They claim that pre-made teams aren't stacked

Your point is a complete false equivalence. World PVP complaints from PVE players has nothing to do with horde PVPers crying over alliance AV queuing.

Stop playing mental gymnastics.

Using Discord is 90000000% fine. Using ANY 3RD PARTY SOFTWARE to exploit the que is BAD AND CAN GET YOU IN TROUBLE. This has been patched in Classic, and you guys found a new way to exploit it, and is trying your very hardest to hold onto it. The 7 min AV que for Alliance and 2-3 min AV que for Horde right now is extremely telling how much this is getting abused.

Do you understand the difference? Using Discord to communicate with your raid vs using Discord to exploit the the system cross-server, specifically the que? AGAIN, there is an AV group restriction for a reason, Blizzard also already made their stance on this on Classic by patching it, until you guys found a new way to exploit it.

I’m gonna post this one more time so you know for sure what you’re reading.

  1. cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise), influencing and/or facilitating gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;

If this isn’t enough for you, I really don’t know what to say except good luck.

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Addicted to embarrassing yourself, or is this some weird RP I don’t understand?

Ok I’m done here for now but everybody else please keep making Fasc respond to one liners with essay length posts that nobody will ever read.

Please do explain how alliance are using discord to exploit the queue. Be specific.

I knew this tread was gonna be great! cheer for all forum social-pvpers present.

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Here’s the instructions posted on that Discord about how to queue:

Try to group up whit the other people in your server, its way easy to organize and get into the same game doing the que in groups of 5 than whit small groups or solo que (but it can be done also whit small groups or solo que) and also if you form a 5 man all the que pops you get will be for new games because it’s very odd that 5 spots open for a alrdy started game. If you have a group of more than 5 in the same server you have to split it since the game only allows to 5 players to que together. The que system consist in everyone starting the que at the same time, and if the que pop for all the groups at the same time we get into the same game. Whit how the server has grown this is probably goin to happen at the first try but some times it won’t so is very important that you DONT TAKE THE QUE RIGTH AWAY, you gotta wait for the call, if a que pop for only some of the team what we do is drop the que, and que again. To que up the groups you only need the party leader to do it at the battle master and the whole party gets the que, but to leave the que once it poped every player has do it INDIVIDUALLY so for the que procces You HAVE TO BE ON DISC to listen to the calls of whether to drop or take the que, and you CANT BE AFK, you can’t be dead to re que. It’s recommended to have at least 15 people on the same game, whit less than that is very hard to win the game. When there is more than 25 people on the Que lobby it’s very hard to get everyone on the same game so if a que pop for more than 15 and there is a captain willing to lead in those the team will take the que, when we have 25+ people who didn’t get into the game it’s recommended to make a new que to start a second premade if there is someone who can lead it

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I think we think we dont but we do !

You haven’t stated what the actual actionable problem is. You’ve simply pointed to the outcome you dislike and declared it a problem.

Just say you don’t understand them, don’t lie like this.

This, this right here, is why no one takes you seriously. THIS DOESN’T EXPLAIN WHAT IS WRONG IT JUST WHINES ABOUT THE OUTCOME.

  • Whether or not a premade group has an advantage is a red herring.
  • What motivates people to group or not group is a red herring.
  • Whether or not Blizzard’s efforts were particularly effective or not is a red herring.

People are literally queuing for a BG at the same time and seeing if they get into the same one. That’s it. Identify the cheat, otherwise you’re just whinging.

Don’t lie, its bad for you. And don’t be disingenuous by saying “I only said it was a cheat, I never said punishment!! (Even though by definition cheaters get punished)”

Just stop.

How is the queue being “exploited”, be specific.

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Wait, so making groups using VOICE CHAT is now some how cheating? Now THAT is some real mental gymnastics.


Oh it gets even better than that because this isn’t even what’s happening. People are getting on voice chat, queuing at the same time, and if enough of them get in they break off into their own group with an impromptu captain ready to go. So they’re randomly generating a group and then utilizing voice comms after the fact.

I read it, nothing you posted makes me think this is cheating. Is using discord considered cheating?


Blizz doesnt want people to premade in av yet thats what you’re doing using software to fascilitate it effectively. I suggest you read it again.

If alliance win, yes it’s cheating, because alliance aren’t allowed to win in soviet wow.


Keep saying voice chat is software as if it is somehow the software blizzard is referring to in the tos.

So basically on that server you’re just waiting for someone to tell you to take or drop the queue, based on a little napkin math. This is HARDLY exploiting.

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I read it twenty times over…. How is this considered cheating? Communicating with people you happen to get into a group with?

They are against you quing up together, and they broke the method to do so. They can not stop people from quing at the same time. Period.

they generalize software ang give no specific name. It’s intelligent and open for interpretation for them. Pretty straight forward if you ask me.

You need to get over yourself. Seriously, man.

Universal quantifiers? Come on now… that only takes one counterpoint to disprove.

This right here really illustrates the problem we’re having. You’re in denial. People simply wanting “to play with friends” conveniently filter their team and rack up a bunch of wins.

Ok so using discord to find pugs for raids is also cheating then. By your own logic.