Nobody takes a MM Hunter in M+ for Lust. Raids might bring it for Hunter’s Mark. But that’s about it. Our utility is limited. Our DPS has never been FOTM. It’s average or even below average at best. The recent spike is from a BUG. We needed a BUG that upped our DPS by like 600% to even make the podium.
That’s why I look forward to this rework. People might actually WANT a Hunter then.
I get taken all the time specifically for lust lol easier getting into groups on this hunter than my dk. But yeah i agree this rework is gonna be huge for mm in m+ spec feels good defensively now just doesn’t have top tier dmg and some of our utility is clunky. Imagine roar of sac actually being useful in pve
I asked for this in my mind. I sent my thoughts to Blizzard in their sleep and now I’m vindicated. All those years my therapist declared I was clinically insane have been proved wrong. Rawr!!
I LIKE the changes. If you don’t, you are free to say whatever you want, but you most definitely do not speak for me when YOU say rubbish like “nobody wants this”.
So, just to be clear, you are telling everybody here that what I am telling you that I wanted personally (for MM to be buffed and fixed) is somehow something that YOU have declared is wrong. So you KNOW that what I personally thought about the class for the last few years is wrong.
So now we know what Professor X does in his spare time when he’s not training mutants. He posts as Syg in the WoW forums.
BTW, NOBODY is saying that they asked for the fantasy of a bird. They are saying they want these changes. They want for the class to be redone. They don’t care that the pet is being removed as long as our DPS goes up.
What YOU are saying is plain out arrogance and lying when YOU say crap like “everybody hates it”.
No one said this, we were talking about the change in fantasy and complte removal of the option to summon a pet, no one asked for it, go back and read the full conversation before chiming in to say i AsKeD fOr ThIs
So, again, you are taking the absolute extreme of a comment and taking it out of context and twisting it for your personal fetishes.
What is he said it to his friend that he wanted this. Also, why does it have to be before the blue text. He comment was that HE WANTED THIS. Maybe it was in his heart. It does not have to exist in the forum for it to be real. After all we have multiple posts of people who said they LIKE the changes but your narrative of “nobody likes it” still gets typed by you on a regular basis doesn’t it.
And btw, yes I was being facetious when I said “I asked for this in my mind” but how dare you declare that I was lying. How the hell do you know what I wanted or thought about in the privacy of my own thoughts. That was so far across the line you can’t even see it.
I think it’s funny how many people keep telling you that they asked for these changes and you keep denying it because you simply can’t handle being wrong.
No, im talking about the subject that was was raised, nobody asked for the option tu summon a pet, nobody asked for the fantasy to change, these are facts
“but i wanted MM to be a better spec” no crap sherlock, did you also ask for fresh air tomorrow
Yeah, cause the amount of people lying, sure make a lie truth
Truly a snuzy mindset, isnt what you do? fake till you make it
I think it was nobody who plays MM in Mythic used Pet. Or Lone wolf is so good that nobody uses a pet anymore.
I think you were the one who started lying when you said started saying “nobody likes this change”.
BTW, were you also lying when you said you’d quit if this went thru? Maybe I got you confused with somebody else. No matter, I look forward to the changes and to your ire when it goes live.
Thats why clowns cant say nobody that play MM used pet, is a defacto, lie, and they do that, literally, all the time, countless threads are filled with people like that
I dont remember saying that, you might be confusing with someone else
YES, there is a lot of content outside of M+ and Raid. All true. But they are catering to M+ and Mythic players. That is their decision. Right or wrong. I’m sure people said the same things when they catered to PvP’ers. Still their decision and their decision only.
YES, they can make the new MM Hunter still have a pet. They can go thru the effort of blancing it and coding it. But it’s too hard for them. Sure, call them lazy. But again, their call. Their decision to make.
We can tell them all these things. We can give them feedback. They ASKED for feedback. But none of these threads are feedback. All that has been said is that “This Is Bad”. “Gimme my pet back”. All without addressing the first two points. Which are NOT NEGOTIABLE. They are NOT going to stop catering to M+ players. They are NOT going to spend the hundreds of thousands of man hours re-coding it. Let alone the balancing issues. Give them options that does cater to those points then they will listen
The whole reason for the changes in the first place is because people have been complaining to Blizzard about having to use pets in competitive content.
Keeping pets as a subpar (but easier and more durable) option for soloing while enforcing petless as the best option for competitive content seems like it would do the best job at keeping the largest number of people happy.
Yes, again don’t disagree that this would make everybody happy.
Unfortunately, see my post where it’s been pointed out that this makes things HARDER to code and Balance. And thus will not be done because they don’t have the resources and time to do it.