These new followers are trash

and he is inexperience same with the healer and other dps.
But honestly the follower in FFXIV is pretty slow too becasue when you play with players you usually pull 4 to 5 mobs at once but the follower in FFIX refuse and simply do one mob at a time. But at least they know to get out of avoidable damage which in WoW they like to stuck and do not move out of bad stuff like a pool or posion that’s kill them. The AI will not move till they are dead lol.

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I cant be sure, but I just ran one…did get a wrist upgrade for a hunter…but I think I saw one of the followers doing a little victory dance after a boss went down :joy::joy:

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Nah soz, I’m already training the Ai to deal with me pulling entire floors of ruby pools

That makes sense. I ran one on my Paladin. I ran him as a dps in Prot. Sure enough. Tank dropped dead on one boss and my Pally picked up and prevented a wipe. On another boss everyone died except for my Pally.

I don’t think I’d run one as a true dps.

But for things that require running a dungeon for a quest line they aren’t bad. No useful loot. Not enough experience. But got the quest done.

You trolled your AI group and it went as expected?

Why would you want to DPS in tank spec?

I bet if they made unlockable Ai characters, people would eat that up.

Imagine unlocking arthas as a slow walking tank or illidan as a zippy fast tank. Chen and Li li telling you to savour it. Those NPCs from the quest chain where you play the quest giver!

Put an npc or widget at the start where you can alter your group and make it faster, slower, easier or whatever by using different unlocked NPCs.


It would be kinda neat to have people from your Garrison or Order Hall tag along, maybe swap out chars or something…even if they had the same abilities. I dunno…I play on an RP server and I think it’d be kind of neat lol…don’t care if it ever happens though…seems like a lot of work for probably very little gain haha…

Definitely wouldn’t complain though if it happened.


Yep, noticed I didn’t get loot off of Eckhart when I ran my level 64 feral druid through Ruby Lifepools.

Got gear off some other boss though.

Uh…yes it is? It’s merely the latest iteration of going from spamming trade chat/zone chat to RDF, an improved group finder…to this.

I mean, they were almost forced to put in the RDF because players got more and more exclusion-happy (really don’t want to go into that here). Now even the RDF isn’t immune to a variation of that.

Not on timing things, no, not how the AI behaves right now. But, I think, that the slowing down of getting through the dungeon so that people could actually see mechanics, do quest stuff, try out a spec or three (in a low pressure environment sort of)…could’ve been done easier with having a vastly expanded proving ground queue where you had access to the entire list of encounter mechanics to practice against?

Pulling in the follower dungeon brings in all that association with other games.

Were the FFXIV follower dungeons any faster/slower? No. But there’s not an XP penalty, the AI do 99% of all the mechanics like clockwork, etc. The only penalty is time. They also made it another gameplay mode in that you had to level those AI along the way or you couldn’t use them in the next one because they were too low level.

When you combine the single-target behavior (which contributes heavily to that time), the significant XP loss…

I’m not entirely sure, though, that this just isn’t an attempt to feed an AI learning model.

If all this is ever going to be is a story dungeon mode, then they have something like that.

They just should have chosen the way they sold it to better convey that. Saying things like “same rewards”, and “solo dungeons” without qualifiers…and, yes, I know that actually putting some of those clarifications out there would have garnered a bit of backlash…but transparency has been part of their rehabilitation with the customer base for DF…

Dunno. Putting “solo dungeons” on the roadmap and delivering “proving ground dungeons” instead was more than a bit disappointing.

Doesn’t mean they don’t work for what they are, but just not my cup of tea and, apparently, others as well.

There’s so much potential in what they could do with this that it’s frustrating to watch it run right down the same road as past attempts…might be good…oh, they restricted/killed parts of it…and then they never go anywhere with it other than pieces show up here and there later.

You guys asked for solo queued dungeons, and you got them, congrats!

Only problem this system has is daily limit per account. It was perfect to get instant que poping up and yes it may be slow , but you don’t deal with tank who doesn’t stop pulling till he reaches first obstacle or boss that has to be defeated. You don’t deal with dps that pulls instead of tank etc.

Only problem is daily limit.


I want to run some, but Im literally NOT running them for fear the wife will want to run some with me later and I wont have any left.
Ridiculous restriction.


Theres no ai

does it count towards your vault? doesnt look like it.

and tiny rewards. I can live with the limit, just wont be doing it for almost no xp and less gold than my repairs.

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The premise of WoW is to improve and find complementary players you respect/enjoy playing with to make the gameplay more fun.

Why would anyone ever think doing content with bots would improve their experience?

Followers does drop gear and it’s RNG.

They have fixed the EXP if you haven’t read up on the news on the blue post.

Stealing? Doesn’t all games “steal” and make it there own.

I think in future expacs I’ll be mostly doing these for quests, especially on my DPS alts where getting an instant queue will make up for not having real players to group with. It’ll be nice for quests like the Neltharus one where you had to collect pages from enemies in the dungeon, random groups would often skip too many and you would end up needing to run the dungeon twice to get it done. A lot of dungeon quests require optional bosses or going somewhere behing skippable trash and getting a tank to help you with those things can be tough so it’s especially awesome for those. Also useful is running it to clear Brackenhide Hollow for the crafting table if you need that.

Abusing it to get free mage food is a nice feature too.

It seems to me most people don’t throw around “as usual” on their first forum post.

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very little gear, doing a heroic dungeon doesnt give heroic vault, There is no xp bonus at the end, the xp is cut down still. It really isnt worth it for a lot of people. I can get better xp flying around mining. A big factor in this is that while it was on PTR the rewards werent gimped like this. The devs knew perfectly well that it would go over like a fart in church, but they knew perfectly well they could do their last second nerf and just ignore the blowback. Business as usual.