They are ruining marksmanship because of M+ players

I do have a question for people adamantly opposed to this change.

In certain situations and circumstances, sometimes pets are a liability and a headache but I’ve become quite accustomed to bm over the years. Should Blizzard add an option that lets me do 90% of my dps without a pet?

In many situations, playing in melee can be tricky. Should survival hunters have an option to do 90% of their damage at 40 yards?

If no, why? Saying ‘change specs’ is not an option because you refuse that advice as well.

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MD is an assist tool, the tank still needs to be able to hold aggro…

That’s already in game.

Thanks for your concession, have a nice day.


Thanks for admitting that MM pets can’t hold aggro lol.

Yes, that’s the current plan. MM will be able to choose between cunning and tenacity abilities as a talent rather than by switching pets. Ferocity isn’t an option because Bloodlust/Hero is being baked in and will be available regardless of which one is chosen. Mortal wounds will now be applied via Aimed Shot rather than by the pet.

What MM loses is a personal pet tank. (And pet slow, but MM already has a slow they can press)

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A slow you rotationally don’t use and upkeeping it hurts your DPS a lot.

I haven’t touched survival in a long time, but are you sure they can do 90% of their dps from 40 yards?

I cannot be the only one who was never really bothered by the pet AI and micro-management.

Is this because I’ve done it for 19 years, so it’s easy to me?

Seriously, I don’t get all the complaints about “weak” pets (guess what; I did a deathless tier 11 run as a MM hunter with my kodo Bessie. You can tell by the date that I did this before I got the ring from Siren Isle).

Am I the only one who enjoys the challenge of pushing my pets to perform above and beyond as a MM hunter?

EDIT: in before somebody asks me why I didn’t do that deathless tier 11 sooner… because I literally don’t know the achievement exists! Then I found out about it, ran my first T11 delve (you can see the date on this), died a lot and learned from it, then got the deathless on my second T11 run. It was fun!


They have tools to do so periodically. They can basically do full damage aside from autos fairly often. Ironically the pet example is more impactful for survival too because kill command is actually important.

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I’d have to check if it’s 40 or 35, but there’s even a CD that lets them do 100% of their DPS from afar.

I can see a talent that enrages you or something when your pet dies.

For some, it can boil down to “you want a pocket tank, swap to the spec where you have to change things up to make the most of it”.

That isn’t pushing your pets, that’s pushing yourself. You basically just gimped yourself with lower DPS.

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Which content are we talking about? M+ and Raids slow isn’t used anyway. PvP you’re running a Mortal Strike pet except in niche situations so you’re pressing conc shot anyway. In solo content you either have Bran’s help or the mobs are dying quickly enough that maximizing DPS is not an issue.

The pet slow isn’t up 100% of the time anyway, if you want that you need concussive shot. I suppose the pet slow is useful in some situations but in general people aren’t picking pets because of the slow.

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Yeah, by a whopping 2% on single target.

Multiple targets aren’t so bad because the mindset to delves is outlasting your enemies, not bursting them down. :slightly_smiling_face:

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and the same can be said for all solo/world content.

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It is used on adds in raids sometimes, and it is used in M+.

2’s, if enemy doesn’t have heals. In 3’s vs rogues sometimes you use other pets for the heal + HP increase that works while you’re stunned.

Doesn’t hold aggro, so only if you have him set to healer.

Not really my experience as hunter.

It’s up again by the time it wears off.

It’s likely you don’t BG if so.

We’re getting tank brann next patch so delves are kind of a weak excuse.

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Yeah. Torghast taught me this. I really think it’s a factor (notice I said a, not the) to why people hated Torghast and delves — because they treat them like M+.

I even got max rank, every season, for Brawler’s Arena. Including WoD and Legion. As a MM with a pet. Back then, the damage penalty was 10%!

My point is, there’s legitimate reasons and need for different mindsets. This includes using pets.

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Not at all, since tank brann will still die and is mostly for healers - not DPS.

It’s odd that people care so much that having the pet is a DPS loss when you likely wont ever see the “Dps loss pet” in any high end content, since high end MM Content pushers dont run the pet since they’re chasing the DPS chart outside of pulling it out for its utility.

Meanwhile blizzard is adding the option for BM’s to Specifically take a DPS loss so they can run a solo pet instead of two. Almost like maximizing ones DPS doesn’t actually matter if you’re not pushing content.