They claim that pre-made teams aren't stacked


My point is quite clear and simple. I’m not the one presenting massive, meandering arguments in an attempt to provide a counterpoint.

Yes, you have personal hang-ups that you want to elevate to actionable conduct so Blizzard assuages your bruised preferences.

A. You take umbrage with this:

However, none of the things listed here are against the EULA whether done in Discord or without.

B. You respond to an apparent quote of some sort.

You treat a quote attributable to no one as reason to be skeptical of the above filtering in A.

C. You conclude the above activities are cheating.

Taken together you’ve made the following argument:

  • A Discord exists where people are only allowed to participate if they meet certain in-game thresholds of progress.
  • This Discord is used to attempt to join a single common BG despite people on this Discord not being true friends.
  • Therefore, they are cheating

None of this follows, it is all entirely based on assumption after assumption, and is moronic at its core. At no point do you make a sound claim or a valid leap of logic. Everything you point out as bad is in fact not bad by Blizzard’s own terms, and a critical part of your logic and the title of this very thread is based upon an alleged statement that no one has made.


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Actually, I really don’t care for any of those… But we are not yalking about PvE here, so it’s irrelevant.

That’s something I did not know. But that’s something Blizzard can monitor. This pre-made nonsense hasn’t been officially declared as cheating yet by Blizzard, but I am pretty sure that even the most ardent defenders of them realize it’s at least a grey area, and would like to keep their organization as far away from Blizzard as possible.

As for friends im starting to enjoy some of these people.

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Not allowed! You can’t possibly be doing successful PvP and having a good time socially!

You understand by this logic your literally suggesting that discord itself is cheating right? LOL. How dumb are you willing to get to make this sound even remotely reasonable

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Yea might as well turn in the ppl going for world first in retail having a guy on discord coaching them in the middle of others doing the fight…that just has to be cheating too…


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Couldn’t the players in the battleground use the in game voice comms to do the same thing? Why is using a third party voice program vs using the in game voice program any different? I dont see how simply having communication is cheating.

If someone were to share a discord at the start of the battleground and everyone in the BG joined to coordinate strategy, that is cheating? Pretty big leap here imo

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Again, lots of typing… but you’re still not answering the question I asked earlier…

Why bother going through all of this if there really is no distinct advantage, and if these people really aren’t “friends” as you claimed earlier? I think I recall you asking “what if I want to play with more than 5” either in this thread, or in another, yet claimed that “no one is making groups of 6+.” Why would anyone willingly take a deserter debuff instead of just follow through on the game you originally got in?

So when it comes to obfuscating the ideas at hand, you’re holding that torch.

There biggest gripe is that the discord server makes you an epic mount and trinket as if this is some insane requirement

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Why bother having that requirement, then?


You keep demanding justification for things that Blizzard does not regulate. I don’t know how you haven’t gotten this, maybe if you actually read anything.

These aren’t in conflict. People aren’t making groups of 6 or more, they’re making groups at most of 5, queueing, and hoping they end up in the same place. No one is queueing directly as 6 or more, otherwise that would be breaking the rules of the game and actually actionable.

Because they can choose to leave. Blizzard’s response to this has simply been to apply the Deserter debuff, not make people fill out a survey as to why they did so.

Again, you’re demanding people explain themselves for doing things allowable in the game that does not require an explanation.


This is the damnable AH thread all over again. People know in their heart-of-hearts that people are up to “no good” and thus want some kind of in-game justice and Blizzard literally does not regulate/action/care about such things.

Because they don’t want people to be slow? But your acting as if they are designing pugs with full honor gear and 2k resil.

Yet another verbose, evasive response with some low-brow jabs again.

You’re right - there’s nothing here that says you have to answer directly. You’re putting as much work into dodging the answers as folks are putting into “not cheating” in AV.

Then why would they make changes to the way we queue? Or any changes at all? What about the bans they laid out for AFK’s? You have no ground, with this statement.

So, folks who are sub-70 and on/or slow mounts shouldn’t be on your team, then?

If that’s what the discord wants then that’s up to them. I just find it hilarious that you’re constructing this to sound like it’s swaying your match. “OMG THEY HAVE A GROUP OF 70s IN AV WITH EPIC GROUND MOUNTS AND TRINKETS!!!” TOTALLY CRAZY UNFAIR.

You are making yourself look dumber every post dude

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Blizzard did actually break specific in games mechanics they felt were being abused. In this case there’s nothing they can or want to do, coordinating in voice chat after joining a match is not against the TOS.

If it’s unfair to horde, well too bad so sad for them, they created this entirely predictable situation by driving so many alliance out of AV. Reducing the population of alliance queuing to the point where it’s easy to get everyone in discord.

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What about those of us who are playing the game as intended? You’re also screwing your own faction.

So then its not cheating???

Thanks for confirming that for us.

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The other people in a BG are under no obligation to play the game in a way you have deemed appropriate.

Not to mention you are getting an easy win with lots of honor, what’s the issue?

You mean, going through all these hoops provides an advantage over those who aren’t doing the same? If said super-group drops the BG I’m in, I won’t be benefitting, right?