They are ruining marksmanship because of M+ players

BM also has access to Dark Ranger, lmao.

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Really just a symptom of them trying to cram 5 different specs and two classes into a single class.

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If the devs are really going to ruin another hunter spec like they did in the past with survival, OK, I’ll stop playing this game. Not even 5% of hunters plays survival because it’s not fun to throw grenades and attack in melee range in a class made to be ranged and with so many other melees always better game options. now they want to ruin marksman, they will kill the spec with their stupid changes to please m+ and raid players only, taking away everyone else’s freedom of choice. it will be another spec with less than 10% representation in the class. Is that what they want? almost kill the class? Will this make the engine lighter to introduce stupid houses in midnight? Are you going to remove pets from dks, shaman, monk or warlock too? Many unsubs arriving in one of the most populous classes in the game, that’s what they will have.


Removing “Pets” from monk wont really change much for them since its just Xuen really. But they’ve been trying since WoD to remove pets from MM hunter, its failed each time, but it hasn’t stopped them from desperately trying so they don’t have to finally introduce a second ranged DPS that isn’t a caster and give hunters competition for guns, bows, and crossbows.

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Target as a macro option is giving me server feedback “Unknown macro option: target”. So I quit using that option, wasn’t sure if it worked at all.

recently there’s been more survival players than marksmanship :sob:

not accurate :sob:

this is already the case :sob:


Shhhh. It’s bad enough we have had to share mail gear. Don’t give them ideas like this.


Notably it never gets shot down as a DPS loss by the people who want the option of using a pet.

I disagree on the effort required for pet management in solo world content or delves, which is where 99% care about access to pets, but I can see your argument.

I’d counter that from a fantasy standpoint, having a friendly between you and the target makes it a more difficult shot. As far as the pet damage is concerned, base pet damage is already quite low, nerfing it further seems unnecessary. Honestly if they can tune it such that using the pet is always less damage, maybe with a hidden debuff to reduce autoshot damage by like 1% more than pet damage adds or something, that would be the best solution. A visible buff/debuff is not necessary if that’s the concern.

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Correct, because the people who want to keep the pet are okay with it being a DPS loss (And I’d recommended just making it the talent instead of lonewolf, and moving it to a dead-end node so that if you want it, you can spend a talent point on it, and nothing else requires it.), its just the antis who use it as an excuse as to why the pet should be gotten rid of.

This i disagree with - we shouldn’t get a pet at level 8, lose it at level 13, then get it back again with a talent.

I’d just make it a baseline passive that you do less damage when you have a pet out.

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do the same with other shots you want.

This is definitely a good option.
I’m just shocked that M+ MM hunters have much to bellyache about when they’re top dps.


Think about the roleplayers or people who dont know how to kite!

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I don’t want the pet damage nerfed if pets returned. But I don’t know the damage goals of Blizzard for MM. The tuning if any Blizzard is working on currently for 11.1 doesn’t have a pet in the equation, but I would be not be sad if the traditional pet was added back in, without the pet nerfed or the hunters damage nerfed because the pet can tank or do a bit of damage.

What I would recommend strongly is, if the traditional pet returns, the utility should stay on the Hunter/Eagle. I feel it is more user friendly that way other than the botched Roar of Sacrifice, the pet can have that utility back as it works best that way.

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I don’t play BM, so I don’t know. But, is Spirit Beast still the way to go or does it not matter any more? I have pets for BM and pets for MM (Skarr mainly). Am I going just have to say goodbye to Skarr forever?

As much as I HATE BM, it will be even worse if I lose Skarr.

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Lone Wolf has been non-optional for like, three expansions. Why are y’all complaining about this now, exactly?

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Why that have anything to do with it? kind of bs logic is that, if a talent is “non-optional” they remove a core part of a class from your spec? lol?

It’s basic logic.

  1. Lone Wolf removes pets from MM.
  2. Lone Wolf is a mandatory, fundamental talent of MM’s build and playstyle.

It’s a nothingburger change, lmao. Nothing has happened that is of particular note worth complaining about.

Your first mistake is here; Lone wolf is not mandatory, this is a LIE

It might be for some content, but its not mandatory to play wow.

Try to argue your “logic” without a false premise


I’ve just been running clefthoof lately. In T8 delves I can MD + barrage multiple packs onto it with no problem. With pet specs returning there will be a lot more choice and have to reevaluate pet choice but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.