These new forums are... well okay maybe not so bad

unsubbed driveby

. :cowboy_hat_face:


ā€œI wish this site was more like redditā€ - no one ever

I suppose making long threads an unmanageable mess might help reduce people piling on with negative feedback. Gotta do what you gotta do when your stock price is tumbling.

Wait, Azhaar is back? Didnā€™t even make it a month of unsubbing?

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The forums currently have a bug where anyone can post, even if theyā€™re unsubscribed. Not the most surprising issue given the circumstances, but it is mildly amusing none-the-less. xD.

Exactly, Iā€™m gleefully posting without paying!

And actually I might re-sub soon. To get whatever goodies are being handed out for the anniversary, if nothing else. Iā€™ve gotten bored with my Steam games and itā€™ll be either WoW or SWTOR for me.


Hopefully you enjoy your return to either. Iā€™ve refused to go back to Swtor since they got rid of the RP server tag. Call me petty, but I tend to hold grudges. xD. Apparently both RP servers have made themselves at home amongst two other servers as well. Only thing missing is an actual tag.

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Change bad reeeee

Iā€™m not disliking the new forums I guess I was just expecting a little more to come from this as far as aesthetically

The fact that I can now type such inane things as :b:ENIS and post videos like

means that we have finally reached peak forum memeage.

ADDENDUM: Apparently, Spotify embeds can also potentially be added to posts, but I apparently canā€™t post links in spite of being able to post the previous YouTube link. Maybe further embeds apply to the whole kudo points system?

FURTHER ADDENDUM: I think I might have something to do with the use of shortened links over full links.

EVEN FURTHER ADDENDUM: Nope, think itā€™s just certain links it accepts and does not accept.

Hows it going yā€™all. New forums arenā€™t that bad I guess. Still going to take a while to get used to.

You know, I think I like this place already. Erydani gets comfortable with a feather pillow and some hot chocolate.

Weird though, I canā€™t edit a post I accidentally made under Charli unless I switch back to her. I can also like my own post that way. I can see that getting awkward.

Wow almost 800 posts. The cap is much larger

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Iā€™m liking the fact that there will be some potentially good memes coming out of the new Forums.

Iā€™m old and donā€™t like change >:(


Iā€™m not a big fan of the character limit, but when life gives you lemonsā€¦

You make grape juice and sit back as the world wonders how you did it.

Yeah so itā€™s morning and I still hate it, but I notice a couple things.

  1. The yellow pencil is now showing up, so thatā€™s cool.

  2. I donā€™t know if I actually had a second thing and just forgot or if I just thought ā€œcouple thingsā€ sounded better than ā€œa thingā€.

Anyway, Iā€™m going to test out liking my post on my own alts.




Also these forums literally donā€™t allow me to post just an incomplete sentence. I feel like Iā€™m back in High School.

Edit: Watching Conjurusā€™ post get liked constantly is quite amusing.

Edit 2: How many alts do you HAVE?

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Infinite alts


They just turned the forums into an op chat roomā€¦ Itā€™s kind of not a forum anymoreā€¦ like I would not have bothered to make a whole forum post to say this, but on hereā€¦ meh

My god, I can SEE when people are replying and view said replies without refreshing the page? This makes me uncomfortable, now I feel like Iā€™m actually in a room with other people instead of just posting stuff randomly. Iā€™ll never be able to ****post as efficiently now.

ALSO I canā€™t post curse words.

At least twenty.

Worth pointing out, though, that I notice you can only post on characters over level 10 now. My alts on inactive accounts show up so long as theyā€™re at least level 10.