These new followers are trash

Well stop queueing up with players and try the new follower dungeons then

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It wasn’t advertised to be an alternative way of leveling. And plus you and everyone else are so trained to only care about the last boss giving that special amount of XP. Followers is such a Pallet cleanser.

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I’d like Blizzard to use the BFA Island faction NPCs.



I finally got into a few follower dungeons today, did it to learn how to tank on my Warrior/Pally. For learning a new role its a stress free environment, for people who don’t like to queue up to continue the MSQ it takes away that anxiety.

Does it need some work and fine tuning? Absolutely. But we now have the ground work to go further with it, hopefully in TWW.

I would love if it dished out a little more XP, I feel like that’s what the biggest complaint is. Give it time, and we will see improvements to the follower dungeons.

Is there like, no penalty for false reporting? I see people getting flagged for doing nothing wrong all the time and I don’t understand how people get away with it.

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Op means the follower dungeons. OP is speaking of a bad time in the follower dungeon, not a regular one.

If they don’t like the follower dungeons they need to run with real players.

XIV AI Dungeons

  1. decent xp
  2. dont take any longer than a player group that does single target dps
  3. get at least 3 pieces of gear per run

At least try to be factually correct when admonishing it. Then again when are any wow players actually honest when critiquing XIV let alone any game thats in direct competition to WoW.

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  1. important NPCs, who comment on what is happening in the dungeon.
  2. available for all dungeons, not just a handful.

Just the part of the crying about it taking 4o minutes to do a dungeon (small note it took 36 minutes for my follower dungeon to complete so technically less than 40 minutes) had me laughing… we are so used to running through dungeons speed mode that people that never played years ago never realized there was a time people did not “go go go! Faster!” When doing dungeons.


oh my gosh they flaged you

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I have no doubt it will be reinstated.

I tried one on a 60 Evoker yesterday and got about a 1/2 level while rested and 2 pieces of gear so your mileage may vary and loot rolls are RNG as always.

I won’t let them bring me down.

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I have a question. I’ve only done them on a couple 70’s in the 450 range and found them rather easy and while not as fast as humans it still went pretty quick. Aside from a couple minor glitches that didn’t cause any real issues. I have experienced almost none of the problems people are complaining about. Does the difficulty or speed depend that much on the player or the players gear score ?

At 450 there is no value in them. You’d likely be carrying that NPC party to victory at that stage.

It is basically a dungeon done the old way for people using follower dungeons for levelling from 61-70.

I personally have liked trying them out and I think they fulfill their purpose - giving players a way to get the dungeon done solo and get a feel for a real WoW dungeon without the pressure of a party.

I greatly think this is a very good stepping block for newcomers.


Wait a minute, are you telling me in WoW we can now have npcs run dungeons with us finally??

Yeah from level 60 and up you can queue with AI followers and do dungeons. The xp if solo is reduced by 20% though, but it’s decent if you have full rested xp and maybe an xp event going on plus a dungeon quest.

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Finally wow has become a proper game! :smiley:

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Followers scale off your item level.probably capped at like 350 or something.
So when op says followers are garbage there could be some bad news for him

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I am personally enjoying them. I have a disability that normally keeps me out of doing dungeons ( I have not done any in the last 2 expansions). The system isn’t great but it gives me the ability to slowdown and go at the speed I am able to handle. I just wished they would expand it into MORE dungeons (plus if you don’t like them you are not forced to do them).