They are ruining marksmanship because of M+ players

Yeah, let the MM “masters” go without pet in solo/world content if they so wish, Let those of us that play MM hunter as an alt or casually keep the pet for solo/world content.

Likely true, but I think some of this could have been mitigated if they did not that the “cold turkey” route with removing pets, I think that is the real issue with removing pets, it is something that might be done best in stages but tends to be all or nothing.

I’ll admit that, aside from things like using my pet’s time to reach the mob as a measure of damage ability, if I could get to the point where I could not tell the difference between having a pet and not having one, I’d likely not bat an eye at them removing pets as everythign but a cosmetic.

And we already gone thru this as well, this is a mistake and a moronic change, since M+ players are, by number, minority of the people who play this game

And its our right to say it is wrong and they should revert the decision to remove the option to summon a pet.

There is no reason to do that, since there is no effort put in balancing and coding the two options for years now.

Its not

Those are feedback

Put the damn pet option back → this is feedback related to the change of removing the option = Don’t do it, there is tons of other content that people use pet to make things easier or enjoyable.

Its simple. Just because you dont like or agree doesn’t mean is not feedback

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Your post is speculation. You do not work at Blizzard, and you don’t know what each individual change entails in terms of code changes, QA testing required, number of files/entities impacted, time investment, etc.

“They aren’t gonna do the thing you suggest so be quiet” doesn’t add anything to the discussion.

You have no idea what you are even talking about nor are you likely involved in the hunter or MM community at all. I bet you dont even play MM hunter.

Majority of the people on the hunter discord are quite happy with this change you can go look at it now for proof. And its the same 5-10 people on the forums being loud about it some of which dont even play MM right now.

The only people upset are a small few role players and others that enjoy the boring pet taunt bot playstyle which is going to be a BM\survival thing now. Thank the blizzard devs for finally making MM its own stand alone spec.


How is it speculation that it’s hard to code? Of course it’s going to be harder to code. More moving parts = harder.

What I"m saying is that if you are going to suggest something, suggest something that takes those two points into account. Dismissing it and saying “they are wrong to do it” does not make any suggestion after that point relevant and “doesn’t add anything to the discussion”

OMG, you do realize you need to look in a mirror right now

Just because somebody doesn’t agree with your OPINION does not make them wrong either you know.

Just telling them NO is not feedback. It’s not constructive. You will get the same effect by putting your fingers in your ears and shouting nya nya nya.

See? is people like this im talking about

->complain that people cant speak for everyone
->imediately try to speak for everyone

Absolute hypocrites, using anecdotal evidence of an echo chamber, a perfect clown.


Just because you don’t agree with me, doesn’t mean im wrong, so why are you still at it?

Act by your own words

Probably because I never said you were wrong but YOU have called me a LIAR.

I dont’ agree with you. So why is it that when it’s the other way around you are somehow right?

And people who were happy with pets, did not complain til threatened with having them taken away due to a few elitists who were too lazy to find a shaman or mage to lust for them

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Again, anyone who said they asked for the MM fantasy to change and pets being removed is lying, its not my fault if people are using this as excuse for the pet removal :tipping_hand_man:t5:

Call Pet 1, Call Pet 2, Call Pet 3, Call Pet 4, Call Pet 5, Tame Beast, Revive Pet, Mend Pet, Exhilaration, Pet Training, Command Pet, Endurance Training, and Pathfinding are all getting changes relevant to this discussion (removal counts as a change) for MM, based on existing PTR. That’s 13 abilities changed in total.

Optional pets could be achieved while skipping 9 of those changes (Call Pet 1-5, Tame Beast, Mend Pet, Revive Pet, Exhilaration). Pet Training would get a different change - instead of the spell being disabled for MM, one of the spell’s effects (the one that grants access to Family Abilities) would be disabled for MM. You’d also need to make a new passive aura that reduces auto shot damage by some% when you have a pet out.

Still at 6 fewer changes with optional suboptimal pets by my count.

Maybe you should read some only my other posts and not snip things completely out of context.

But how do you balance this then? What if having a Pet AND essentially a new MM package works out better than they planned? Then what if they nerf pet so it becomes almost inconsequential? Doesn’t that mean it is pointless to have it except purely for RP purposes?

But at least you have actually given them suggestions.

Wrong. Based on ‘likes’ and the number of people posting that they want to keep their pets, the anti pet people are a minority.

You said “everyone”

I said a majority of people on the hunter discord.

Huge difference i also provided proof.

Keep being toxic though it will work out eventually

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You nerf auto shot damage by x% when you have a pet out. Flavor wise it is harder to hit a target with a beast between you and it.

Adjust X as needed so petless is always slightly better single target. Pet damage and auto shot damage are both entirely passive so this should be easy to balance (and to maintain that balance long term - the gap will widen with scaling if anything).

How would this happen when all of the pet utility is moved to the Hunter and the pet’s added damage is less than the reduction in Auto Shot damage?

An almost inconsequential optional pet is vastly better than no option to have a pet, for the people who care about having a pet. There is no appreciable difference for the people who don’t care, or prefer no pet.

This is a role playing game is it not? What’s wrong with having an optional mostly-inconsequential dps-negative ability that exists solely for rp purposes? Given you’ll never be expected to use it unless you want to, what reasonable opposition do you have?

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Thats a good idea.

I think MM should have a talent to summon a pet out you have tamed i just dont think it should have a taunt so MM can be balanced around kiting like other range specs that dont have pets or healing. Only for RP purposes to keep those people happy. The tank pet gameplay should be a BM\Survival thing only though

Getting a thing baseline at level 8, losing it at 13, then getting back a worse version of it later with a talent, that sounds awful.


How does another player’s choice of what to do when soloing a quest impact you in any way whatsoever?