They know Twink wasn't a term of endearment right?

Are you saying good luck to understanding your own post? That’s the only good luck anyone in this thread needs lmao.

You took a rabbit hole and turned it into a subway system.


This. Back to the drawing board, OP, my lovely.

Not gonna fool your Uni’s GPT sniffer with this attitude.

You can assume all you’d like, but assuming is how we got here in the first place.

You think he might suplex some cultists next patch?

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Youre the one making the post. Maybe you need to learn sentence format and how not to have AI chat post out your paragraphs in a way that seems you just hit auto fill on your phone until the post was filled up.

It goes from twinks to AI toy? How does that relate to the first part of your post?

Then designs of destiny 2???

Theres no correlation youre just yammering…

WTF does the term twink have to do with random similarities between activision and destiny 2!?!

Make sense… Please…

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There’s tons of crossover between the work, which means they weren’t using their own brand’s identity either from a lack of ideas or otherwise.
Surely out of that mass of people there had to be some better ideas instead of following those trends.

I take exception to this false declaration.


I dont have to make sense to people who arent willing to level

So then why start off with the whole twink crap as a red herring to talk about something entirely different of comparing wow to destiny 2 which also makes no sense at all to people who dont or have never played that game…

I know an old school forum twink when I see one. :wink:

His brains gotta get sexy first and he’s working on it lol

Hmmmm. I think he’d be more the Re4 Leon Kennedy in Midnight.
Right now he’s in James Sunderland mode but he’s on the path to the good / Leave ending


Me trying to figure out is trying to level. Youre the one making a word salad and trying to play it off like youre just far so intelligent that you just cant be understood.

I can make some random mess of philosophical bs and claim its smart. Lol. Your level please. Saying nonsense doesn’t make you smart it just makes you confusing.

I beg to differ, there hasn’t been a genuine question on what has you so confused without you insisting on anything I wrote before being a word salad. You’re showing your intent which immediately show a bad faith argument or debate is going to happen.
I’m not interested in that.
I’m sorry that frustrates you but good luck.

No god no with an unprompted op like this i want nothing to do with a debate in this.

If the point is the term usage of twink being something else used destiny 2 which came after wow doesn’t make sense to bring into the comparison.

Considering most coming here are about as lost with your point id say good luck with your communication skills. :v:

Is this AI chat? Are you interested in twinks? :wink:


Maybe if this forum wasn’t filled with people like you who see something they don’t understand and immediately dogpile it because it scares them the game might actually change for the better.
By the way nice ChatGPT spam you got there

What I skimmed was wildly incoherent. May the Titans have mercy on your soul OP.


Like what?

Blizzard never used the term. It was invented by players, and I haven’t seen someone say it for years until just now.

Yea I Pvped back then, and like I said, used to lmao.
Urban dictionary has nothing to do with society (who also played wow) that did know the true meaning of a word Wow-epeeners didn’t.

Twinks are twinks, you just didn’t know, and I enjoyed killing lots of em -and- trash talking their chosen Nickname while doing so:
“Put your epeen back in your pants little Twink, you are FABULOUS DAHLING, just not in the way you thought.”

You Old Twinks are still FABULOUS DAHLING.

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