They made delves worse again

Hmm not looking forward to that, guess I’ll find out after reset when I do 8’s on my hunter here this week.

Question I keep circling back to is “Who exactly are Delves for” Because early on they were tagged as a pillar for those Open World Players. But in all honesty, it sure doesn’t feel like it both from a challenge perspective and gearing alternative.

Not to mention their not really going to be an Alt friendly system in the coming weeks for those players who missed out on the easy Alt levling.


unlikely I just pushed myco to 10 and cleared it boss died reasonably fast on a 580 brewmaster with dps bran doing 50+ % of my damage

and 9 out of 10 times, when one player dies, everyone dies, then the run is bricked, all because the mob’s hp are way too high to do damage too, too fast too. it was designed around solo content, outstanding !, now make them where a decent player can solo them, and not need to group. sure some players want to run with wife, gf, bud, what not, but this does not mean the mobs go from 10m health to 100m health all because two players want to run it. i love the system, but it deff needs work. and no, i do not like anything free handed to me, i like to earn my keep.

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Yep exactly.

The fact there is no catch up mechanic on the coffer keys is terrible. if you didn’t happen to watch YouTube videos or read wowhead, you kind of just got screwed out on 606 gear.

Also, something is seriously wrong with the loot table. There are multiple threads about this, but 5 out of my eight delves dropped capes.

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I don’t want to learn to use defensive, to avoid mechanics; or to interrupt. I want to face roll through content to get good gear without any skill or effort on my part.

It really doesn’t need to be a tank option. DPS Brann just needs his threat pumped up. (Much better because you still get good DPS instead of tank DPS)

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It’s absolutely ridiculous. What a fail feature.

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The AI NPCs are not good, hell most of the devs at blizzard don’t seem to want to put any effort in the script for the ai functions.

Brann will stand in AOEs constantly…he will not try to avoid being in any of the frontals, he also fails at interrupting and bugs out and just stand around.

Beyond me how they design scenarios with a AI partner and gave him the same functions as the slow AI from pvp brawls lol.

They also didn’t gives us an option on controlling his behaviors.

i finally solo’d a t8 without any issues on my demon hunter tank last night. It only took me 53 minutes but I got it finished. It was iffy at some pulls (doing that one in donogal area with the lights). I had my Bran set to heals and he went in at level 23 and leveled to 24 after finishing it.

I cant imagine how hard it is for a healer to try to solo.

They should have 3 different rule sets going in, if you are a healer - you should have a tank bran and maybe a mini dps bran


does not take that long to pull everything one by one - there just isn’t that many mobs in those. The one I did on my undergeared 79 rogue yesterday I basically did that and I would guess less than 30 minutes although I never timed it. I would have noticed it if it was much more than that.

Idk i just did one on my dk frost spec ilvl 582 and I think I could have beat it using a rolling pin on the keyboard. It can’t possibly be that much harder for other classes. I’m gettting ilvl 616 out of the vault for that. It’s already so free how can they make it any freer.

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Or give him the equivalent of a pet bar

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Lol rolling pin on the keyboard. Now that image is stuck in my noggin

I personally wish delves were more like the follower dungeons, only harder.


Sounds like they perfectly replicated player hunters :rofl:


Yes, but then why should they exist as a separate thing. They should have just made follower dungeons scale up with a spearate reward structure similar to what delves have.

Ah, Yes, let me just do the mechanics on Xikvik in Underkeep.

Okay, he is doing his big aoe, I move out of it
Okay, he dropped some swirls, I move out of it
Okay, he is doing his casted spell, I do not have a kick
Pain Supression and Rapture myself
Die to the chanellened spell because I have no kick as a Disc Priest.

If only you had the ability to understand JUST how easy you have it as a DK in Delves, it really CAN be that much harder for other classes/specs, and is that much harder.

It is a bit of a meme currently that all you have to do to make a DK appear out of nowhere is say “delves are too hard”. If you do, some random DK will appear out of nowhere to screech about how they are so easy that he facerolled them at 510il 0 deaths EZ as pie.


Did a lvl 7 bound delve on this toon, gs around 584 i think it was ?, the delve in the deeps, sorry, forget the name. anyway, went in solo, was faced with a pack right at the start. big bug with 15m health, i watched the moves all these mobs were doing, after some careful timed shots, i was able to clear this area, yes, it took me some time to do it, deff not a 15 min run ! last boss at end had 44m+ health !..i was like, ok, this is gonna hurt, dove in, had brann as healer, he was only like lvl 16 ?. it took me some time to take this boss down, hardest part was paying attention to the cast this boss was doing, i have DBM , big help in here folks !. won the run, got the loot, finally able to go to lvl 8 now, but will wait until i get my gear lvl up some more. no rush, taking my time. bottom line: don’t rush the run !!!, take your time if you have time to spare ?, you can do this !. p.s. i still think players that wear cloth, or healers in these will have a hard time without a pet or tank.

I was going to say, you’re playing a hunter, it’s not quite the same on a priest or mage vs the class literally BUILT to solo stuff.