These new followers are trash

here in lies the rub, you intended this as some sort of gotcha on me and my “imaginary high horse”, but you openly admit, non AI dungeons and AI dungeons are nearly identical except one is just a bit slower to complete. unlike wows munkey paw equivalent.

Then put two and two together.

She saw the dungeon, she realized that follower dungeons are a complete waste of time, and this will inspire her and others like her who wouldn’t have done the dungeon otherwise to be inspired to queue for dungeons they never wanted to before? What am I missing?

MMO stands for Massively Multiplayer Online. There is nothing in that phrase that even suggests that YOU get to choose who other players should be forced to play with and what content they should be forced to do to satisfy the control freak in you.

its clearly not meant for you , i have seen several of our newer guild members absolute love it when leveling up and not having to sit in DPS ques etc. from what i have seen it seems like a good first iteration of the system.

Not sure how, but under the scope again.

I’m gradually working my way through each available dungeon to see which I like best, and from there, I’ll do my favorite one or two over and over to better learn the mechanics. I truly appreciate now being able to experience this whole facet of the game.

I also like to think of them as a kind of dojo, like with Torghast until it became too easy.

However, I don’t find them all that scintillating (which is why I’m not rushing learning them). A little more incentive (eg, gear drops scaled to player’s ilvl?) couldn’t hurt.

I tried one this morning and I think it went decently. I double pulled after a while and it seems like the AI understood me and started double pulling. That it it was a crazy coincidence.

I know! They vote kicked me without even looking at my gear (not really)!

They really missed the mark with the follower system. I also spent about 45 minutes in one dungeon for no loot and 2 bars EXP. It’s definitely not worth it. The tank pulls everything at sight and the other DPS just stand there.

Yea but you guys dont like when tanks rush the dungeons and everything dies in 8 min runs tho

40 mins sounds about right for what people are asking and complaining about rushing dungeons. Enjoy and Keep cooking

Sounds like a pretty faithful adaptation of regular dungeons :3

If you want to go faster, group with people.

Apparently I missed the joke…as usual…lol

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I have to diasgree with OP, though I recognize player opinion is going to be influenced by how they play. I’m not a dungeon player - I’m a quest player. I play solo except for world events. I only need to run these DF dungeons once or maybe twice, depending on how the quests fall. For me this has been a godsend, as in previous expansions like Legion or BfA, I could not complete the dungeon quests until the next expansion was well under way.

So, with that in mind, this system is perfect for me and I couldn’t ask for more, except that it be expanded upon and be allowed in all dungeons for all levels.

I do think the current loot system for dungeons is total hot garbage, for what it’s worth. Legacy loot was the standard for years and should continue to be the standard for all instanced content, across all players levels, and all tiers of difficulty, regardless of the number of players. The current loot system is a clear and obvious treadmill to extend the life of instanced content, and is sort of emblematic of the entire modern world, in which crap products are made to break soon and be replaced frequently