These new forums are... well okay maybe not so bad

Yeah I’ve only had it disallow me from posting once because of an incomplete sentence which was …weird?

I wonder what kind of crazy symbols are supported.


of course it also means people will get angrier. some discord level drama.

[quote=“Targai-wyrmrest-accord, post:413, topic:19895, full:true”]
if i post on here as much as i do on discord i’ll be cannibal levels in no time.
[/quote]just wait til you can post gifs here and there

edit: that was an impressively bad job of quoting

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Looks like most things unicode work.


all of them, apparently

Are you trying to summon a demon with those?

Finding out if we reach the post cap prtty soon I think.

Honestly, I think the fast posting is just the hype. I’ve been on a few discourse forums and there are some multi-paragraph responses.

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:gun:Alright, I’ve had enough.

someone try zalgo

it’s only a matter of time before someone posts those giant images made using unicodes

Honestly, I am not keen on the change to instant load if it makes people not write walls of text. Too many fights are had in meaningless soundbytes today. LONG LIVE THE RANT ESSAY.

the secret is to always be angry anyway

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And gun emoji look like a water gun. Really.

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its like that on discord too

You can also swap characters and like the same post multiple times.

I’m never angry i am pretty much apathy distilled into a person.

v́͞a̢̧͟p̴͜e ̨̀n͞͡a͘t͏̨i̛͢o͟͡n̴̕

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For this thread, sure, but some of the lore arguments and big drama threads moved pretty fast even by old forum standards