These new forums are... well okay maybe not so bad

According to the stats Kureya is my biggest fan


I feel called out.

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Me, too!

I thought we had something special, Tops.

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I guess youā€™ll have to kureya-te your posting habits.

No, I donā€™t have shame, because you all love my puns dammit.

That was not a pun. When you have to distort the source word that badly it is officially classified as a dad joke.

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All the signs Iā€™ll be an amazing dad.

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I donā€™t know who to post as. :japanese_goblin:

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You say that Azhaar but most of your likes have gone to Ursuola!!!

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I canā€™t help it if you donā€™t look as good in horns.

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What are horns compared to my big ears and huge stacks of money?

Real, and can cut glass!

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But are they yours?

Please, as many draenei alts as Iā€™ve got I have enough horns to build my own hunting lodge.

Alright, donā€™t go tooting your own horns.

Iā€™ll do what I want, dad.

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Man, I just caught up on the 300 posts I missed since last night but it was set the wrong character so I didnā€™t get credit for it.

These stats have completed altered the priorities for me on the forums.

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Go to your room.

Not sure how I feel about it just yet, but we will see.

Ohhh ok so Iā€™m slowly understanding the forums a bit more and Iā€™m just QAing something right now DONā€™T MIND ME JUST POSTING NOTHING OF VALUE WHICH IS NORMAL FROM ME THANK YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY :tooth::selfie::cyclone::firecracker::confetti_ball:


Im loving these new emotes though! :scream_cat:

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