is not important”.

It’s one of those things that seems “nice” on paper, but has the most morbit implications for the story, and the future of the game in general. In line with attributing Garrosh actions to being an orc (ironically alongside dismissing Stonetalon part of his story as a mistake).

Are you sure about that? Because we have no info about none of things like:

  • why blood elves have the Sanctum of the Moon?
  • why pre-Sundering areas (Well of Eternity dungeon, Tomb of Sargeras) have statues that visually just like dancing high elf ones?
  • why Archimonde called Dalaran, founded after mages were taught by the high elves, a place build upon the stolen knowledge? What is this “their fire” that the denizens of Dalaran “sought to weild”?

And so on.

Without this info (since apparently everyone should go through Ardenweald with the same guiding figures, and no blood elf / nightborne could ever have interest in visiting the place and showing a different angle to the Elune story, we can just guess random things.

iirc there is 1 more story chapter that happens after it.

He’s literally in the last book.

Plus there is about half a dozen sun-related things in the Shadowlands: Rider of the Living Sun, suntouched creatures, 2 trinkets in the dungeons, Sunstrider is not the only one like that and in Revendreth it’s possible to encounter

Temel says: I name Inquisitor Vilhelm his true name… MOONGO THE SUN KING!

in the prepatch it was possible to get Sightless Capuchin of Ulmaas, which can be cross referenced with only a single item in the game dropped by

I do get those are not direct things, but, we have all of that right after the Visions of N’Zoth path, the one which had the main sun-worshippers of Azeroth starting to do stuff again (Amathet tribe).

If I go to the tinfoil theory, I can pull out also

Azshj’thul the Drowned whispers: [Shath’Yar] No light. No escape. The forgotten king returns.


gl hf

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Well, how the exiled high elves got to Belore in the first place, who Belore is, what he is, all highly convoluted, highly nebulous.

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On a related note I can’t help but feel Golden was being passive aggressive when she made the sun in her story a narcissistic douche.

McKinney created Musha using themes that Night Elf Elune fans could claim

But Golden was like “And then the stupid sun was like I love myself why are you complaining”


It was not blind until the current devs decided to call it so.

I mean, that’s what’s happening. In one of interviews Danuser and Copeland outright stated there was next to no afterlive lore in the game so they had to make Shadowlands from scratch. So much for having a team of “historians”.

If you did not read the Sylvanas (Vereesa, because why build up Vereesa’s character if she can be used to talk about Sylvanas?) story, give it a shot one day. She is so special, even the impartial kyrian watcher made an exception to give her a chance to leave Shadowlands.

Sun probably also does not have the strong core in her opinion.

I mean, she’s a nice person. Or at least seems to be. But I would like her works more if they would never touch the mainline WoW ever again.

Those people who work in blizz has some of the most twisted takes on morality and storytelling I’ve seen. Not just because they’re ridiculous, but in combination with being sure they are actually doing great job.

Kind of like the rest of things blizz is doing nowadays…

gl hf


I gotta say most the theories I see seem to be fueled by l guess you’d call it… unbridled pessimism?.. more than anything else. I dunno, these theories seem fine tuned to set people off.

As far as I can see, Death and Life were out of whack, and had been a long time… as reflected in the estranged relationship between Elune and the Winter Queen. It sort of seems as if they are two sides of the same coin, and as Ardenweald suffered, Elune’s influence somehow waned as well.

I stand by the idea that Elune had no particular interest in saving Sylvanas. Tyrande had hit her red line and Elune simply refused to let her canonically most beloved high priestess who had served her for over ten thousand years faithfully kill herself for petty vengeance.

Through Tyrande as an avatar, Elune mends the estranged relationship between her counterpart (The Winter Queen) and herself, leaving one of her tear relics to help restore the Heart of the Forest. In the same moment, she also mends Tyrande’s heart and sets her on a path to recovery rather than self destruction. That is Elune’s actual goal here.

That said, I have admittedly wondered if perhaps one of the first things Sargeras might of done after he had slain his sibling pantheon was seal Elune away in the plane of Life to minimize her ability to intervene in his plans beyond providing power to those who call upon her aid. Between Elunaria being Eonar’s sanctuary world and the pillar of creation, Elune and the Titans for sure had a working relationship of some sort. TBH, I suspect that Elune likely was Eonar’s mentor, which explains their close association.

