…do you not know what “obfuscation” means? Is this your new favorite word? How is anyone making the queue system obscure and/or unintelligible? Holy crap just speak plainly instead of making yourself look like an idiot trying to use words you don’t understand.
Literally do not since you’re just snagging a word you think fits that clearly doesn’t.
There is no tricking. People queue and they either get grouped together because insufficient people are queuing allowing everyone to just get in line together… or they don’t. That’s not a trick. Blizzard doesn’t care about intentions.
Sure. I couldn’t care less who does it because it isn’t against the EULA. You children need to stop assuming that every argument is based on the same ridiculous emotional tripe as your own addle-minded silliness. Don’t project.
I did, this isn’t something that’s arbitrarily happening and there’s no exploit, it’s the result of months of horde winning AV for reasons that aren’t relevant.
As such so few alliance were queuing that this is inevitable and there’s nothing that can really be done about it until more alliance start queuing at which point it fixes itself.
Again, you don’t think the Alliance pre-made crap had anything to do with discouraging peole from queueing?
I recall queuing up. Had like 1-2 hours of play time max. I wasn’t part of the premade team, so I was greated with multiple /spit and a 30 min deserter debuff before the gates opened.
Perhaps that wasn’t your team. That story isn’t unique to me, however.
What about AV starting with less than 10 and not filling out until the Horde were pulling Van?
Oh, and when they broke pre-mades the first time, we had 20+ refusing to particpate due to pouting.
It’s not just “the map” or “OP racials.” It’s the overall attitude as a faction.
Horde is doing this too now because our queues are <1 minute during HvH. This is exactly the same circumstance that allowed Alliance to be able to queue up at the same time and get into the same AV.
Faced a full HORDE Whitemane premade in EotS and another almost-full premade with 10 from a different server, I think Skeram. Or maybe Faerlina can’t remember.
Is this cheating too since Blizz specifically disabled parties larger than 5 from queueing together. I’m waiting for the horde threads crying about those. Would be hypocritical if only complain when it comes to the Alliance.
So due to the way this works, this is definitely something blizzard would prefer you not do.
However, that doesn’t mean it’s cheating necessarily. Lots of unintended behavior gets fixed with no punishment to the people that took advantage of it. Even more never gets fixed.
Will they try and make a fix to this? Probably. I can’t think of one, but I’m not paid to. I’m sure they can be creative when they want to be.
But if they never punish for it, then it’s merely unintended behavior, not cheating. Cheating comes with punishments.
Personally, I think you’d get too many false positives trying to punish for this, so blizz will develop some sort of fix, and no one will be punished. But that’s just a guess, and I’ve been wrong recently.
Still, cauchy is dead wrong to call it cheating.
At any rate, I’m happy it happened because after seeing a strategy work, all the alliance pugs are mimicking it now. Including communicating, calling out to backcap, etc. I was in a game where only 5 people from the server got in, and it was indistinguishable from a full premade. People just talked in BG chat and called stuff out and it worked.
Even if they do fix it, the knowledge will remain. Sorry horde, we learned to play.
Cheating? Not really.
Advantage? Absolutely.
Poor etiquette? A little.
Game producers don’t take kindly to those creating their own advantages in their game’s environment, typically. Nor do the players on the short end of the advantage.
Will anyone get punished? Most likely not.
However, if they make a statement that indicates this might be crossing the lines, you won’t see many people taking a chance with it.
Bottom line, it doesn’t need to be specifically mentioned in the rule book for them to decide that it is not allowed. They write the rule book and make the game, so they can update it whenever they want however they want without our approval. We know this.
I really don’t see this being a long-term thing. Mostly because it’s boring. Winning every AV as horde was boring, losing every AV as alliance was boring. The reverse of that isn’t going to be any different.
If it gets alliance queueing BGs, that’s cool. If they did that in the first place we wouldn’t even be here
Agreed. They haven’t flat-out called it cheating, yet. And you’re exactly right about how it could be quite difficult to police. However, the language in the EULA about cheating is quite broad, and this “unintended behavior” could fit quite easily, and I could see them taking a firmer stance. Especially when they’ve taken measures to disrupt it already.
Heh, this is what I’ve been saying all through Classic’s history! Our win rate really should be closer to 50/50, regardless of the superficial things players have in their heads.
Outnumbering people in world pvp is also considered cheating then. You need to understand the eula is extremely vague for a reason, so they have something to fall back on to make them right no matter why they banned someone.
Stop using a standard definition to try and claim this is cheating, it’s making you look stupid.
Under this same definition, min maxing is cheating, discord is cheating, playing an op comp in arena is cheating. Anything can be cheating under this definition
How so? I’m pointing out a likely cause as to why we have the lack of participation that we’ve had over the past year. None of this is a comparison to the pre-made teams now.