Does your game play suffer immeasurably by having to Tom and johnny carry on a civilized, polite conversation in /trade? Does the game become unplayable for you if you see Tom and johnny carry on a civilized, polite conversation in /trade?
If I am attempting to conduct trade in /trade, and you are carrying on a conversation, then you are indeed disrupting gameplay and communication in a public channel.
With that said, and to reiterate what the GM told you, each chat channel is designed for the purpose of the title of the channel. So Trade Chat taking place in the Trade channel is the suggested use of that channel. If you are discussing other subjects in the channel, other players on your realm can consider those unwanted messages as spam. They may report it as such and therefore the penalties associated with spam may be applied to the person reported.
I personally think more than their gameplay is suffering at the moment, which is why I stopped engaging with them. I mean, their argument is akin to calling 911 to report people going 5 MPH over the speed limit.
Or maybe, better yet, now that I think about it, their argument is akin to claiming traffic cameras are not abused.
Again, you choose to link a thread in which the third post (which was made by a blue, no less) clearly states, in no uncertain terms:
"The label on the channel is a suggestion, not a rule. It doesn’t violate policy to discuss non-Trade related issues in that channel. " Imagine that, NO VIOLATION.
As for what you quoted, let’s take a good look at that:
With that said, and to reiterate what the GM told you, each chat channel is designed for the purpose of the title of the channel. So Trade Chat taking place in the Trade channel is the suggested use of that channel. If you are discussing other subjects in the channel, other players on your realm can consider those unwanted messages as spam. They may report it as such and therefore the penalties associated with spammay be applied to the person reported.
“Suggested use”. Imagine that. The blue post stated that “the label on the channel is a suggestion, not a rule.”
“Can consider”, “may report” and “may be applied”. Notice that not one of those words is “WILL”.
Notice also that nowhere in what you quoted did they say they would (or even might) take action specifically for using /trade for chat not related to trade. They said they might apply penalties for “spam”.
Before Blizzard applies any penalties, they must first decide whether any violation actually occurred. That decision is NOT made by any player or group of players.
Simply using /trade for things not related to chat is hardly what I would consider to be “spam”. Holding a nice polite, civilized conversation is not what I would consider “spam”, regardless of the “label” applied to the channel in which that conversation is held.
Does Blizzard consider simply having a nice polite, civilized conversation “spam”? I guess we’ll have to wait to see.
From the way /trade still seems to be used more for non trade related chat than actual chat related to trade, I would guess either Blizzard does not consider that “spam” or very few people are reporting those nice polite, civilized conversations held in /trade.
What’s funny is they had (in some respects) just as much control before. You could still report someone and still get them banned. Their report would get read and if that player was being bad, he’d get actioned. Better yet, the person reporting didn’t have to worry about getting into trouble, too. Now, there is a penalty for “false reports”. Which means, you could see something someone says as very offensive to you and you report it. Well, turns out Blizzard is okay with that and bam, you are the one who gets a warning or maybe even suspension.
I still can’t believe this topic is still up for debate on the forums, I also still can’t believe that people can still defend the right to (in a metaphorical sense) stone people to death in the street that say things they disagree with. No you shouldn’t have ban powers; nor should you have admin, flyhax, or GM. Its just common sense at this point that giving PLAYERS the ability to vote ban people in the game is not a good idea for a social-based MMORPG.
Its the same reason I don’t give people the power to kick or ban people out of my guild or discord, because it not going to work in an active community. People will argue, communicate, fight each other, coordinate as a team, or start rivalries of their own because that’s what communities are, and thats what classic is, a community dependent game, and that’s what those communities will do because they are Humans, not robots, therefore they should be moderated by Humans and not robots.
I don’t know how much more clearly I can spell this out to you but I’ll say it again…
I’m not the one ignoring Blizzard’s statement that "The label on the channel is a suggestion, not a rule. It doesn’t violate policy to discuss non-Trade related issues in that channel. "
I’m not the one that is trying to twist words like “can” and “May” into “will”.
Again you seem to prove that you believe your opinion trumps Blizzard’s own statements.
I’ll say it again:
I expect that the use of /trade for things not related to chat will be a frequent and ongoing occurrence.
I sincerely hope that you can come to terms with that fact.
Failure to do so and constant reporting of anyone that has the audacity to use /trade chat in a manner that you do not like in an effort to get them squelched, will likely eventually lead to unpleasant repercussions for you.
I do have a question, though.
You apparently created a new account after your main account was handed a forum vacation. You even leveled a character to level 10, the minimum level required to post on the forums.
I’m sure that you are being totally honest when you say that you created that new account only because you decided to check out retail. It could not possibly have had anything to do with trying to circumvent a forum vacation, could it?
My question is how do you find the use of /trade in retail? Are you crusading for your beliefs that /trade be used only for trade related chat? Are you reporting anyone that has the audacity to use /trade in a manner you do not like?
If you are reporting everyone that has the audacity to use /trade in a manner you do not like, how is that working out? Are the players you report even garnering enough reports to be squelched? If those players are being squelched, are those squelches being overturned?
Yes, it is a backrground change. Rules enforcement always has had effects on the social environment… by making it better. The only difference between the Silence Penalty we have now and what happened back then is you still get to play the game. Back in Vanilla you simply got an ever-increasing suspension until you finally fell into the “penalty volcano” and your account was permanently banned.
Priapis is right in a sense because the weakest link has always been player reports. And the reporting system has increased the efficiency of that. I don’t have to waste time typing in a ticket stating “At hh:mm on mm/dd/yyyy, {{playerName}} from {{serverName}} said {{offensiveComment}} in {{channelName}}”. That takes a while and I have to stop playing the game and freeze my chat log to preserve the comment.
I just right-click and move on and the GM still gets that ticket and deals with the problem.
And how do you know that is not already happening?
This I could live with. Right-click report would be perfectly acceptable to me, if it didn’t auto punish. Punishment should be up to GMs and blizzard staff, not mob rule until you can get it properly reviewed.
Make sure you let Blizzard know that you’re ready to fund their lawsuits against Gold Selling companies because you want to remove the auto-squelch that has severely handicapped their advertising capability.
I guess you missed the second part… alow me to quote myself to help you…
See, that could be minutes or hours. I rather liked it when the implemented the squelch and that crap stopped. Took mere moments for it to happen. I get the impression that squelches also bump the ticket up in priority as well so a GM will handle it first.
And so far there’s only been one confirmed “innocent victim” of a squelch which was Asmon-whoever. And that was because he asked people to mass report him. The GM answered his ticket, found that a Silence was not warranted and restored all functionality to his account. And no one was punished because it’s hard to call it malicious when he asked for it."
You mean the ones they annihilated with the WoW Token? You do know that’s why the created that, right?
Is your argument that because it hurts people who deserve to be punished, that justifies a system where innocent people can be punished for something not against the rules?
No I didn’t miss it, I just didn’t care to respond to it, because I just ignored gold sellers back in the day and moved on with my life. But hey if you want to advocate for a system that can be used to squelch people unfairly just to literally talking, because some group of players decides they don’t like said person or just want to troll people, by all means.