These new forums are... well okay maybe not so bad

nice. :ok_man:

Nobody can have any of my likes they’re all mine none for you.

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All those special characters, it’s like you’re making a guild on Neopets.

Actually, if it’s on mobile. I’m running a desktop discord and it doesn’t have a water gun emoji.

i can’t go back there it’s where i first started RPing was on those boards

That doesn’t sound like-ly.

My Neopets username has a misspelled word in it and i vaguely remember being made fun of for it constantly.

real talk, though, being able to use normal Windows keybinds for italics and bolds and such is such a big QoL change that it made the entire update worth it to me

it’s like being in a chatroom with all of you. i vaguely hate it.

Where are the memes!? I’ve been waiting for memes and none have materialized yet.

Actually, same. I can never remember if my first RP was Warriors - man was I surprised when Warriors showed up in WoW several years after I’d stopped reading them - or if it was “teens injected with animal DNA”. Good times.

The boards are dead now, like most of the site. But the mods basically make anything with any kind of even mild conflict a bannable offense.

You all have a pleasant rest of your evening.

We all vaguely hate you… but also love you at them same time, Targai

being in a chatroom with me is a blessing just wait until i can start posting pictures i find while browsing the internet

everyone loves me. i am the god of rp.

The real crime is that there was never any Harry Potter RP in WoW.

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We gotta learn to trust each other first.

I refuse .

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trust level 3 iirc

embedded gifs. Hell yeah

faction barriers won’t stop me from tonguing your ear with my discourse

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