They Wanted to Kick Him Because He Didn't Talk, Then His Mom Messaged Me

Rough story. I almost never click yes on a vote kick unless someone has been dc’d for more than a few minutes, or someone is literally being verbally toxic. Even if I *want to kick someone I usually won’t let it bother me. The dungeon will be over in less than 10 minutes.


The 30min debuff is like Blizzard solution to bots/exploiters, only ever punishes legit players lol. I think back all the way to D2 realm down debuff from joining too many games too fast. Sure annoyed the hell out of the player base, but did it do literally anything to stop the bots? Nope, they just adjusted their timed runs.

This horrible approach has been a thing since forever and it is mind blowing to me how they can’t see how it only hurts and griefs or ruins the fun of ppl who are just playing the game. If someone is trolling and being a pos they are going to manage no matter what restrictions you put. They’ll swap characters, go troll a BG instead, whatever.

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literally seen people write the N word in a kick, tell me it’s not abused lmao

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I choose not to believe any of this based on the part where is says that people were trying to be chatty in a 5 man pug.

Also, no one clapped in the end.

I’m sorry but if you’re literally crying over being kicked you probably shouldn’t be playing this game.

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just make followers for the entire game at this point
just a pain to even play with most ppl nowadays

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Believable. Once a horrible healer started a votekick for the tank who called him out. Reason typed in was “AFK heals.” I didn’t read carefully and yeah the tank got kicked. Healer didn’t last very long after that though LOL.

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Had a toxic 3 stack try to kick my friend once in a 5-man (it failed because you need +1 outside of your group in that situation).

I put the votekick back up with the same reason but on one of them.
It passed.

Even when people read, they don’t read.


Not being a parent, I’ll understand this sounds harsh, but if they’re going to take that much of an interest in controlling their child’s gaming experience, then they need to actually learn how the game functions, not just for their child’s enjoyment, but for their safety as well.

It’s simply irresponsible, lazy parenting, to place rules on the child without knowing that those rules will be effective or fair.

The current system is not inclusive for all players. Like you, I am getting older now. When I was younger, I was in the elitist groups. Doing the highest content. It is not until we are older that we regret our actions.

Remove m+ r+ and the toxicity from the game.


I can assure you that it is a real situation, I had plenty of kids accounts that I dealt with when I worked tech support for a gaming platform and talking to their parents and they aren’t allowed simply because of the toxicity.


Did you notice the extremely restrictive time limits that they had set on the little dude? I would be crying my eyes out if I had an hour to do something and then had it taken away because of mule holes.

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In the world of this didnt happen. This didnt happen. How long did it take yoi to chatgpt a story for this?

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This isn’t proof of anything.

Also, this isn’t really a kid’s game. Sure, it’s rated T for Teen but it’s subscription based. I doubt there are many parents, unless they are gamers themselves, that would pay for that.

I have tanked M+ this season, and mythic raid in the past. But I don’t tank leveling dungeons or LFR because there’s too much drama. People would rather wait 20 minutes for a tank than have a shred of kindness/understanding

Removing those really isn’t going to chage the toxicity though.

Toxic behavior was around before mythics were and ran rampant.

By removing the stupid debuff!! Its just bad game design and wrong to have it.


You’re discounting history and what led to the debuff in the first place.


No winning the vote kick argument. It’s good and bad, just sucks if you get the short end. I will say I have never been kicked, rarely vote yes unless its obvious like an afk or super detriment but rarely have seen that. I will also admit I have only initiated one kick that I can remember. A player was dead through a whole boss encounter, didnt take any battle rezzes and was still dead once we got to the next boss. So maybe like 10 to 15 minutes total so I figured not coming, literally the second I initiated it they pop back alive. Felt like a dummy.

No im not. I know why they did it. I dont care because its not then its now and this thing is a dinosaur.
Its not needed and it hurts innocent people more than it does the ones it was for.