They are ruining marksmanship because of M+ players

Nothing change, MM play essentially the same with some minor changes based on rotation and new talents

Keeping a pet would change nothing, it would not broke the game, M+ andys would not need one

Everyone who did what i say is lying yeah, you either prove it, or dont, its your word only

Which means less than nothing here

you were the one who was being toxic first, dont try to play the victim card, you think i dont see you in other threads?

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Nice ideas. A couple of things tho

  1. What about pet pathing? You’d need to make the pet worth keeping out so it’ll have to do More damage than auto attack to be worth it.
  2. Is the pet invulnerable or will it take damage? And if so, how do you balance that with your hunter’s HP? You going to nerf base HP on the MM Hunter? Otherwise groups with the pet will have more HP than groups without.
  3. What about pet abilities? Or will they just get canned? And how would you rate their utility compared to not having them. How much damage are they worth when balancing the class
  4. If the pet is completely inconsequential except as a cosmetic, then don’t you think some people who say they want a pet will complain? Will the boards be full instead with threads of “they nerfed my pet” rather than “they removed my pet” Putting us back to Square one?
  5. Its an MMO, not an RPG. You need to cater to the majority, who are gamers, not RP’ers. I only think this because I can see that the number of RP servers is a lot smaller than normal servers.
  6. As to your final point, I stand by my first statement from many posts ago. It’s because it’s HARDER to CODE. ALL your suggestions have merit. Frankly, its only fiddly bits to make the balanced and work. But it’ll mean more work. And Blizzard have decided they don’t want to do that.

Except for the people that got browbeat into silence there… The ‘majority’ does not even post anything now.

Based on likes? Wtf are you even talking about? The forums represent a very small minority of the player base lol theres a small group of people complaining about pet less mm here on the forums. everything you say is just flat out wrong. You don’t even know how the game works and your posts prove that. What a clown

Cause one area of an unofficial discord is majority, right? :face_exhaling:

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When did I make that claim? Truth is nobody knows what the majority playerbase thinks. most probably dont even care

a pet that can taunt and tank is OP so OP that it sets the baseline of the spec to be balanced around a pet who can tank for you in solo content.

MM shouldnt be balanced around a boring tank and spank pet playstyle the devs obviously want it to be designed differently. It should be designed to stand on its own feet and the pet should just be a summon not a key part of the spec. If you want a boring tank and spank gameplay we already have BM that does that. Complain that BM doesnt have as much range abilities get them to give it aimshot so MM can finally stand alone as its own spec.

What else would you use a discord as a means to counter the number of people on the forum?

Majority think there should be an option to have pet still.

The ones who dont, are M+ players and they are minority.

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I think blizzard likely has the data on it and they made this change which is a good signal.

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When did i ever bring up the discord? Grasping at straws again I see. So now you speak for the majority after being so opposed to the idea of anyone speaking for anyone but themselves? Must be fun never being wrong in your tiny mind

i might be confusing you with the other hunter, sorry he is a clown.

Pets can’t simultaneously be OP and also irrelevant. People are saying all over these threads that if you need a pet tank as MM you are bad, you should just be able to kite, and everything is basically dead before it reaches you anyway. You are the only one saying a pet is OP for soloing. Nobody cares about solo balance. Including Blizzard.

MM shouldn’t be balanced around a pet, correct. It should be designed and balanced around petless, like BM is designed and balanced around Animal Companion. Pets should remain as an intentionally undertuned option for those who want it.


Which discounts those that might have physical disabilities/issues but don’t want or can’t handle micro management of BM pet usage. Some call the pet a crutch for solo, it might be, but what is the purpose of a crutch? To help steady you as you gain your feet or, if the one using the crutch has their feet in working order, to catch you when you are about to fall.

Lol. with me, it is “mobs are dead before my pet reaches them”. I do have issues kiting, so I need to be able to either stand toe to toe with mobs, burst them down with my front load or have something, pet or otherwise, that holds them in place while I set up my kill shots.

I am very aware how it works. What you’re doing is not reading what I said.

I am not explaining how Lone Wolf works currently, I am explaining a solution that functions the opposite way to Lone Wolf which would solve the issue.

Lone Wolf has a buff up constantly when the pet is dismissed and goes away when the pet is summoned.

I am suggesting a debuff that is up when a pet is summoned and goes away when the pet is dismissed.

In either case you are right that let damage would need to be alanced each expansion - though really it’s balance that would take 30 seconds but it would need to be done.

I also made the suggestion of a 0 damage taunt/threat bot as well then damage is not even in the equation. That would also be an acceptable solution that couldn’t possibly affect damage balance.

This is the opposite of what I am suggesting. You do not want to make the pet worth keeping out. The whole point is that the pet does less damage, thus it is 100% optional and the expectation is that most people do not use a pet anytime they care about optimized damage.

It’s the same pet as on live. Same HP, takes the same damage, etc. You don’t worry about balancing it, because it will be less damage, so nobody will use a pet in content that requires right balancing. Nobody actually cares if the squishiest of the Hunter specs is slightly less squishy when soloing.

There is only one pet family ability that is even possibly relevant. Mortal Wounds is obviated by Manhunter. 4 of the 5 remaining abilities are pet defensives.

The last ability is a 50% snare, which doesn’t stack with Concussive Shot. It requires the pet to be on target, but it doesn’t use a GCD, so it would be legitimately useful for e.g. flag defense in BGs. Probably the best thing for the game would be for MM to simply not learn pet family abilities. You learn Eyes in the Sky before any pet has access to the snare anyway.

It’s not though. It’s a functional pocket tank, a companion visible in the world, you can interact with it, emote at it, misdirect to it, etc. Fun part is that those qualities, which are great for solo play and RP, are meaningless for group play. The vast majority of MM players do not want to deal with a pet in competitive content, the vast majority of MM pet enjoyers don’t care about whether or not they can use their pet and still do competitive damage.

MMORPG. Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. It’s not just an MMO. You can build the gameplay in a way that is effective and fun for the competitive content, while leaving a subpar option in for people who really like it and don’t care about being optimized.

How is it more work when you are modifying fewer abilities?

I checked and Control Pet doesn’t even include the family abilities, it’s just the basic attacks, growl, and dash.

My suggestion would require changes to do the following, compared with live:

  • Marksmanship Hunters no longer have access to pet family abilities.
  • Marksmanship Hunters no longer have access to Command Pet.
  • Marksmanship Hunters now deal reduced auto shot damage whenever you have an active pet.
  • Pathfinding, Endurance Training/Air Superiority, and Predator’s Thirst are mutually exclusive. The most recently applied effect will remain active.

That’s really it. Blizzard outright stated in their blue post that the existing PTR is a first pass, and there will be some iteration, so I don’t understand how you can reasonably claim Blizzard have decided they don’t want to do more work.

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So make a completely new debuff that basically functions the same as lone wolf currently does? Still have the issue with utility and it requiring a pet to function. The dmg difference isnt the main issue of pet vs no pet. Am i missing something?

How? whats the pet requirement here? people are constantly saying pet isnt necessary for open world content and people who do are bad.

Precisely, the main and only issue is the pet utilities Bloodlust/Master’s call/Bear’s Tenacity, and they fixed the issue, so having the pet as option would not hinder any tuning in the spec

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add pets to ALL non-pet specs so open world content is accessible to everyone

Yes the second half of my post where I accepted that tuning is a requirement, albeit a trivial one, and provided a different alternative.

You gotta be less vague I can’t finish your thoughts for you. Obviously there has to be tuning lol are you saying to keep the currently proposed talents on the ptr that give pet utility to the hunter and then your idea?