You still need to stand still to shoot AiS, yes?
Barrage allowed you to shoot while moving, yes?
You still need to stand still to shoot AiS, yes?
Barrage allowed you to shoot while moving, yes?
They could of sone this rework without removing pets completely from mm hunters so that those that like to have one for open world.
Just remove lust from pets period andmake the new mm lust ability “Harrier’s Cry” a class spell for all 3 specs.
Anti pet people would have their lust for mythic raids and m+ that they will probably never use because a shammy or a mage qill do it before they get a chance and the pro pet geoup qill have their pet for open world content.
why would you ever talent in barrage tho.
Yes, they could. Yes, I’ll even go and agree with you all and say they should.
But they aren’t because IT’S TOO HARD.
Yes, plenty of people on the dozens of various threads have said “it’s not that hard”. Well, the people who are actually coding it have decided that it is. We can certainly accuse them of being lazy. But it’s their call. They have weighed up the advantage of keeping people happy and the disadvantage of work required. And come down on the easy path.
Now, maybe all this Feedback will result in them re-evaluating this current equation. Maybe it’ll make them rethink the rework. But if this results in us not getting ANY rework at all then I’m all for burying the pet. Be bloody careful what you wish for.
It has its uses.
it doesnt tho, i can see no use for barrage in any level of content.
i guess if you want to run old raids and kill everything in one global. but even then. it has no purpose at all cause you can do that anyways
Barrage is a 3s channel, 20s CD, 60 Focus AoE. You replace it with 2 Multi-Shots (which takes 3s, costs 60 Focus, and hits multiple targets), not with Aimed Shot.
Aimed Shot on 11.1 is a 3.0s base cast. With Trigger Finger, its 2.6s. With my 8% Haste, it’s 2.4s. One stack of Streamline drops that to 1.7s, two stacks to 0.96s.
Aimed Shot on 11.0.7 is a 2.5s base cast. With Trigger Finger, Streamline, Steady Focus, and my same 8% Haste, it drops to ~1.5s.
And your source for this information, given the complete lack of further communication about it since the PTR dropped, is what exactly?
Barrage is the equivalent of 3 Multi-Shots in damage at the cost of 30 focus. It’s faster and more focus efficient.
Multi-Shot needs 90 focus and ~4.5s to do what Barrage does in 30focus and 3s. Haste benefits both equally.
As one example, it’s solid on cleave fights as it is a more focus efficient, higher damage, version of Multi-Shot.
Barrage is a 3 second channel. Multi-Shot is a spammable instant, meaning 1.5s (the GCD). 2 Multi-Shots is 3 seconds.
Barrage is 60 Focus on a 20 second cooldown. Multi-Shot is 30 Focus each. You’re using it twice in those 3 seconds, so it’s the same 60 Focus cost in total.
Barrage being removed has zero impact on the rest of the rotation whatsoever, and this is a weird hill to die on.
And Barrage does the damage of roughly 3 multishots. Currently it shows me roughly 150k over 3s, vs 56k for 1.5s.
Barrage is 30 focus. So 30 vs 90.
Yes its almost like it was the first dev parse of a huge rework in a test build. Shocker i cant believe its not perfect!
Focus came in the Cata prelaunch patch. As I recall there was a Dev Watercooler where Ghostcrawler stated that the original design of hunter was to use a focus mechanic at launch but they couldn’t figure out how to code it so it worked reliably. So they went with mana instead. The Focus implementation was what they originally intended. It just took 3 expansions to figure out how to do it.
barrage is a 60 focus ability even says so on the talent calculator idk where your getting 30 from. also multishot triggers trickshot which empowers it even more
barrage is a dead talent with no use. stop it
I’m getting it right from the game itself, I’m looking at it both in my talent tree and in my spellbook.
Barrage, 30 focus, 46yd range, channelled, 20s CD.
My source comes from the simple fact that they are doing this. More moving parts means harder. Surely we don’t need them to list the coding for us to infer this?
Why do people keep thinking that it’s a simple switch to do these things? Declarations of “it’s not hard” or “just make a 4th spec” or “make a new class” like it’s walking down to the pub …
regardless ms is still better due to global usage and trickshot interactions especially with rapid fire. you can spend one gcd on multishot and the next on rapid fire or aimshot to do alot more damage with other talent synergies. barrage simply exists to exists and pulls extra mobs in tight dungeon routes.
it has no place.
2 globals is less than 3.
if rapid fire is on CD, aimedshot requires you to plant, so it is less damage on the move.
it pulls just as many mobs does as Trick Shots/Rapid Fire does.
using ms once and the next global on something like aim shot or rapid fire instantly makes it do more damage than barrage. this is a weird hill to die on
barrage is on a 20 second cd, if barrage is on cd then its the same thing so you still need to plant for aimshot. it just rapid fire doesnt compete with stronger talents down the line
you gotta be some kind of special. because rapidfire trickshot isnt going to pull/damage dummies from a million miles away like barrage does.
saying barrage pulls as much as rapidfire is not only a lie, but a active misinfo your trying to push to support some kind of agenda.
these cope posts are getting to much to tolerate. please dont comment about mm if you dont even know how you play the spec
Again, if rapid fire is on CD (and it should be before pressing Barrage), then you need to plant to use Aimed Shot. This is not always feasible if you’re DPSing on the move.
Exactly. MS > RF, Barrage. Should get you to about 6-8s of pull time, so that you can pop volley into 2 aimed shots, then MS > RF again. Toss in salvo and/or ES into that for more damage.
Same range, both will zip around pull mobs within the field of fire.
Your experience does not match mine. Especially since most dungeons are not wide-open fields of fire but generally hallways where the spread of Barrage is just as wide as that of Trick Shots.