They are ruining marksmanship because of M+ players

I mean you can check my profile, not many people get to honor level 600+ without bgs. Slow pet in bgs is inferior to mortal wounds pet and it’s not even close.

The rest of your examples are niche situations, which I already agreed exist.

I think it has more to do with just how poorly lone wolf has been implemented over the years. For mm the pet just has no synergy with the kit. Its a useful standalone tool, but its one with a significant dps impact, particularly because its aoe value is nothing and in the case of mastery being good it gets nothing from that too. Despite that mm hunters are often forced to summon pet dismis pet on bosses during hero because its the group’s hero. I’ve even heard of people getting disposable hero pets where they pop hero then abandon them because its faster than dismissing. It’s just not good gameplay.

Acc wide, doesn’t mean you play MM, etc.

Perhaps if your team doesn’t have MS - which is less likely in 8+ person content.

M+ needing pet lust is already a niche situation as well, btw.

I’ve never heard of people getting “Disposable” pets but I can totally see the people pushing top level content doing that to try to maximize their play to the absolute line. That said, with all the utility of pets being pre-baked into the MM spec, there should be no reason blizzard cant just give a completely optional talent that no one has to take at the end of a line somewhere that allows the MM hunter to, if they want to for a DPS loss, take the pet, if just to have it or to tank for them.

Then the people pushing content dont have to “Waste their time” with the pet, and the people not pushing content who want their pet can keep it and still enjoy the MM play style, I fail to see, and no one has provided a justifiable reason why this can’t be a thing, beyond “its a DPS loss”, which casuals do not care about and given the change for BM, blizzard itself obviously isnt against either.


The problem is no one on the forums can provide that justification, because no one on the forums was involved in the decision or helped come up with that justification. We’ll have to wait for blue post clarification if it’s provided, anything else we talk about is just conjecture.

I know we don’t know blizz’ justification (personally I think it just comes down to its what one developer in particular wants their MM hunter to be), but I’m talking purely from justification from the playerbase for it, which always seems to come down to “its not optimal”.

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are you drunk or something?
almost no one playing with pet. only %1 like you crying about this amazing changes.

as a pvp player im happy now. cuz aimed got MS effect. stun is amazing now. other abilites are in talents.

love these changes.


I mean I’d be fine with that, it’s just that at that point its more of a will blizzard do that and you end up seeing people upset that their class isn’t getting changes or w/e. Personally I think it’s fine since pets for mm have been a vestigial addition for a while now. They exist purely for utility; they barely function as a tank and once you get some gear you don’t even need them to do so except for like delves or weird cases. In terms of actual gameplay though pets are very passive for damage dealing, and there is also the argument to be made for them being immersion breaking for the spec designed to just shoot things because hunters have a lot of rp archetypes trapped in their umbrella.

It’s also a tad vexing to see what is honestly one of the better changes of the patch being constantly complained about on the forums when there are things worth being mad about elsewhere that get crickets.


Aggro isn’t an issue. Between Misdirect and feign death, you should be able to have a pet hold aggro just fine even in MM. The issue is that you can’t keep them up as well due to less leech, armor, health and a weaker mend-pet.


MM isn’t getting ruined lol. In pve you don’t use a pet as MM, unless you have to lust.


Are you trolling?

Some of us find the changed good to great, we just don’t like the monkey’s paw nature of them.

ugh, in group PvE you don’t use a pet as MM unless you have to lust, in solo PvE some like to use their pets as pocket tanks. Maybe the discussion would be better if people though about more aspects of the game then just group and/or PvP content.


And if they stopped acting like DPS was the only thing that matters in WoW at all.


We have so many iterations of melee character and caster character, and we can’t figure out a unique way to introduce another bow/gun class? Ok.


Good idea with one more tweak:

Give Shaman a tanking spec.

Do that, and this has my vote.

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I forgot about this, I look forward to trying him out as a tank just to well try it even though I don’t need him as a tank.

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FD has always been a useful threat drop. I have pulled of my pet and pulled off of tanks. FD was always mapped to a hot key just for that reason. To use as a threat drop. Along with pet MD and Shadowmeld.


As a priest i think hunter changes are good.

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It’s easy to rattle off some cool names. The hard part is making unique specs for a new Class without overlapping with any of the 3 current Hunter specs.

I’d also say there are far better options for a new class than Ranger.

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hi, I am replying to your post because you’re absolutely correct.

no I can’t tell the waiter they got my order wrong, but I can tell the waiter they got my FRIEND’S order wrong