These new followers are trash

Do normal dungeons count to vault, [normal as in the normal difficulty]? No.

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ranged does not follow the tank path and often pulls mobs that could otherwise have been avoided

Blockquote you mean like players do in regular dungeons all the time

A clean FF dungeon run is 15 minutes. An AI dungeon is 30 to 45 minutes.

You get three pieces because you’re the only spec who rolls need on the stuff and you’re guaranteed one at the end. It’s literally the same as the non AI dungeons.

Get off your high imaginary horse.

Walks into thread “EXCUSE YOU! AT LEAST I WAS TANKING A BOSS WITH MY FACE!”-Herne the NPC, after headbutting a dragon.

the intent of my joke was to indicate that even while queueing with other players you can run into situations where everyone else is bad and you get no loot

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My post was restored.
Thank you mods.
wiggles toes

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Sounds like Scenarios…

allso wiggles toes in celebration

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Were you expecting these to be similar to the M+15’s that you are used to running? It’s pretty obvious that this content wasn’t created for people like you, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

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i liked it

i agree instead of the sprint through the content we cover an obvious path and fight reasonably sized groups. If there are adds (it does happen) things can get hectic. Kudos to Blizz on this win. I hope they add to it.( i still run group dungeons)


The system is a tool to help people, if you don’t want to use it - don’t. My first run with it was, questionable and omg slow.

The second, was for a quest, and went much better. Yes, it was still a bit slow but the pace was acceptable and I was able to do my quest easily.

I fully expect they will tweak the various parameters of how they work as the system evolves.


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I noticed some quirks like the tank not moving enemies out of puddles. If you try to taunt the NPCs out of the puddles, the tank will assume you want to be the tank now and let you go at it. Passive-aggressive NPC tank was pretty funny.

I just tried tanking one, and yeah. The dps is terrible. They take far too long to kill anything. I’m never at risk of dying. It just takes forever.

Oh, also, let us rez them! My idiot team died once and I wasn’t able to target them with my rez. I just had to wait for them to respawn.

Sounds like it’s working as intended. You saw the dungeon, you now know what you need to know in order to join actual groups and get real exp and loot.

It’s an MMO, not a single player game.

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try with real players. might go better.

Hmm I have done a few of them and did not take me 40 minutes. My DPS team was fine as was my tank and healer. What you expected from the follower dungeon is not what blizz had even said they would be. If you do not like follower dungeons simply do not do them it does not hurt you to ignore then and just do it with real people.

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61 plus. I tried it at 60 and it wouldnt let me que

not that I have seen

But it WAS a way of leveling on the PTR. The small amount of info never said it was just a story mode. It said heroic dungeon, which it obviously isnt. and its pallate, not pallet. No one is cleaning shipping devices.