There's people like this

There’s people looking forward to Classic just for right click + report and sharding. People who never respond to a thread about what class they can’t wait to play. Don’t care about finding a guild or joining a convo about what the best part of Classic was.

There’s people who’s entire post history consists of defending systems that will prevent them from getting offended or harassed.

They don’t care if Classic has heirlooms added. They don’t care if it had tokens or cosmetic stores. They don’t care if it is forced onto TBC or anything other than how they can stop players from feeling like they have free speech or any in-game mechanic that could potentially be what they call “disruptive”. There’s NPCs on the forums that view Classic as a new outlet to report people and ask for systems that break the community/ social dynamic. And these people aren’t hard to find.

My question is why? Who can possibly think of Classic by those terms? And why do they hate the fact Barrens Chat could be anything special? Hate that a Hunter might spend an hour kiting a Devilsaur as if that really would dictate weather or not they sub. But everything about vanilla authenticity is disposable for them?


[citation needed]


I know a druid that is super pumped about right click reporting


The cliff’s notes version:

Trolls exist on the internet, and some of them will make their way into Classic WoW.


She’s the reason I made this thread. Along with the nelf priest that follows her around


I suspect you made this thread because the other right click report Barrens chat thread was deleted by the mods. Looking to be a martyr?


Those kind of people will abuse the system no matter what system is in place. They’ll abuse it so much that they’ll have their ability to do so removed and/or be banned themselves. Sounds like a win/win for me.

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I’m not sure if we are talking about the same druid or not, but I know a druid that is super pumped about sharding, and loot trading.

That same druid insists upon having the option to conspire to squelch any other player at any time for every little slight he thinks he had to suffer, while opposing punishing those that submit false reports when no violation actually occurred and the squelch is overturned.


I have stopped posting on those cancer threads. Now i am trying to stay tranquil and post only in cool threads.

Like favorites zones, waifus, etc


Didn’t even know it got deleted, but god could you make anything sound more cringe? No I’m not looking to be a martyr, though I’m sure that word’s not even in context. Who even says that?

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Good thing I’m not one of those people. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I do speak up for right-click report regularly. (Not the squelch, but I don’t see that as a WOW Classic problem and I get tired of the FUD claims that people will get banned for corpse-camping through abuse of right-click report.)

I also speak out loudly against sharding, and have made it clear I won’t play the first month or so - not until it is confirmed sharding will not ever be used past the early weeks, starting zones. (LOL, I’ve even been called paranoid for my concerns in this area.)


for classic to be true to its legacy, it needs to be the wild west. :sunglasses: that’s part of its flavor. if something is offensive, i just change tabs.


In the wild west, you could shoot someone to shut them up with little to no consequences as long as there were no witnesses.


I suspect this is the same Druid who finds no value in the vanilla iteration of druids.


lol well i dont mean THEE wild west. tis a metaphor my ancient ancestor!
i ran an online writing roleplay game based on the entire star wars universe, including the extended universe ( it was exhaustive). it was freeform. think the mos eisley cantina on steroids.

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Now that you mention it, I do recall the druid about whom I am speaking wanting hybrids to be equal to pures while retaining all of their utility.

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People who understand the English language and context (which yes, it is in the proper context) say that.

Let me spell it out for you: The other thread got deleted by a mod, so are you trying to be a forum hero and go down in a blaze by making a NEW, yet pointless, thread that will also get deleted and yourself possibly banned? That’s the martyr bit, btw.

Finally, your entire OP is one giant, cringe inducing conspiracy theory. What’s the point of this thread besides fear mongering? Or maybe trying to be a martyr?


These threads are rapidly becoming “Trolls have rights too!” which is really cringey and seriously misplaced energy IMO.

If your biggest concern about Classic is worrying about whether people report you for being a jerk on community coms… it’s time to rethink some things.




idk if its to conspire to get people squelched but they sure get upset about everything and lash out at anyone who disagrees