These forums are terrible

Everyone can have opinions.
But I don’t blame people saying positive things. Or call them fools or sth.
Why do you so bother about other people saying negative things?

I’ve seen worse, but I agree that general discussion is usually a place for people to whine about nothing while the cynical minority attach themselves to said whiners in order to validate their whining. But at least most of the people who would scribble up a multi-paragraph screed attacking anyone that had something positive to say are hibernating… for now.

@OP, cool story, dood.

Also, why not post on a max level?

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I would like to help make these forums a little bit better if I can. Even if the part I play is pretty small…

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They are terrible but not for the reasons you listed, rather the daily allotment of likes allowed, the “Trust” system with it’s insane requirements and the fact that you can’t mute/block someone you genuinely despise. The old forums even with it’s flaws was nice because I could mute obvious trolls and see/interact with everyone else without their nonsense.

You literally used “literally” too much there.

Using “literally” seems like a millennial thing; To the rest of us, it would be superfluous.

If I’m making a statement, such as “you complain non-stop”, then “literally” is superfluous (as in, not needed.) This would be if you were actually complaining “non-stop.”


I have a pet peeve about the word “actually” because it’s not needed to get a point across yet many people use it.

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Oof, ironic.


A complaint about the game. My complaint is about the people crying about the game in the forums when they aren’t going to get their way. Blizzard has put its foot down on several things

There is a small group of posters that are going through a bad breakup with blizzard and they are lashing out like a bitter ex and telling anyone listening why blizzard is a bad partner. They also like to have their feelings validated by other heartbroken individuals which is why you always see them in the same threads together. It’s a support group.

You just gotta let them work their way through it. This long distance dedication goes out to all of them. You’ll get through this.


No, you came to whine on the forums like everyone you are complaining about. It’s the exact same thing. The only difference is their whines are about the game while yours are about the people.


I take solace in knowing the bulk of not all that they complain about in the game won’t change. And most of what they complain about I actually like. Sucks to be them

Weird how one little change makes it looks so dang similar.

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This made me lol

The only persistent posters are the Blizzard shills tbh


I just can not take anyone seriously who says literally in every scentance. Are you a 13 year old girl OP?


I am literally shaking at this comment.

I just can’t with you right now.


How can I get it? Tell me. Speaking out in the forum is the only thing I can do for getting what I want. Is there any better way?

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I think it’s good to have a venue where people can vent, offer criticism, feedback and share ideas and thoughts about WoW. The threads that I find tiresome are the ones where some random person I’ve never seen before feels the need to write a blog and tell the world they’re leaving WoW until Shadowlands. Do we really need 50 threads saying you’re taking a small break?

Those threads annoy me and always will.


It is best to expect ignorance and incompetence. Do not get me started on the F Tier Elf threads.