They know Twink wasn't a term of endearment right?

I just recently started playing again and making my playthrough of shadowlands and dragonflight and I’m noticing a very obvious trend, and it got me thinking.

Maybe Blizzard didn’t know?

Which sure I could see a new hire who wasn’t around for that time,
browsing through the posts,
getting REAL confused why bunch of the community was using the initial insult,
thrown around out of spite when you’d get killed in a battleground,
was instead being used as a substitute for saying low leveled meta,
(most of that was teenagers not knowing what it meant but it started with ignorant name calling)
Totally get that, makes sense to me how someone would get that confused.

It is (or was idk now) an incorrect assumption for the type of majority of people who played WoW.

Worst case alternate scenario,
blizzard could have fed a shiny new AI toy (that blew up 3ish years ago) a bunch of forum posts and tried to use that as justifying demographic evidence thinking they’d be ahead of the curve and know whos playing their game. Except AI doesn’t know lingo or sarcasm.
Which to me also checks out.

So why would they use it?
They were grasping at straws for designs before and kept using the same market research at the same time as other games like destiny 2.

Seriously, check out the similarities when activision-blizzard held onto destiny 2 for that short time:

i was gonna link pictures use your imagination

  • the sha and the taken
  • suramar and the dreaming city
  • the zandalari and the scorn

I’m sure there’s more and better examples both games and film at that time period around legion/bfa, but the point is they all share unified color pallets/major identifying elements which is real hard to nail for creating a unique identity that appeals to several groups of a mass audience.

Which is why only people should do it for their own games if they weren’t before.

Not meant as hate or fact for anything previously mentioned,
sharing designs isn’t anything new and neither is including new people, I’m just trying to figure out how they came to the decision of marketing 4 years worth of expansion around 5% of earths self reported population as if they were all exclusively playing WoW.

Surely someone had to have said something about it

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What on earth are you talking about?


Honey, you have know idea what the forums were like 18 years ago filled with level 19 twinks. Of course they know…, but they grew to love us even though our antics were banned.


If you look at shadowlands/dragonflight from another perspective itll make sense, unless you don’t know what a twink is outside of WoW


wait wut is this thing called Twinks outside of WoW?


I know what twink means outside of WoW, I just don’t understand what it has to do with the rest of your post.


The term in wow has absolutely nothing to do with what you’re thinking of outside of wow. Its been around for like 18 years in this game by now. Older than when the term hit society lol


A thing that ages with the sands of time

I’m just as confused as you, fellow panda. I have no idea how the OP went from that thread title to the rest of their post. :joy:


I was interested at twink, confused in the first half, lost in the second


Umm no.
Twinks were Twinks in society long before Wow.
Long before internet gaming.

I used to laugh in Vanilla/TBC when people levelled Twinks and said so.
“Umm bro do you know the meaning of the term you use for yourself?”


If their true goal with this word salad of a thread was to sow confusion, mission accomplished I guess.


I think it was only effective on the pandas…everyone else seems to be attempting to engage instead of just being confused like we are. :dizzy_face:


I started sensing ChatGPT around the second “paragraph”; stopped reading at that point.

Need a tl;dr or no go.


Oh I’m aware of that, the first place i heard it was in a battleground. But lets say a dev hasnt and goes to google what a twink is, or worse an AI.

My “Twink” brings all the boys to the yard
And they’re like, it’s better than yours
Damn right it’s better than yours
I can teach you, but I have to charge

Word Salad someone said?

Anything lengthy or well written isnt immediately chatgpt, i hand wrote all of this to say i think blizzard had the wrong idea of the community for the lingo it use to use.

Is this about Anduins new npc model?

It wasn’t Blizzard,
it was the community.


We ain’t getting out of the Aslume with this one…