They made delves worse again

Tried to solo a delve as a healer today. It was easy everyday before today. But suddenly Brann is somehow immune from aggro and everything just beats on me the entire time. This is terrible, unfun gameplay. Plus if the pack is more than 2 mobs I just instant die as a priest. I won’t do another delve as healer unless this is fixed. How have the devs managed to make delves so bad is so many different ways in just a week. It’s so disappointing.

They’ve now managed to make delves harder for solo tanks and harder for solo healers than solo dps. Real smart guys! GG


Agree. It’s been back and forth because there’s warring factions inside Blizz about what delves should be. Or if they should even exist.


Yeah, I waited to do delves because I was doing other things.
Gave it a try and it was hot garbage. People were reaching +11 delves before the recent changes.
Exploit early, exploit often apparently.


“tank Bran”.
Bran does no threat and will not pull off you


Only healers should get a tank bran, and he needs to be squishy enough where healers need to keep him alive, and if they don’t they are screwed, but able to do content at a decent pace.

That way healers can you know heal and do content, while at the same time getting better at healing when they do group content.

Shocking concept.


Stop it. Every class other than tanks need a tank. No one should be spending 5 hours single pulling an entire delve.


Ret paladin does not need a tank.

Demon hunter as well.

I’m bad at the game and I don’t take 5 hours to solo a tier 8. It takes a bit of time but it will only get better with better gear, and more brann levels.

Not sure what you want?


If you’re the healer part of a two player team, you want the other part to be a heuvos out killer taking on all comers, not some wuss afraid to get in a bad guy’s face

(because that wuss is you!)


You are why these forums need a laugh react.


I feel like this would be easier for Blizz if they never introduced an AI follower. Delves isn’t something new and they never had this much trouble balancing Torghast or Visions or Mage Tower or Brawlers Guild.


Thank you for running away from the question. You don’t know what you want, so you are ignored.


They should not exist, Blizzard can not handle the responsibility.


I dont give an ish what your opinion is of what i said, but i did say exactly what i wanted. You ignored it because in your mind you cant be challenged.


The follower dungeon AI NPCs are pretty good this time around.

I think they should have created a trinity model for delves, where you queue for a role, and you get two AI companions with the other roles.

Or give Brann three roles, DPS/heals, tank/heals, DPS/tank.


Blizzard not having their tuning lined out, despite months of alpha and beta feedback and data, doesn’t equate to players “exploiting”.

Myself and others made posts stating that the game was not even close to being ready to release, and we caught a lot of flack for it.


Insert X does not need a tank

Irrelevant, tank should be an option for anyone that wants to use it. Another solution would be that every spec has only ONE option that is a hybrid based off the players role.

Tanks would get a healer/dps
Healers would get a tank/dps
Dps would get a tank/healer

This is also very simplistic and ignoring other issues like differences in CC, Defensives, Interrupt cooldowns, or even access to an interrupt in the first place(priest healers).


I feel like being a solo healer is sort of a contradiction. Like, yeah, I know you get an NPC to tank and heal for you. But I feel like if you wanna heal, it’s to be support to a group. Of other players.

That being said, they should probably do some granular tuning to delves that make mobs have less hp and makes Brann deal more threat if the solo player is a healer.


They can’t even get two roles right…


Anyway, Delves have issues. I think they scale randomly and are much worse in groups.

A tank brann as I said should only be for healer classes.

I also think the brunt of the damage should not come from auto attacks.

Certain classes don’t have the tools to solo them, and that is fine as long as brann becomes the answer to make up for it. That is what he suppose to be for.

I think Delve 8s should take a bit to do. I enjoy that mobs take awhile to kill, but I don’t enjoy some of the uncontrolled damage, and can’t los certain mobs.


Tru dat. :man_shrugging:

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