Honestly, when you think about it even a little more, all they have to do is add the 'lust to the hunter. They can leave it on the pet. The debuff takes care of it all anyways.
When I say take it off it is so that players that do say Mythic Raids or M+ especially MM won’t have to summon the pet to get the buff and if none of the pets can give it and it is a button any hunter can push , then there is no reason for MM hunter who like to use the hunting pets they have collected over the years not to do so .
Those of us wanting to keep pets don’t begrude those that got the change so they wouldn’t have to use a pet for lust and some of the other changes to enhance abilities is ok but the whole removing lust from pets and making it so we can’t use them if we want is basically out throwing the baby out with the bath water
why would you even have barrage to begin with in general. it shares a row with even stronger talents. you can even check on raidbots 5 target patchwerk sims and see how much barrage loses compared to other talents
if barrage isnt strong enough to stand on its own against its competition then it shouldnt exist
ive never had rapidfire ever do this
inb4 the next reply is “buff barrage” cool its buffed, it has no interaction with the spec at all
I’ll keep saying it because it’s true. Denial of something does not make it untrue.
Your arguements go both ways. Your conclusion is that you dont like the change so it’s obviously bad. YOU even went so far as to say that “nobody likes it”.
You complained about being less mobile with Barrage removed, because you would spend more time casting Aimed Shot.
I pointed out that no, that’s not how it works, because Aimed Shot’s charges are not impacted by Barrage existing or not. I then showed you that Multi-Shot takes the same amount of time and Focus as Barrage, so there is zero impact to the rotation due to Barrage’s removal. Instead of pressing Barrage once, you press Multi-Shot twice.
Now, I went and checked Barrage, in the WoWhead talent calculator, and in game. WoWhead says 60 Focus:
In game it’s 30 Focus:
So I will admit my mistake on the Focus cost, that’s fair. As far as mobility though, I maintain that Barrage’s removal has zero impact on MM’s mobility. Aimed Shot is the only thing that keeps us stationary, and Aimed Shot’s charges aren’t changing at all.
I’m sorry but that is just not true. Having a Pet is an additional moving part. It will inherently be harder to code or to balance. You can believe different if you like, but that is all I can say about it.
Edit - actually, I reread your post further. Yes, I can agree that moving the parts in a different direction is inherently easier than making new parts. But it’s still an additional part that you can just do without if you want to make things easier.
They aren’t “not adding” a pet. They’re actively choosing to remove a pet that is already there.
What I am saying is that the people who want a pet don’t care if it’s balanced. It can be way undertuned. Should be even, sacrificing some damage as it is much easier for questing. Slap an X% blanket nerf on Hunter damage, whatever makes it worse damage than no pet in pure single target. Using a pet is always worse in AoE already.
I appreciate this.
Choosing to remove what is already there is making a change where there wasn’t one though. Which is inherently more work.
What moving parts? pet is already avaiable, it is already coded
dude said it would be better to put lust into the hunter, instead of pet and the problem is fixed
Why this is too hard? remember, no “more moving parts” here, to be harder, shaman, mages and evokers have lust on their own class, so its not harder here either
You cant claim as factual truth that something is easier or harder without backing it up with solid evidence
Even if they swap the eagle to one of your stable pet how is harder? the eagle is arguably more detailed with not many unique animations and wow models can easily re-use animation of other models
If you want to talk about what is harder, making this rework IS EVEN MORE HARDER thAN just making lone wolf their own version of grimoire of sacrifice
no, my conclusion is, removing OPTIONS from the RPG GAME is OBIOUSLLY bad, when its not necessary in the slightest
BTW, I AGREE that removing OPTIONS from the game is obviously a bad thing. However, you got to weigh that up with the concept of BALANCE. You cannot always have RP and Balance. Anymore than you can have Realistic and Balance. You can certainly try. But if it becomes too hard, then something has got to give.
Blizzard caved. They going to do it this way NOT BECAUSE THEY WANT TO PISS OFF THE RP’ers. Please stop assuming that they are doing this for nefarious reasons. Occams Razor. Sometimes they want to do stuff because it’s easier.
Right, but having the pet as option dont break balance, it was doing fine for ten years with no complains outside of people in M+ complaining the need to summon one to lust then dismiss it
Correct, they are doing this because they are TONE DEAF, disconnected to their own fabase, choosing to cater only to the M+ players.
I know they aren’t doing for “nefarious reasons”, don’t assume malice when tis just stupidity.
There is no way that you can with a straight face tell me that having a Pet as part of it’s tool kit is going to make the MM easier to balance than to having one without a Pet. Seriously.
Yes, it is a bad thing to remove choice and RP and lore and the warm fuzzy love that a pet gives. I don’t deny that. However, as I’ve said (somewhere in the hundreds of threads) the Spec needs a rework. And if the price is that it’s completely changed to a pet-less Spec then so be it. Adapt.
You just answered the whole thing in your very first sentence.
It worked fine - outside of M+. Well, as I’ve reiterated multiple times. This is the demographic that Blizzard is catering to. Yes, it’s bad to cater to only one group. And according to you, the minority. Well, that’s a done deal, that is exactly who they are catering to.
They are not disconnected to their fan base. They are listening to that hated (by you) minority. It’s a purely mercenary outlook. They feel that “fans” will keep playing regardless of this change.
Sure, you can think that. But I can guarantee that the moment they gimp it to uselessness there will almost instantly be people complaining that the pet is useless. We;ll be back to Square one. The Doug Adams New York Minute has nothing on Forum Indignation
Pet’s haven’t been competitive in M+ or raids for years. When is the last time you heard somebody seriously complain that MM pets don’t do enough damage?