I’m hoping Blizzard reads everything you type in this post, and use it at as case that you’re actively participating in AV premades via circumventing the que restriction using Discord.
I already asked Blizzard about their stance, they’re 100% against it and used numerous methods to stop it in Classic. But again, you guys decided to find another way to circumvent the que and is playing the same mental gymnastics as before except, Blizzard already made their stance clear on this and already took action on this before. There is no looking innocent now when you put your hands in the cookie jar a second time.
What does any of this have to do with a ban for communicating via Discord (something Blizzard doesn’t ban people for doing)?
What a petty little soul you have! Also how is Discord circumventing the queue restriction? I’m not suddenly given access to “Join as Raid” because I’m in Discord.
[Citation Needed]
It doesn’t. You dodge simple questions with jabs of incredulity and then project that onto me without warrant. You’ve yet to explain why anyone should take you up on your challenge. You’ve yet to explain what exactly is the “cheat” you tried to link from your original post.
My feelings on the matter don’t actually factor an iota. I don’t care if they change the system tomorrow to have zero “Join as Group” options for any BG as well as remove the option to queue for specific BGs rather than just whatever is first available. But even if they did these things people could still just queue en masse and then sort themselves after landing in the BG. There’s nothing special being done here, there’s no flag or value that can be tracked that wouldn’t also just snag boatloads of solo queueing people for doing totally normal things.
I just can’t take posts like these seriously when you and others want to elevate actions that aesthetically displease you to some kind of objective moral evil that should be absolutely punished.
You sound mad that you aren’t winning 90% of every BG anymore. The way that alliance are queuing up together is effectively a bunch of people sitting in a discord, queuing all at once, and sorting out into their respective games by channel. This is not comparable to what was done during classic vanilla where alliance could actually see the BG number and be certain that they had a proper team comp and 30+ premade members.
Honestly - Get bent. You horde literally complain about every single inconvenience that you have. Its so obnoxious. Wahh our queues suck, wahhhh our own premades are farming us in HvH, wahhh alliance figured out how to ‘soft premade’ AV and now i have 1 minute queue times but lose more often.
It is completely hilarious to watch you self serving cry babies complain about having short queues but losing games in AV. Like, welcome to how alliance queues have been all TBC.
Again, you’re playing the same mental gymnastics. There is a que restriction on AV for a reason, and heaven forbid Blizzard wanted cross-server premades on Classic, lol.
With Citation needed, I’ve chatted with multiple GMs about this situation, and they all said the same stance, and proved it by literally patching AV to stop you guys from circumventing the que until recently, when you guys found a new way to exploit it, especially using a 3rd party software.
It’s quite pathetic to be honest, reading all these mental gymnastics to defend when this exact event happened not even 2 years ago.
You’re right. You ARE fine. You have low queues and nerfed premades. Yet the forum mob has moved right on to going after the AV queues that horde can also do. In fact, you can easily do this for any BG on either faction right now.
NP, that is exactly how i feel.
This makes no sense at all. try rewording that and ill try to understand it
It’s not used in the same way. It can’t be. When your queue pops, THERE IS NO BG # - only when you enter the BG can you see what BG you’re in.
In Classic queue pops were instant and the BG number was shown in your accept button. If enough people had the same BG, you accepted. If not you dropped the queue. In BC queues are about 3 minutes and YOU CANNOT SEE WHAT BG YOU WILL BE ENTERING.
Everything that was “fixed” in Classic is still “fixed.”
So you guys aren’t using Discord to do AV premades, even though I’ve heard this from literally 20+ of my alliance friends, and the whole forums. Are you playing stupid now? Is this how far we’re gonna go?