They are ruining marksmanship because of M+ players

If you think it doesnt, it just means you didnt do the content.

they can, MM can do delves easily due to the pet tanking, by example.

almost, pet make things faster and easier.

Maybe it does to yours, not mine.

It isn’t, pet is important to spin nodes, keep enemies in combat, attack an enemy who sap/cyclone you, focus one target so they don’t escape combat, they dont drink, etc.

Again, y’all need to stop thinking M+ is the only form of content that exist or matters.

Very rare occasions.


What are you doing 2’s and 3’s? The pet dies fast in higher levels, and the lower ones are easy enough without the pet. You turn Growl off for the higher stuff because otherwise the pet dies.

You know I am a pvper? Normally I sit here and watch people blame pvp for their pve problems… My how the turns have tabled. I guessing you are playing low end RBGs?

Pets can spin nodes, but they die in aoe and even faster when focused. If you can see a node that needs to be spun it is faster to just shot the guy. Ideally MM shouldn’t be spinning nodes anyway. You should be with the team securing kills.

What does attacking someone who cloned you do, exactly? The pet does very little damage on it’s own and you stay cloned. Also your pet will not be attacking someone who sapped you since they will be stealthed.

The dont escape to drink is your best argument here, but that assumed the pet is alive to do that when you need it to be. Chances are by that point it’s dead and you had to stop to revive it.

Look dude I am not going to sit here and argue with you about this all day. I think you are just mad and looking for any reason to be right. It’s okay for you to be mad about this and want your pet. But this is something the devs have been doing to MM for years. Stop pretending like it’s other player’s fault.


i wouldnt bother arguing with syegfryed, dude is a regarded crybaby

I did 8 a lot for the vault, and i was able to finish 11 without dying because the PET. To a point i was doing better as MM than BM

Pets with leech and defensive abilities, like scalehide survive better, if you line up with Brann potions you can keep then alive to tank the million bolts web blasts and finish fine.

If it dies after a pull, by a wrong move, you just revive.

I play shuffle and blitz :grinning:

It doesn’t let then cap a flag? Lol what a pvper :laughing:

Says the guy that was crying for more range on melee classes :turkey:


You are already messing up if you are the one guarding the node and not a rogue or tank. I guess if you are stuck in blitz thats one incredibly small niche thing you got. That doesn’t work if they have more then 1 cc or person there…

You got any other last little things you want to say so you can walk away the “winner” you go for it. Good luck out there.

Nope as an MM hunter who does M+ I love the changes and I am glad we dont need to use pets to have utility anymore =) I could say the same to you - improve your skills without needing a pet there you go


No, hunters are good to guard the nodes precisely because you have a pet, flare traps and can burst down the sneaky caper if needed, if there is more they can at least defend by turtling and letting the pet to attack until help comes out

But you do you mate.

You could have just improved your skills to not need the pet utility mate, git good am i right?


ive helped on sole guides and i can tell you that most guides that mention solo and leveling content are just slapped on with no thought or effort.

I have been saying make primal rage baseline and remove pets from the equation since it was added. It would literally solve all lust related problems for all hunter specs. MM no longer has to lust at a dps loss and BM doesn’t lose a def CD and 5% max HP to be able to lust.


Excuse me if I don’t take your word for it.

girl youre in for a rude awakening then cause on most hunters discord ppl are happy with the changes also on youtbe comments of content creators if you are going on that rout since ``likes`` is what youre using as a reference

thank god like, 10 people like this change lmao

We reach peak game design on wow when majority of the players who do casual content are ignored and the people who, checks notes comment on youtube comments and people on a discord are the ones being listen to

Its a better reference, than drones commenting on youtube


Some of you never raided MC/BWL in 2005 as MM with a Wolf set to passive at your side and Furious Howl Rank 5 macro’d to your Multi-Shot and it shows.


LoL! You seem to be saying that like it’s a bad thing!

I think I can comfortably say that those of us lobbying to keep our pets with us in MM aren’t by and large driven by interest in high-tier raiding. It doesn’t mean we’re completely divorced from the issues that have driven the highest tiers, however. Remember when you’d be blackballed from a raid because you hadn’t maxxed out skinning? Or mining? It’s cockamamie stuff like this that leaves us shaking our heads at the hard-core raiders. And yet, they seem to be the ones driving this decision. And belittling us for the way we like to play the game.

All we’re asking for is that EVERYBODY’S choices be respected.

C’mon, Blizz! Find a way to keep everyone happy!


The solution’s oh-so-simple.

  1. Primal Rage is baseline and no longer tied to a pet. Mortal Strike added to Lone Wolf for the pvpers out there (in the event they don’t want to use a raptor or something with a MS as a pet skill).
  2. Look over the numbers, make sure they’re right.

There is no third step.


The wow forums is a better reference than youtube comments and the hunter discord? Disagree.

Right now in the wow forums there is like 30 people that dont like the change some of which dont even play MM hunter.

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I don’t think you can get any sort of a reliable read on numbers in favor and opposed by clocking forum posts. Most of the people who don’t want the changes are likely to fall into the category of players who:

  1. don’t spend a lot of time on the forums
  2. might be intimidated from posting by a variety of factors
  3. quite possibly are still unaware that this change is in the works

Anyone have meaningful stats on what percentage of the player base raids on the higher competitive levels?

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You are entitled to your own wrong opinion.

I would not take youtube comment reference to fry an egg, but you do you.

You wont take youtube comments with thousands of likes and huge positive sentiment but you will take the hunter class forum with 30 upvotes saying they want to keep pet.

At least be consistent.

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That’s just ad populum fallacy, there is no such comment with thusand of likes, and most people there dont even play wow anymore, or never did anyway

Wow forums are more reliable since everyone here at least pay to play

the first comment against the pet removal in the feedback thread have 100+ upvotes, and the closed thread about it had more than 250