Notice how I said multiple times, that it could be someone just randomly DCing and that the videos didn’t actually prove anything. Just that the optics of it looked odd.
Explain to us all how Billy was squelched and DC’d when that squelch was imposed and later had that squelch overturned can prove or provide evidence that the people who reported him did so to cause him to be DC’d and squelched.
You’re both underestimating the power of people’s memories and the community. I still remember the names of people I played with back in Vanilla and even the name of one of the best pvpers on my server.
If you think a rumor about a person can’t/won’t get someone false reported, you’re crazy. Or did you never have any girls in your high school false rumored to be sluts, and have their reputations ruined among people they never even talked to before?
i was forum banned while discussing high elves in the unofficial high elf thread. i graciously waited for the ban to lift without bothering a mod about it because it wasnt that big of a deal to me at the time (was busy playing wow).
as soon as i returned, i was banned again. i sent a request to have it reviewed. the mod agreed i had done nothing wrong to warrant the ban, and immediately released the ban. someone, not a mod, was going around getting anybody banned that posted in the high elf thread, whether for or against the topic. lol
people were so angry and assumed that the opposing side of the topic was reporting them so they’d be banned, when in fact, everybody was being targetted . it was like total mayhem.
Yes, the same exact situation that has been a hot conversation topic. Something that could generate views. Have you never heard of people faking things to get attention?
These are the buzzwords the NPCs have now when defending auto-mute. Lol just go to help and make a detailed report. If something is bad enough that warrents a few seconds of your time then report them and good on you for taking the time to do so.
Rick click + tell mom is over the top in a game where people will not like what someone says and report regardless of weather it’s against the ToS.
Back when the game was great we didn’t need blizzard to hold hands through every conflict as server reputation actually had meaning. Because the server was a community with a personality much like a guilds and people left/ joined servers based on their community. Just go to a nice quite small server with a legit kind and non vulgar atmosphere if that’s what you want instead of trying to change everyone’s behavior to match your expectations.
Profanity, politics, conspiracies, and extreme opinions will still be from the TYPE of players on those servers you’re playing with. Reporting them to auto-mute them temporarily wont change that reality. You’re just making it less organic for that server’s personality to realize itself.
Meanwhile, if you care so much about the conversations people choose to have then you still would have tools: detailed reports, ignore, leave channel, profanity filter, filter addons, or change realms. Why you need an abuseable system on top of that is bizarre.
The old system was abusable too. The argument that, because some random people could gang up and abuse the system is not an argument to go back to another system where a single person could abuse the system when the current system has been in effect for several years now.
So basically, even though there’s rules specifically against some of those things, everyone should have to just /ignore, so that no actual punishment ever has to come to the person breaking the rules
The point is that the victim is highly unlikely to be able to provide video evidence that his squelch and DC were due to the system being abused. After all, how many of us have cameras and voice recorders behind even some other players, let alone every other player?
Unless “someone is the idiot intentionally abusing the system” and recording that abuse, the chances of having video proof of the system being abused is slim, at best.
But, for some reason you seem to want to equate not having seen any videos of abuse made by anyone who was not the actual abuser to proof that the abuse doesn’t happen.
Hmmm. So because I can remember the names of people I played with, and a specific person from my server, you think I should remember the name of every ninja I came across. Not that I came across many.
I can remember the names of 5 people clearly from my raiding guild and one of the top pvpers from my server. That’s from nearly 13 years ago now. If you think people can’t/won’t remember the name of someone they don’t like for stupid reasons, for a few days, you’re crazy.
No one is advocating people breaking the rules. What people are saying is that mob rule shouldn’t be allowed to take hold on punishing people. You don’t make the rules, you shouldn’t be allowed to attempt to enforce them. If you think someone said or did something against the rules, report them, but 10 people for example shouldn’t be allowed to punish someone.
I just got done being squelched for making a post about machinima and warcraft movies, the importance of the game’s community, and… apparently, that was against the bot’s terms somehow?
Anywho I ain’t here to complain about that but what I will say is the main issue is the real villains of right click report are the old recluse gamers who are so used to the single player casual experience of retail where no one can bother them that they think its a good idea to ban anyone who disagrees with them because they did their debating and just want to go home after their 9-5 and play a game instead of debate or listen to jokes or roasts they would have found to be hilarious when they were our age.
Some unnamed individuals even use racism or harassment as an excuse for right click reporting, sure it exists just like everywhere else in the world or the internet but it is dealt with and banned and always has been banned in this game since its release. To think that now that there is a sudden influx of the stuff lately that justifies this radical idea of having a AI handle the masses is just some twisted way of saying “I don’t wanna deal with people anymore I don’t like so I wont.” But Classic/Vanilla is a social game and it NEEDS to be a completely social experience for it to be a success.
As for Celessi and many others who want to make classic different, I understand both your point in your posts and were you are coming from when you want changes. But you have to understand that people in this forum are expecting a product of the game that they already had and already know is good. Making absurd changes claiming they are for the better is like trying to mess up someones favorite dish because you think it needs more cheese. You’re Ideas however do make sense and would be great in a NEW GAME. One that people wouldn’t have expectations for and would love to test and try out these new features for their own as a new experience.
Some changes, however, are necessary and #Nochanges is just unrealistic. Such as starting zone sharding for example. Classic will have an estimated launch that WILL rival that of currently released expansions and maybe even surpass them. So the sacrifices necessary to handle a load of that order in a game that was never meant to have more than 1-2 million people is exactly what we need.
In short, there will be things we have to compromise and suck up for to make Classic a success but changing the basis of the game is not one of them. It is up to us to let the cooks know when they are messing up our order but its also up to us to trust them in THEIR decisions because they didn’t go to culinary school for 8 years to listen to Karen with the “let me speak to your manager” haircut tell them how to do their job.
I don’t think vanilla was the pinnacle of MMO RPG’s so i can actually identify the parts of it I like and the parts I don’t. So anything that improves the parts I actually care about it welcome, nostalgia be damned.
The OP is trying to be cute and call people out and harass them without actually using their names. Which leads to the thread being reported for trolling and harassment, and ending up much like the other thread.
Dang are you the one that shared the sick fanmade Naxx trailer? That post was great and I was trying to thank whoever posted it earlier. I don’t remember anything reportable about it.