They Wanted to Kick Him Because He Didn't Talk, Then His Mom Messaged Me

I was in a group to do a dungeon and we had one of those people that just talks and talks. He kept asking the tank questions and the tank never said a word. Then I get a whisper from the talky person saying we ought to kick this tank because he doesn’t say anything. I don’t reply, because I’m busy dps’ing for one thing and I thought the idea was stupid as we were doing fine in the dungeon. Next thing I know there is a vote to kick him out and boom he’s gone. I felt bad about it, so I whispered to the kicked player that I was sorry and to tell them I did not vote to kick. We get another tank and continue on. We get to the last boss and I notice as we are fighting that I got another whisper back from that player. It basically said, this is (so and so’s mom) and I’m just wondering what happened as he is upset and almost in tears and telling her he can’t play for another 30 minutes. So I explain that someone in the group voted to kick him, because he didn’t talk or answer their questions. She tells me that he is not allowed to talk to anyone while playing the game, it’s her and her husbands rule as they had problems with someone saying inappropriate things to him in the past. She told me he was 14 and they allow him to play for one hour a night, 2 hours on the weekend days. I apologized to her and said I was sorry but the game can have some toxic players sometimes, but we are not all that way.

In the end, I told her I would make another group with me leading and run him through a dungeon if he wanted in a little bit and he won’t be kicked out. So we waited and then I logged onto my main and took him though a dungeon run. He was a decent tank, just not allowed to talk because of his parents. I can sort of understand wanting to protect your kids. There are a lot of bad apples in our society today and some of them play games.

I’m 49, will be 50 in January and been playing this for around 20 years. I been gaming since the days of Intellivision and original Atari. I’ve played about everything that’s ever been popular on PC, console, etc. and there are always a few toxic players in every game I’ve played. I’m not advocating for or against the vote to kick system as I think it has its place , but yes, it can be abused. I don’t think there is any good solution to it, to be honest. The dungeon we were in, did not require any coordination or talking either, so it was just one person basically upset his questions were not answered and he decided to use the games kick system to exact his punishment.

I’ve racked my brain trying to think of a way Blizz could make the kick system fair to people like that kid, but also still be available for when people really need it. There just is no real solution. If they removed the kick time out penalty, then toxic players just reque and ruin someone elses run. If they keep it in, then sometimes a player gets kicked who doesn’t deserve it. Sort of taking the good with the bad approach.

In the end, it is what it is and maybe the real problem are the people that vote YES to kick, when they know they should not. Sometimes I wonder why people just go along with the toxic mentality of one person in the group, instead of making up their own minds and doing the right thing. Then again, maybe this world really is getting worse, and people just care less and less about their fellow man. I pray it’s not that, I really do.


people don’t even read the kick reasons anymore it’s so stupid. if the group was doing fine it shouldn’t even be possible to kick, but implementing something to control that is easier said than done


one time i wrote the reason to kick “lowest dps” on the resto druid and it went through.


Congratulations, you got psychologically manipulated by a 17 year old.


Ron Burgundy doesn’t believe you.


I will continue to say that adding a text box to vote yes might deter some absent minded kickers. Sure, people will still say yes, but I’ve come to believe most people are lazy enough to not want to go through a small (50-100?) text box to vote “yes”, especially if they disagree/are ambivalent to the whole situation.

We may never solve poor the poor behavior of humans, but it’s certainly possible to appeal to our lazier sides :melting_face:


There is no way that because “toxic people” say bad words online these parents punish their kid by forcing him to not talk while everybody else is still allowed to talk crap to him.

I refuse to believe this is a real situation.


Yeah those online lobbies for Atari were real mom lovers…

What are you talking about, of course we do. There are many many reasons why, but you seem a bit too immature to explain those reasons. A quick hint, its more than just group chat in wow.


I believe you replied to the wrong person.

I always vote no.


Correctly diagnosed problem. This has been the issue with vote-kick since its implementation. People just voting “yes” without reading the damned notification.

I can’t even remember all the times I’ve gotten ash olès to kick their own group member because I wrote in the box a description of myself.


With the title, I feel like I was about to read some click bait article on Buzzfeed.


Sadly, I feel for the person that got kicked and understand the parents reason behind what they told him what not to do. But sadly, World of Warcraft is the number one toxic community out of all games sadly because Blizzard doesn’t do anything and allows this to happen. I am happy u took the person through and help them complete what they needed to do. This is why I don’t pay the game like I used to because of the Elitism and Guild Drama picking favorites and that if u don’t meet the dps meter even if it because of guilds or groups not allowing u to get gear up then u consider a outcast to the community and sadly Blizzard doesn’t care and allow this to happen. I personally don’t think Blizzard Ion etc will do anything to fix this system where people abuse it when the player did nothing wrong.


Sometimes I suspect people don’t read the vote kick window closely enough. It’s possible the other two people thought the annoying one was being voted on to get kicked and hastily clicked yes without reading.


They should put a 5 hr cooldown on kicks across your alts if you voted yes. That way people wont want to waste their cooldowns on stupid kicks but for the really potentially toxic players.


With the body text, I feel like I did.

That won’t help they find a way around it

Seems suspicious. I doubt the kid was 14. Report the mom for using her kids account or the kid for using his moms account.

Can’t say that I always vote no but most of my votes are a no.

The reason for that being the case is that most of the reasons I see for a kick are terrible because most attempts are initiated by trolls.

But you can let one kid use your account from what I understand…so why?