They made delves worse again

simple test, go to a delve solo, step in, see the hp’s, step out, then invite a couple friends to join you ( not run it ), you will see the hp’s go off the charts !

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Wouldn’t say it’s harder, just different.

You have 5 people, so you CC 5 adds, burn boss, hope it dies before maybe 6 or 7.

on Zekvir only.

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who said anything about zekvir ???..this thread was about delves in general. i see you are not well liked in other threads, i can see why…lol.

No there isn’t. The dev’s do as they are told. lol

Playing the game is not exploiting.

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I’m really sad to see the new content for this expansion go like this.

Here’s my opinions for what they are worth…

1, Blizzard need to be clear about what their purpose is…
I think it is…
a. early in the season gearing up for heroic/mythic/m+
b. for solo players
c. for a challenge for the best players above level 8.

  1. For solo players not quite up to the challenge above level 5 say build a time/reward system where Brann can get a lot of levels for spending a lot of time so that is scaled to get easier close to the end of a season where the gear rewards will be soon obsolete but the challenge won’t be.

  2. Some of the reward chests give skills which are huge (in a torghast vein) - some are meh… one way to balance classes would be to give them a skill chest at the start of the delve which either gave them necessary skills (eg poison cure), a big health buff, a healing talent for some pure dps classes - but only where that class is doing badly solo in delves.

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Because you kept using ? notation which is the zekvir difficulty marker.

For normal 5 man delves? they’re easier.

lol, yeah…you keep white knighting for this mess, i’m sure they will put you on the pay roll soon…lmao. as for the so called notation of zek ?, guess some folks need to learn when and what it stands for, even if the word ZEK was never mentioned in a post of his/hers. i’m done with you sir/ma’m, have a good one.

Because you kept using ? like a difficulty indicator with how many times you used ?

waxface is in the house tonight
i580s gonna have a bad time

is that the k rest delve in dor ?, man…went in 2 of us, it took a few to take him down…lol.

Why does it being trash in the past mean it should continue to be trash now that they are trying to put an eng game solo progression system in?

Groups have more resources to pull from vs the same enemies.
Solo is full wipe or no wipe, group is full, partial or no wipe
Solo is you alone, help yourself or die, Group is help yourself, help others, get helped by others
So, we will make this easy to understand with two basic scenarios

1: Solo run, one caster mob, you can kick every other cast, the cast hits for 100% damage

2: Duo run, one caster mob, you can kick every cast, the cast hits for 5000000% damage

What one is easier? Clearly the duo run is easier, because you go from 50% damage taken to 0%.

This is not meant as a super in-depth sweaty explanation of why groups will tend to be easier, but it gives you an idea. They can never make solo and group equivalent, but they can make both be not miserable.

Bran isn’t a tank and him holding aggro was a bug.

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Difficulty is far too dependant on role and spec currently for anyone to give you an answer to that. There might a few people qualified but they would have had to test multiple roles, specs, and many different combinations of groups.


Not nearly enough tuning, many many more things need to change. You are still going to be stuck as a healer trying to not pull threat off Bran, just for slightly less time.

I do not care if they nerf the health of mobs by 90%, if they still do a cast that will one shot me that I can not kick(Disc/Holy Priest) it is irrelevant.

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Yup, I’m done with delves unless it changes. It’s not just the under water ones, its every bolstered today.

The whole breath and can’t move mechanics are the worst also. Takes me 2-3 minutes to kill something so I need to basically just stand on a bubble. Candles I can’t even deal with because I have to kite non-stop or die in 2-3 hits even healing myself.

Really seems like Ion had a hand in the design of these things. I mean a single person running each of these with a healer spec of each type would tell them how utterly bad the balance is.


That’s why Brann needs to interrupt reliably.

Comparing Brann to the AI dungeon followers, I feel like two different teams worked on this, and the dungeon guys (who admittedly have had a couple more years) have it right, and the Brann guys are just “wut”

Used to be Gregcrawler who was in charge of making casual life suck. Long ago I thought Ion would be better at responding to the market, as in, the majority of the player base, but it seems he is even worse at his job than Greg was.