They are ruining marksmanship because of M+ players

The rumored Tinker Class would likely use Mail and Guns/Bows.

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That class has been so heavily debated on what it could possibly be, a lot of people think its going to be mech jockies, lots saying it wil lbe ranged only, lots saying its gonna be using a “wrench” as melee (1 handed club),

But its only one of twenty potential classes blizzard was looking at possibly adding, another was Bard, which could easily also be a archer based class. I was merely offering suggestions for the potential of what another ranged class could be without looking at blizzards (German poll) offerings.

Half of this doesn’t make sense because then that also relates to Beast Mastery and Survival Hunters, not just MM. So majority of the points don’t make sense. MM isn’t being ruined because of this. Unless you’re stating they’re changing MM Hunters because they don’t want them to be the problem due to said Beast Mastery and Survival Hunters. And it has nothing to do with M+ either, and even if it was, its an easy fix that we have to hound Blizzard for.

The problem is Blizzard made ALL of these problems in the first place and think WE don’t want pets as a hunter while playing as Marksmanship, they shoehorned us Lone Wolf without ANY compromise of a choice to avoid taking it if we want a pet, and furthermore, have no reason to have a pet out because of said talent AND with no effective way to use it in AoE like you can with Beast Mastery, or something to compensate. Now instead, have to force us to take something to mimics something like we have a pet but it isn’t our choice of what… That’s the issue, we’re pretty much given the Demonology Warlock treatment.

They even are touting like they’re adding something new to Pets by giving them Specializations when the fact they removed it for no reason rather than buffing each one to make each pet specialization viable because Ferocity is, by the end of the day, always better because you and the pet benefit more from the powerful leech bonus it provides over stamina that you never need.

Everything they’ve done to MM has always been trying to get us to not use pets for…what? We chose the class that uses pets for a reason. At least Destruction Warlocks makes it a option to not use their pets for meager boost, not the best talent mind you but at least its an option, unlike MM where Lone wolf is a straight 5% boost to every scenario where having a pet out, may not make much difference in solo but we ain’t often fighting one enemy at a time. Marksmanship Hunters just want their pets to be useful.


Not sure which way they will go, but I can see your solution being used as well.

Though…maybe they should just give Ret Heroism/Bloodlust as well. lol

I can already hear the crying about that.

Once Hero/Lust and a BRez are baseline, the only other missing part is to give all specs an interrupt on a 15s cooldown. I think Blizzard will get to this last point eventually. Maybe sometime in the next expansion or two.

False, MM has an eagle which is pet. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think so either.

That isn’t how it works, but if that’s the mental gymnastics you’re doing then I wish you the best but I’ll pass.

most of your damage on beast master comes from the pets, most of your abilities are focused around the pets, most of your talents are based on boosting your pets. BM is about the pets, not the hunter.

Survival is the one where pets and the hunter are supposed to be equals.


a man in a suit and tie is sitting in a room with his eyes closed and says `` every single time '' .


good idea with 1 tweak. heroism/bloodlust baseline for all tanks. and removed from all other classes. tanks lead the charge, control the pace and the movement. they should also control heroism/bloodlust.

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that’s actually not true, though.

BM and survival still have pets.


PCT nerf for Shamans be like…

that’s never going to happen. it is part of the caster role.

you get to attack from ranged, so you have a longer interrupt.

why wouldn’t that be an issue for BM and SV as well?


Dispel abilities for all healers be like…

Cleanse just needs to be a cleanse for heals. Remove it all on a cooldown. This gaming your key for the right healer (not healer really, just dispeller) garbage is getting old.


And if it’s all fantasy, well there’s a lot of things wrong:

  • if SV comes from the fantasy with Rexxar? isn’t it wrong? since Rexxar is a melee BM?
  • where does MM’s future fantasy come from? inspiration from Alleria and windrunner sisters? but none of them are Hunters, but Rangers, a class that doesn’t exist in WoW, right? and I don’t want to play MM to cosplay as an Alleria statue in Stormwind. Is that where this idea of ​​the Eagle comes from?
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‘Ruining’ is a bit of a stretch. A lot of the changes are very positive for the spec.

It’s just not going to involve a pet. Which never was the focus to begin with.

I don’t run M+ and I’m excited to go around without a pet that I merely use as a Herolust machine, and literally nothing else.


I have a vague memory that warriors used to be able to use guns. :thinking:
Not like it matters much though.
But it would be great to have other classes with more weapon options.

No because Rexxar is a hunter that uses both ranged and melee along with being a beast master. So the “Rexxar fantasy” is already just asking to be a hero NPC that isn’t bound by the rules of the game.

Much like any Khadgar, Thrall, Mekkatorque, Alleria, Sylvanas, etc fantasy is.

People should be more original instead of seeking to emulate established characters to the point of ruining the game.

Priest healers not having an interrupt is also old.

It was a breath of fresh air when I played a spec that had one.


Warriors and a couple other melee classes used to be able to equip ranged weapons. They couldn’t do anything with them besides auto attack, but they could equip them.