They are ruining marksmanship because of M+ players

We seem to rarely agree but when we do I enjoy it a lot.

Well, that’s the only thing GD excels at tbf. :laughing:


If I could get paid for it I’d quit my day job.

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I don’t care much about them either but the fact that a whole spec is actually getting redone and improved completely is great given they usually won’t even fix the little things here and there so in this case it’s actually a positive.

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I don’t think its really about class fantasy at all. But trying to make the lust classes top dps in mythic raids. Notice that frost mage and enhance shaman stay near top in raid this season. I don’t think mm was doing meta top damage (until this week, funny how that works) so they are making changes to align with “lust classes=top dps in mythic raids” a priority.

I’m probably going to get flamed but that’s my take. There’s a lot i dont know and don’t do high end content, but they couldnt care less about class fantasy.

Which is insanely bizarre. That’s the class fantasy of hunter, seen right in the trailer for Vanilla. That’s what I signed up for.


Back when humanoids NPCs fled in fear when being attacked, ranged weapons were needed, but aside from Stewards in the Shadowlands I can’t recall humanoids doing that anymore.

It was very much needed in vanilla wow. We were all dying to quest mobs back then. A lot of the game design and direction has changed over the past 20 years, so many of the classes are getting updates to reflect that.

I’m not talking about just gameplay. I’m talking about the whole theme of the entire class and how it was represented in the cinematic as well as gameplay.

Class fantasy since Legion has gone right down the toilet. This is merely another example.


Yea, Warrior couldn’t charge in combat or if you pulled two-three enemies as one you likely wasn’t gonna survive. :laughing:

God I’m so glad charge being unable to use in combat is no longer a thing.

Understood… Mage was represented as a glass canon who could actually one shot other players but die to basically any hit due to cloth armor… Druids were represented as a class that could do anything in a pinch, but wouldn’t actually be good enough at those things to compete with “pure” classes.

Some of that just needed to change to keep up with game design. Now mages have multiple charges of ice blocks that heal them… druids can specialize into one area and be competitive. Many things changed over the years.

You still aren’t grasping what I’m talking about.


My apologies, I am not trying to belittle your opinion. Yours is just as valid as mine. As a fellow wow player, nothing but love for you. Take care and good luck.

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It should be an option, I just don’t want it to be the ONLY option. That’s what Lone Wolf did all by itself. I get they want the focus on the character and not our pet so it isn’t a flavor of Beast Mastery but they did that already by being slower paced, fairly immobile, and hard hitting.

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no this time we get legion all over again. “YOU WILL PLAY THE GAME THE WAY WE WANT IT!”

If fury warriors had the option to have one 2h weapon and arms warriors had the option to dual wield, what would the difference between the specs be aside from talent and ability names?

By keeping an option, you are not giving it a clear identity.

Fury warriors funnily enough behave like Beast Mastery, minus the pet and are up in your face. And Arms even act like Marksmanship . The point made here is, when people think of Hunters, they think ranged combat, exceptional utility, and…you know what? PETS

Its less about Marksmanship having the identity of its own (The fact that this is about hunters, not warriors, let alone only about Marksmanship) but removing pets from a hunter is pretty much a sin. Why isn’t it difficult that the complaint is genuine that there are players who play Hunters just want to be able to viably use pets and keep the playstyle? And this entire time Blizzard’s playing it off like we never wanted it when they made this happen in the first place.


I’m not a M+ player. LFR hero, maybe some normal raids, delves, casual pvp.

I love the change. I’ve played the class since the day the game came out. I wasn’t happy about melee survival but I found MM/BM work well, use BM in delves or for a tough elite here or there. MM for everything else.

This will finally allow a real focused on MM being a damage dealing monster, not something between an archer and BM.

Misdirection, roar of sacrifice, master’s call, pet abilities still all seem to work as MM, very strange.

Sorry apparently having a pet as the pet class is too much for you, perhaps a class without a pet will work better for you?


They literally claim that BM isn’t pet focused later in the thread, they clearly have no idea what they’re talking about and are just trying to stir up trouble, better to just throw them on ignore.

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