They know Twink wasn't a term of endearment right?

I wonder if this that Don DH person

I’m actually a woman, but this made me :rofl:


not sure what you are attempting to state here but it was a term used for fully geared pvp players usually lv 19. and possibly had exp turned off.

not even close for majority of players

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May I look after you OP?

I feel like you went on a journey with your post and lost your way.

First half makes sense. But it feels like you went on a tangent and just ran with it.

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Some of the best PvPers I ever partnered with were women.
Across multiple games.
When their kids started playing I would say:
“UR Mom was better at PvP than you are sunshine,
and that was with you on her lap squealing for the keyboard.”
Good times.


If twink is a negative word then explain this



can someone translate?


my question as well

Extremely Online Person Eats Own Tail

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chat gpt makes another star post

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Aye, I saw the word twink in the title, thinking its my time to shine.
<—Vanillia twink with pvp title.

Then i got lost in the OP and am now confused. I guess wrong twink =(


Twinking is still a thing, the population is just really small an mostly focused around pve/wargames.

If anyone is interested in low level content I would suggest xpoff . com


I hope, so, I wanna see him go full on Manduin.

Is this thread a necro?

It feels like this should be a necro.

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Any thread can be a necro :slight_smile:

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It should have died at inception. The OP sounds high AF. I’m sure they make sense to themselves but none of his statements seem to connect with anything intelligible to anyone else in this thread, myself included.

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You seem wholly unfamiliar with this concept. ‘Well-written’, I mean.

OP, I am madness and discord incarnate, and even I am just over here staring like you just spoke wookie or somethin…


To be fair, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to people who have played both games.