Anshe (or Balore. Because I support that idea), though… its an interesting one. I have an ongoing idea pet theory that stars in the Warcraft cosmos are giant chunks of crystallized Light with an ‘atmosphere’ of elemental fire essence that shine out radiant energy. So, I sort of wonder if An’she might be a manifestation of Azeroth’s sun sort of like how planets can have world souls, An’she is a… solar soul?

Or perhaps An’she could be the sun-smith and make stars. Unlikely, but I really think its a cool idea so there.


Define vengeance.

She empowered Tyrande when she said “my life for hers”. Just saying.

gl hf

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Whut? I must have missed something? When did this happened again? in the Fairy Tail book?XD Golden becomes more and more strange in her storys.

Stop, thats not entirely right.

Tyrande focused in this one moment the power of the Night warrior, in her, we don´t know if elune empowered tyrande again in this situation. But we know later on, tyrande use more and more power of elune, until the point she starts attacking her own daughter.

Tyrande’s only goal in existence was to kill Sylvanas. Like… she had no intention of living after that. That’s pretty much vengeance summed up.

Well, there is a bit of a logical leap that it was some sort of invocation. That might of been more of a… statement of intent? Elune was certianly willing to permit it right up to the red line, so Elune may of never been willing to permit Tyrande to kill herself in her pursuit of revenge, no matter what Tyrande wanted.

So… Tyrande sort of just… didnt kill her quick enough, I guess? You gotta hate it when your overheat alarm goes off and shuts you down in the middle of doing something important.


White Lady was like “Sun what do you do when you’re sad” and Sun was like “I love myself because I’m so amazing I’m never lonely get over yourself lmao”

I got so depressed when you sent me this lol


In other stories that would be referred to as a “heroic sacrifice”.

The only difference here it seems has to do with the character on the receiving end.


…Well, The Sun is a man, ne, and not a woman. …Men are narcissistic often, toxic, remember? …its really really…amazing how disapointed this woman is^^

I agree, in general. The difference is in the way it was depicted in this case. Tyande had been shown in a light very much akin to Ahab and the White Whale, where she was willing to take increasingly extreme measures to get her revenge.

That’s totally true. Tyrande says “my life for her” and that’s what she gets from Elune after:

Elune could’ve stopped right at that moment and not let Tyrande be disappointed / harm herself more. Didn’t happen.

Nope. Define exactly the methodology to disctinguish “vengeance” and “justice”.

So that we’ll be able to look across the story for what else should fall into this category and be labled as bad and “should actually forgive” instead.

Poor CD management - true story of why “revenge is bad”? (even though the game is full of “revenge is great” stories including some in Shadowlands).

At this point I already think that there is not many chances for the bright future unless some big changes with the team happen.

On the bright side, I now have time to go through older content to see if I can spot some other missing texts, etc. But I might need a few tips in the process.

gl hf


However, the White Whale wasn’t marching around with death armies threatening to remake existence - and didn’t just get back from committing a genocide.

That being - this is tied into a larger purpose, with ongoing relevance. Whereas Moby Dick was some whale that Ahab could have let go.


She says so, but who tells you that Elune in this case really granted her more power and not…she just focused more power of the night warrior at that moment?

Between an active renewed/boosted blessing and…simply using and focusing the power that is available better is a difference.

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That is entirely true, not gonna argue that there are some comparison issues. But “hate is like a fire, when you hold on to it you just burn yourself” is the motif that Blizzard seems to have chosen to go with in Tyrande’s arc, as reflected in the repeated attempts we were shown to get Tyrande to stop her path to self destruction and her refusal to do so.

Remember, everything is PoV.

So, anything could be. One day it’s “wraith is my own”. Other day she’s just a witness (meaning Elune in control, and not Tyrande). And so on. I am not sure what’s the internal communication / coordination state in the company.

Thing is, the story started with justice theme in Elegy. It was later on mentioned to be about justice in the game, which presented as Tyrande taking a risky power as a sacrifice for her people. Later Danuser touched the topic a couple time, but even though he really wishes (it feels like it) to throw away this story with the “vengeance” lable, again and again he talks about justice being among motivations.

(Imagine selling the story with 1 premise, and then be like “ha! We change the contract. Remember the stuff we’ve been talking about for 2 years? Now we slap a different badge on it, 'cause reasons!”)

gl hf

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