These new followers are trash

I kind of wonder if they scale to the player to some degree, because I jumped into one last night and they were murdering the trash and bosses just fine while I stood back and observed.


True just depends on if you allow them to take the lead or you take the lead… I mean I haven’t gotten to a point where I could test this and I’ve tried to log PTR but no go.

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That toggle so you can let the AI tank pull, or you can at your own pace is really cool. I mean, Im ok with fast as long as its not affecting other players, but definitely a good feature for someone who does want to take a run slow.


Just wait until there is a wipe and one of the AI toons is removed and another takes it’s place. You might have to wait in queue a bit for the new AI to join the group.

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The the simulation will be complete lol!


I’d rather take slower than being told to commit toaster bath by some little butthead


No one is forcing you. Sorry your followers are garbage. Mine have been working out well and I get upgrades for the chars I am running with them.

I’m not even bothering with trying with a char lower than 70 for the xp. I’m just after mogs and somethng to do that doesn’t feel tedious.

This is an ellipse and it doesn’t belong in a paragraph.

Follower dungeons haven’t taken me more than 20-25 minutes on my low geared DPS or my level 64 feral druid who was doing a measly 5k dps.

This might be the only complaint you made I agree with. The xp gain is stupid.

FF14 players are the vegans of General Discussion.


With how fast even leveling dungeons become with each expansion from the get go, I think this is a welcomed addition to even experience a piece of content… at my own pace… heck even experiencing the art work around the place.

We’ve gone from super slow, methodic dungeons to super fast, with no in between and this might be the middle ground players like me wanted.


If that is true, why were they giving loot and experience on PTR? only to be changed at the last second? they have zero point for most people if they have no rewards. I guess blizzard didnt learn a damn thing about torghast.


Do you get gear all th e time when you ran normal dungeons?

I didn’t.

I think it is working as intended.

It is an ez way to game the system with this now so don’t expect lots of rewards. It’ll be sparse. I imagine it is meant more for people to just knock out some stuff at their own pace. Want gear, better gear etc… do higher level content. RNG will be RNG. As always.


I find it okay if they copy things from other games. Dragon riding is almost a 1 to 1 copy of GW2, and as far as I know, it was well-received. They should have just outright copied the entire ai dungeon system from FF14 and it would also apply to all dungeons, not just a handful. It would also be nice if they took significant NPCs like in FF14, instead of characters from WoW that you hardly interact with.
I dunno, not really happy with Blizzard’s approach so far.

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ONe character might get pocket lint, another might get a couple pieces. RNGeezus is a moody one, loo


WoW isn’t built the same way.

This is a work in progress… I imagine there will be changes in the coming months to prep for a more solid 11.0 showing. And to see how it is received. Testing etc, hence why I think it was released now and not in 11.0

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Yeah, it is fine to take ideas and implement them from other games. What is funny is a lot of comments previously would probably be…why don’t they do it like XYZ Game…but then when they do it…THEY STOLE IT! lol

Never can win…it is a rough world.

I’m glad its in…I was just going to resub and play classic…after seeing this update I went for a 12 because it sold me so much. Trading post and now AI…I’m pretty content. I still will love playing group content with players too of course, but its nice that we have new options.

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Working as intended.

They were meant to dish out a minimal parse of dps and heals-- enough to survive and long enough to get to experience the fight and see all the mechanics.

It’s a mode for people still learning their class/spec. Simple as that.

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You’re just bad. I’ve spent a max of 25 min on all my runs. Yes, you heard that right. 25 freaking minutes.

To reiterate, sounds like you’re just that bad.

I’m enjoying the follower dungeons. I’ve done more dungeons in the past two days than I have in the past two years.


I mean, it’s not suppose to replace player made parties outright. You’re never going to get the same efficiency as living thinking people. Still for what we got it’s good.