There's people like this

How is it hypocritical? If you will get offended often and find yourself reporting a lot, do yourself a favor and leave the channel or /ignore the offenders. Why do you need an effortless way to mass report them? If something is so vulgar that you feel it needs to be reported then you should make a detailed report. But you have said yourself in this thread that even in a public channel that a blue said can be used for purposes other than it’s label, you will report people than you determine are spamming if you don’t like the conversation or find it distracting to you.

cleverly clever cleverness. teehee
let’s sing!

In Classic, this may as well be a ban. If you can’t communicate, you can’t do 95%+ of anything that was in Vanilla.


Sort of like “repeating the lie that it is a violation to use /trad for anything other than the buying and selling of goods or services (and Blizzard has confirmed that), enough times and it becomes the truth”?

You would advise people who do not like the disrupted communication of specific channels to just leave the channel, and yet you take issue with people saying to take your disruptive stuff to channels that are not public.

It is clear and blatant hypocrisy.

Have people forgotten that Discord exists? There’s going to be server Discords that’ll make finding groups extremely easy. You won’t even need to be connected to the game in order to advance set-up groups. If you’re one of the very few who will ever be silenced, it’ll be easy to form a group using the server Discord.

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Funny because the post confirmed what you said was LINKED by her while trying to push the opposite agenda. She took the vaguest part of the whole post to try and justify reporting people for using trade without WTS in the first line. Lol she’s crazy.


I’m sorry but trade chat has been used for non-trade related conversations for as long as wow has been a thing. Who are you to tell people they can’t do that anymore?


Instanced areas are 95% of the game?

Lez go then.

People be sendin’ these automated bans,
Hiding away as much truth as they can,
But I stg, if I get squelched again,
Blizzard will be the one to catch these hands.

People keep forgettin the words that I say,
as if its something they see every day,
But they bout to figure out these ryhmes don’t play.

Classic is a social game,
and anyone who doubts cant doubt its fame,
so keep the automated squelch outside its name,
and we might just keep the game the same.



I am one of the people who are going to have the option to report those who have no self control and cannot civilly censor themselves, as deemed alrighty by Blizzard. That is who I am.

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So now you’re saying people need to use a 3rd party program to get groups together… May as well just have LFD/LFR then. And what if someone doesn’t know those servers exist or what they’re called?

Also, not everyone on a server is going to be on 1 discord. By forcing people to go to discord to chat, people are losing out on finding someone that they really get along well with.

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Show me quote in which I said the number WAS low. There are plenty of examples of me saying that the number COULD be low or that we do not know what the number is, but neither of those equates to “the number IS low”.

Pointing out that a low number would be extremely easy to abuse is hardly misinformation.

Show us all your evidence for painting the system as requiring some huge number of reports to trigger a squelch.

Or are you assuming facts not in evidence?

Is y our entire premise is based on an assumption for which you know absolutely nothing behind the scenes?

If a low number would be extremely easy

what if i find you offensive? what if i dont like horde or alliance or worgens or pallys or shaman or blonde hair or black hair or red hair or your guild name or the way you walk, how you spell, your opinions, your confessed belief system (religion or the lack thereof), politics, memes, character name or title, mount, pet, what if i’m jealous of your achievements, your gear, your pvp skills or the lack thereof makes me angry that you’re taking up a slot in the bg, etc ad nauseum etc! now, think of the weird nit pickiness of such a person and give that person the freedom to silence people, like some kind of out of control sociopath. you want to give them the auto squelch tool?

you no thinky this thru.


It’s not the effortless way to report a player that some need. It’s the ability to conspire to “punish” players that do something they do not like that they need.

That something they do not like could be anything–such as, but not limited to:

using /trade for chat not related to trade

telling Chuck Norris jokes

selling the same good or service at a lower price


Assuming the people on the discord are the same people from your server, I’m not sure the people on the discord are going to be very welcoming to this person and they’ll likely find themselves banned from the discord. haha

E: That said, it could totally be a different group of players and the silenced play may be in the clear. But, you never know!

But “T.R.A.D.E.” literally stands for “telling really awesome delicious engaging” Chuck Norris jokes. That’s a true fax!


Is there anything that I can say that you won’t try to twist or take out of context?

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There’s two issues with this.

First, it’s incredibly self-centered. You’re implying that not ONE of those people realizes that it might be negatively impacting those actually trying to use Trade to buy or sell or find someone with a recipe or a profession, that their polite conversation trumps everyone else’s ability to interact.

Second, you keep talking about polite conversation - and yet I could probably count on one hand the number of times a conversation in Trade that went above three people remained polite for long (usually when there weren’t as many people on). Trolls love the ability to reach random people even more than random people do. A polite conversation is the perfect place to drop well-planned bait and watch havoc ensue.

It’s entirely possible to occasionally say in Trade “Hey, we’ve got some great polite conversation going on in this channel. Type join /channel if you want to jump in.” which is a whole lot less spam for those who weren’t interested in the topic(s) and wanted to use Trade for trade.


All the people here just wanna see,
what a game without AI hopes to be,
so lets hope Blizzard will listen to its fans,
and maybe we can keep classic as clean as we can.


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