IMO all hunter specs should use pets. And that’s really not even an opinion. The class literally implies it uses pets. I won’t play mm until they bring the pet back 100%
I did say
Which should have translated to, data to back it up or not, the general feedback goes in this direction
The only thing I use my pet for is to hold mobs while I blast them from range, there are no rotational changes or anything about having a pet out vs. not having one out for MM.
You still have a pet.
pets assist the hunter = hunters assist the pet?
Is there some majority of damage implied in that equivalence?
I’m not buying it… the only reason to have a pet out for MM is that you can’t survive in solo content or you’re RPing and want a pet. Throughput is a loss with a pet, no reason for it other than lust, which is dumb, which is why they’re changing it.
If you are blasting anything at range and your pet is still holding aggro as MM, you do some god awful damage since MM pets can’t hold aggro worth a flip lol.
Dude. MM focuses on hunter damage, and if you have a pet out, its aiding the hunter, the hunters abilities ARENT focused on the pet. How hard is that?
If your in BM, the abilities focus on the PET not the HUNTER.
Sentinel, Dark Ranger, Huntress of the Moon, all Warcraft 3 Hero classes that could be combined into an elven “Ranger” class with its own distinct flare and abilities. Right in time for Midnight too.
Hunters could stand to replace their own Hero talents- the common refrain is that the Sentinel/Dark Ranger talents do a very poor job of representing those fantasies as-is.
Even if is is a tenacity pet, the kind that is made to tank? Besides, we still have MD that can be cast on the pets, not to mention, pet is in the mobs face, we can be more then 40 yard s away, agro reduction over range is a thing.
Yes, really the only Hunter spec with a halfway decent pet to tank with is BM, the other specs lack the damage needed to hold aggro, unless you just do awful, awful damage lol.
But if lust is baseline for every healer then I’m going to have anxiety attacks about wondering when the best time to use it is and worry about getting yelled at for doing it at the wrong time
Sab doesn’t know you MD your pet with your burst and if you take aggro you feign death after - then you can MD again. Plus, growl works fine on most mobs.
If you have to FD, your pet isn’t holding aggro…
And there is also the idea that, even if the pet loses aggro, we are far enough away we can kkill the mob, set up CC or pet can growl before it reaches us.
Nah, it’s just another tool you use to keep aggro on your pet! Sorry you don’t understand, it would appear you haven’t logged into the game in a while given your portrait.
No, it’s an admission that your pet can’t hold aggro lol.
Have you tried… asking the group? lol
MD is often used in M+, does that mean tanks also cannot hold aggro? Not sure you would even know.
If the tank is actually tanking and you are pulling mobs off them, yes, that is what it means lol.
Then how come all the top hunters take MD for M+?