They are ruining marksmanship because of M+ players

I’ve seen claims made by some people that MM hunter pet has pathing or odd issues. I haven’t seen much of that in recent expansions though.

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Thanks, glad my memory isn’t totally bad.

Real salty about them removing Chim Shot. It would be like removing Bladestorm for Arms I feel like. Everything else is whatever.

I largely don’t care about either MM hunters, the pet thing nor M+.
… but that is the exact line of logic that would follow Blizz’ modus operandi.

They aren’t adjusting M+ to support the classes.
They’re adjusting the classes to better work in M+.

What about the fantasy of other classes?
Why do shamans have totems if Thrall doesn’t have them? and is he the most important shaman in the game?
anduin is originally more of a priest than a paladin, why according to “fantasy” don’t priests wear plates yet?
oh no, let’s get rid of the hunte rmm pet to fix bloodliust problem and say it’s according to the fantasy! (and saves work).

Yeah, that change kinda stinks since there’s a healthy number of two-target cleaves, but outside of that it seems like it’s focusing more on you having buttons to hit outside of the big two, and less proc reliant so you’re not just plinking away with Arcane/Chim Shot hoping something pops.

The Lunar Storm AoE actually moving to chase targets is real nice. I can stop being annoyed when a tank conveniently moves them out of my Big Damage Zone just to pull one extra mob or something.

The second is a very elegant solution, but renders the first kind of moot. If you’re going to give Hero to all healers and remove Hero from Hunters, I’d say remove it from ALL DPS.

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I think that was implied by giving all the healers hero.

It’s still so weird to me that people keep saying they are ruining Marksmanship by actually completely improving it.


They’ve been attempting to differentiate between specs for the pure dps classes for a while now. It’s not a bad idea in theory, just depends how the execution goes. I wasn’t happy when they made survival melee but I think mm should be petless. I’m looking forward to leveling my alliance hunter when the change goes through.

Probably becuase it’s not a complete improvement. Replacing a pet I choose to use with a pet-thats-not-a-pet that I can’t is not an improvement.

An objective improvement would be changing all the “arrow” abolities to be bullets when I’m using a gun. But I guess if I want to play an Ironforge Rifleman like was in WCIII I’m just SoL. Yeah, improvement.


Npc classes are not a 1:1 with player classes. I wish people would stop comparing them.

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It is when trying to balance a solo spec with a pet just puts it in the trash.

I think people just wanna complain to complain most times in this game this topic is a prime example of that.

It’s not that surprising.

Most changes in this entire game revolve around raiding and M+.

It just sucks when PvPers and everyone else has to deal with the fallout, when classes might not have needed changes in other pillars.

Just messes everything up for those folks.

Why healers? Lust is a dps cooldown. Putting it solely on healers would be a mistake. If anything all healers should have battle rez and lust should be only for the dps role.

I don’t even know what you’re trying to say.

Ah, so you can’t actually address the point, so just dismiss everything as complaining.

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Easy they’ve tried to balance the spec to be solo and to work with a pet and it made both in turn trash so they are going to remove the pet to be more passive with the eagle and just balance it to be a solo spec where lone wolf probably is passive instead.

This has been complaining and over nothing, I’ve went went on the record many times saying that this isn’t the first time they’ve changed things like this and it won’t be the last, it’s not that deep, people will adapt like they do to everything else and either keep playing Marksmanship or not.

It’s not the end of the world.

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Raiders hated it too. The issue was that the pet didn’t always scale well so lone wolf could do more damage with stats for example any time mm wanted to stack mastery pet damage is extra worthless, and in particular it made a sizable difference in single target vs aoe where pet only did single target damage and lonewolf gave extra damage to the hunter in aoe which adds up.

You think they will pull lust from mages and shamans?

Wish you had that same energy to dismiss the whining of the M+/Raider nerds.

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