They claim that pre-made teams aren't stacked

What an ignorant thing to say

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Hence why i went to benediction when it was close to 50-50

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Whitemane when i started here in p3 was very close to 50/50.

Now its basically 60/40 Horde.

It’s going to be really interesting reading all the, “banned for nothing, clever use of game mechanics” threads in couple weeks. We’ve all seen this before.

Let’s walk through this, let’s say they are going to ban people doing this. Where do they start? Everyone who has discord installed?


Obviously those only in AV on Alliance side ONLY who happen to be using Discord…duh!

The alliance pvp community organized itself to rise up to the challenge.

Horde could do the same but they havent.

Is it hordes turn to step up their game?

I feel like horde are getting so upset they are attempting to “scare” people with bans now lol. “GUYS YOU BETTER STOP THEY HAVE BANNED FOR THIS BEFORE”….”ok when did they do that”…… “……ITS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME NOW”


Blizz has no power or control over what you do outside of the game. To think they can ban anyone over using Discord is absolutely absurd.

What’s so delicious about it is that horde have put themselves in this situation before but just couldn’t help themselves from doing so again.


You’re actually straight dumb if you think jumping in a discord server to try win a BG is going to result in a ban, OP

Disingenuous or idiotic, which are you

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If you read anything I wrote and think this, then you came to this on your own via reductive logic.

I could ask you the same.

Give me a break, that is exactly what you’re saying boils down to.

Not at all.

Ok… I’m not sure why you’re now trying to disown your argument, nor do I care. Just as long as alliance players aren’t tricked into actually thinking they’re going to get banned for using a self-organizing discord server, which is quite clearly your goal.

Your statement doesn’t match my argument at all… It’s a long thread. Maybe you might wanna take some time to read and understand things before trying to spin.

I don’t really care about your attempts to dissemble. What you’ve tried to claim in your original post, i.e. that use of that server constitutes cheating, is false. It’s laughable.

You’d be 100% correct in thinking that claim would be false and laughable, because it is. But that’s not my claim.

Well that seems to be what everyone replying to your post thinks it is? Maybe you didn’t explain yourself properly?

That would take an intelligent post and not an devil’s advocate one from him.