They made delves worse again

Too bad they specifically said they do not want Brann kicking and stopping things so often that it feels like he is playing the game for you.

Somehow they just completely forgot about the fact that they refuse to give two specs in the game access to an interrupt.



Because the fundamental issue is that current expansion healer DPS is awful. Making delves better for healers by buffing a delve specific aid puts them in a situation where they canā€™t fix their core issue of low DPS without also overtuning them in delves.

If healers are struggling where DPS arenā€™t, then thatā€™s a problem with the healer toolkits not being sufficient and reason to buff healers, not put a fix for one specific type of content while the questing that everyone has to go through is still awful.

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That is a nice hotfix at least this time I could do Zekvir on base level with my DK, But I wish this fixes came sooner, It took me 45 mins to complete the Sinkhole with my ele shaman

They could hand out some kind of kick ability a la a Remix tinker I guess?

But again there is plenty of AI Johnny on the spot kicking in follower dungeons, so I donā€™t see why Brann canā€™t use his feet.

DPS is even bad for disc, which is ā€¦ I mean ā€¦

I did Rsham, Disc, and Rdruid leveling and it felt fine. It did not feel nearly as bad as MW leveling in DF at least.

Maybe an open world/solo(delve) aura buff to healer damage would be a place to start, and dealing with the disc/holy priest lack-of-interrupt outlier situation.

Based on many ā€œexperiencedā€ players or ā€œGeT Gudā€ players, this is well deserved change.

Disc leveling is fine if you start covered in ā€œmemoriesā€ gear and do L76-80 with pet battles. IMO.

Absolutely nothing would be broken by increasing disc damage by, say, 2x, while adjusting atonement to have roughly the same output.

I must admit, Iā€™m kinda getting whiplash from Blizzardā€™s back and forth on this.


stop trying to make Brann tank because heā€™s not supposed to.

My disc priest was only like 450il at 70, felt perfectly fine 70, 72-80.

I did 71 as Shadow to try it and just went back to disc after.

My priest started out as shadow back in Wrath and then Blizzard started completely reworking the spec and it was just no fun anymore. Also itā€™s really hard to avoid having high health mobs beat you in the face as shadow and when that happens there is not much you can do about it.

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I fight the stupid delve boss on my Brewmaster for 10 minutes straight.

Opposite of fun.

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They completely killed Delves. The solution was pretty PRETTY simple: Reduce the Ilvl rewards of T8, makes the better rewards T12 and add more tiers with big numbers for more cosmetic rewards and for Zekvir. Done, simple. No one wanted to push 12 before bc It wasnā€™t really necessary, even tho It was prob the same bs itā€™s now: big and slow with a lot of 1shots, but Itā€™s FOUR tiers above so It makes sense the numbers scaled highly, now no one wants to do Delves AT ALL because to everyone that ā€œabused of Itā€ before already have 616 and M+ is just around the corner, offering much better rewards in basically similar timing and much less stress. They shot themselves in the foot this time, these new Delves are making people miss Thorghast.
Also personal note, I liked Thorghast a lot better with the insane powers we could get. Delves doesnā€™t offer 5% what Thorghast/Visions used to offer at their times, this new feature IS almost as bad as Island Expeditions, and that thing was AWFUL.

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Yeah, ive been running 8s as ret with brann as dps. ilevel 600-603 ilevel.

They nerfed DPS Brann? I could SCREAM. I am not resubbing this was my only month of War Within. I have had it. This coupled with the delve changes are sending my over the limit. I literally play a healer.

Except they havenā€™t been. Fade has been inconsistent to say the least in the last 24 hours as well. I did enough tier 8ā€™s to fill up my vault, but had to quite out on one today because the aggro was just too unpredictable. It feels like the actual scaling changes every hour.

I also donā€™t get it. Over 10 years ago SWTOR had a reasonable tank AI for companions. I remember wrecking things on my scoundrel while Bowdarr kept aggro. If Delves require the use of mechanics that traditionally are restricted to group content, then you should be providing tools to characters to succeed.

Yeah, it is pretty bad but it is better than not having fade. Delves are just a mess, so many things do not work properly, at all, or the way they want them to work is bad.


I got home tonight and got my last level on my SP, went into delves at 550 ilvl ran 2 tier 5ā€™s with Brann as heals and swept them both with no deaths.

600 ilvl in the vault in the morning, a 50 ilvl jump (maybe more depending on the slot, my lowest piece I have on is my 538 weapon).

So Iā€™m guessing they fixed it?

No, not fixed, but the jumps in scaling per key level are pretty large. 5s have mobs that hit like noodles while 8s are pumplords still.

Did a +8 with my bro earlier and a friend. Me and my bro are 605, friend was just shy of 600. We couldnā€™t complete the candle delve. For some odd reason I just kept aggro despite him being a tank. We interrupted, but didnā€™t matter. Then later we got an empowered mob who would web and pull us directly into the mob casting a frontal that 1-shot us.

Delves are just miserable now. Early couple of days we had some rough runs, but it was doable as long as you paid attention and didnā€™t hyper pull obviously. Now itā€™s just a horrendous slog. I really do hope they fix it cuz Iā€™d love to get the Void dirigible.

Not to mention Iā€™d love to get some gear on my alts, but canā€™t find a group cuz gearā€™s not good enough, and on top of that canā€™t solo it cuz as a healer you will just die. I was taking 2-3mil an auto before casts/extra mobs so Iā€™m basically stuck finding a group that wonā€™t take me, or waiting for friends. So much for solo content.