These new forums are... well okay maybe not so bad

my new favourite emoji is :exploding_head:

also inverted pentagram ā›§ which isnā€™t available in the drop down but you can still copy it from emojipedia ā›§ H A I L S A T A Nā›§

Aaaaaand you can thank Versca for all the evil I will unleash on the forums now thatā€™s sheā€™s told me about Emojipedia.

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Thanks Versca.

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The best part of the new forums is they let you grind your forum-level and your in-game level! MMOs have never been this advanced, yā€™all.


Ohhh, so itā€™s a mini-game! That makes sense. Wonder if we can order Dominos here.


I will say that I do like that you can see who likes a post now. Iā€™d be all for downvotes coming back if you could see who downvoted something as well.


v a d e r e t r o s a t a n a :latin_cross:

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:latin_cross: Hail Mary :latin_cross:

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We gonna start communicating in emojis?

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:ok_hand: .

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So, Iā€™m still confused. What is this about forum levels? How exactly do they work? Is it just, how active you are on the forums or how many times somebody else likes your thing? What does it even do?

I read it once over but I think with just my normal activity Iā€™ll eventually hit some sorta level and then I guess Iā€™ll be allowed to like more things? The emoji thread did me in liking every post :sob::sob:

Iā€™m not a fan of likes and responses being an award system because thatā€™s specifically what makes reddit awful in certain ways.

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Wait, it limits you from liking stuff if youā€™re not high enough level? Thatā€™s super weird.

I just noticed that thereā€™s stats about how long people have spent browsing the forums.

Iā€™m going to browse in 5 minute spurts from now on to give the impression I have more of a life than I actually do.:roll_eyes:

Edit(again) Oh yes! WrA we have the EGGPLANT emoji!:eggplant::eggplant::eggplant:

Huh, I wonder how itā€™ll affect my stats that I have a tab open with the WrA forums basically all the time but only occasionally look at itā€¦

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Well, this is going to take some getting used to.

I triggered a fanboy of the maker of the forum software by criticizing its lack of a block feature so Iā€™ll never be able to go to a higher trust level than 1 because theyā€™ll be flagging me from now until forever for attacking the sanctity of the discussion forum code.

I just rolled all 100 of my hind-eyes. :peacock:


My favorites thus far:
:eggplant: :sweat_drops: :poop: :fu: :peach:

Can have guns in-game but not on the forums. :gun:

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My favorite emoji is :peacock:, discord hasnā€™t even implemented it yet.

Iā€™d give my life for a picard facepalm emoji on the forums though.

Can get close.

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