These forums are terrible

about time some one get ot it They should just add companion box just should that there

I swear I Don’t know what worst this or people at 40k 4chan


I think the developers started ignoring general a long time ago. Because while this won’t be popular a lot of your points are not wrong.

It becomes very hard to take some of the people seriously when they complain about seemingly anything and they do it week after week month after month.

Because at some point you do need to walk away if you dislike so many things about the game I’m not saying many of these complaints aren’t valid but at some point this is supposed to be a hobby and if complaining on the forums rather than finding something you do enjoy to spend your time and money on becomes your hobby. it becomes difficult to take you seriously because it reaches a point where you just seem like a person who enjoys bit**hing about stuff.


People have a right to complain, just as you write a post complaining about them…If you don’t like the post and you say it is the same people then block them or skip their post. They have a right to be here as we do, even if it is to complain as long as it is WoW related they are breaking no rules.

I personally would like to see a little more constructive complaints rather than “this sucks” complaints.


100% on point.

Nearly all of the spam complaint threads have the same people posting doom and gloom in every one of them. It doesn’t matter what the topic at hand is, as long as the topic is something in regards to how bad the game is, how dead the game is, or how bad Activision-Blizzard is then they’ll be right there to chime and and let everyone know just how terrible it is. Many of these same players have been doing this same this for amazing amounts of time, it has to be exhausting to dedicate so much time to hate on a video game. Many of them claim they don’t even play the game but still hang out on the forum and spit their venom every day.

It’s okay to not like certain aspects of the game but some of these people go overboard with their hate on the game and company. If it’s really that bad then they should just walk away and call it quits, it’s like they forget that this is only a video game and that nobody is forcing them to come here or play the game. I couldn’t imagine spending so much time and energy on a hobby that I hated so much.

I won’t even touch on how the same spam from them pushes actual discussion about the game to the side.


I don’t think it’s a 100, probably less. A lot less. Others are bored so they’ll dogpile but the consistent ones are less than 100.

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Steampunk please, tell me there’s a way to block people on the forums :open_mouth: I haven’t found it and I recall some time back there was a thread about it, it basically went something like this:

Some person: I want to be able to put people in the forums on ignore

Probably the people he wants to put on ignore: Grow thicker skin, millennials, crybaby generation, special snowflakes, “imagine getting hurt by words on the internet”, just ignore what you read it’s not that hard.


I agree. People do have a right to complain but that’s not really what’s going on.

While there are some valid complaints, some of these posters are just dogpiling and becoming emo to the extreme.

It’s pvp season in the forums, I guess.


Naw. The forums have always been a crapfest.

You might be right I guess you can’t block people here but I still stand by what I said about ignoring and moving on

Pretty much I Surprise they still here given the state people put them.

The forums are broken and allow unsubbed people to post. So they may have already left.

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Funny/not funny story. I once got suspended for telling two trolls that they were wrong and that you could, in fact, still post on the forums without an active sub (I know because that was what was literally doing at the time). No idea how that constitutes a suspension, but there you have it.

Contrary to popular belief.

The annoying complainers do care about this game and they want it to evolve to something better.

BFA is a very bad expansion and some would dare say worse than WOD.


This patch is terrible.


Not gunna lie, these are the comments I hate the most from those “same 100 people” you keep talking about.

Seems like a familiar boat tbh.

I think everyone should have a vision of what WoW could be, otherwise we settle for what it is. That said, people need more constructive feedback on systems than just badmouthing them.

Prime recent example, Horrific Visions were easily failed and people only had a about 3 each week. Saw many complaints and now we have increased Coalescing Visions from Daily visions as well as Dailies. Now instead of 1300 or something you get 3000 a day. Basically an additional 2 visions a week (Based on 6x250 dailies, some times its 7 dailies). Won’t attribute the change directly to the forum complaints, but I am sure suggestions may help.

Doesnt help the failure rate, but does allow dailies to mean a little more and allow for more vision attempts a week preventing falling behind a lot more. People complaining can help to change things.


In my opinion, the worst thing about Legion was the class design and that’s taking into consideration the really bad legendary RNG system they came up with. I’ve hated the hunter class since Legion, and BFA didn’t fix it.

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and yet here you are complaining… you are toxic trash, people have a right to voice concerns.

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Don’t forget the 2+ years of constant bickering over allied races, almost entirely from Alliance posters. At least once a week, someone complains that:

  • Nightborne are Horde
  • Vulpera are Horde
  • Void elves aren’t high elves
  • Kul Tirans are fat
  • Mechagnomes exist

I’m not exaggerating the last one since mechagnomes suffered nearly a year of intense backlash after they were first revealed, with people here begging in vain for them to just be barber options for gnomes, then they were announced alongside vulpera in October and the number of anti-mechagnome threads went way up. The sheer amount of unending negativity that people have for that race has probably taken years off my life.

Go play classic, OP. You’ll meet an amazing number of people who will tell you why they stopped playing retail. Some haven’t played since vanilla, and many of the others quit at the start of different expansions. It’ll be good research for you to learn about what sort of things people find worth quitting over.

Although, if you’re posting rants in the forums to harangue the overwhelming majority of players with this copy-paste rant of yours, it just means you hang out on the internet and are as socially inept as the rest of us who do the same.

And yeah. People starting posts in the forum in an idiotic attempt to drive away as many paying customers as possible as quickly as possible are carrying water for short-sighted devs who seem to believe that getting rid of everybody who is insufficiently obedient will be great for the game.

You’re playing the game wrong, OP. You’re not a mythic raider who pushes high keys to get fantastic gear so they can steamroll noobs who solo queue in random bgs with their guild premades.

You should quit, OP. You’re playing the game wrong and should be stopped.


I dont think Im terrible. :slightly_frowning_face:

Am I? :sob:

All I ever wanted was to watch the world … tree … burn.