Blows every other tank out of the water is hilarious. I play all four tank classes and while I do agree Paladin is the best you can’t tell me this entire raid is unachievable while using the other 3 tanks because buddy we have done it and so have many other guilds. Stop crying please, nobody cares about your internet tears and how you think all classes should be the same.
Your tone is way whinier than mine lmao
It’s crazy that you think pointing out the massive imbalance in tank specs means I think “all classes should be the same.”
Telling you to dry your tears is whining huh? How about this, grow a sack and shut up.
There is no massive imbalance when it comes to the four tank specs. A “massive imbalance” would be comparing Arms Warriors to an Assassination Rogue, they are both melee DPS but one is complete garbage at DPS. Paladins are the strongest yes, but this raid is not impossible with the other three. Just because you and your cute little raid team of misfits can’t come together and do mechanics properly doesn’t mean tanks need a buff. Learn to use external CDs on your tanks.
Why are you even crying? You have cleared Algalon 10M with a DK and Prot Warrior. You have no reason to be moaning and groaning my man. You beat the game without a Prot Paladin, good job.
so you can tank ulduar jsut fine? but now you are mad a dps paladin class got a buff to remain competitive and now we must nerf prot paly? if its so easy to tank uld on your warrior what are you needing the nerfs to them for? if you want to whine about that tit for tat nonsense they already did that when they nerfed unholy and buffed ret. see. what an idiot. calling for nerfs just so you can feel better not performance related. just jealousy of the attention.
You seem really upset.
I haven’t argued otherwise.
No, it’s the huge gap between the tanking specs that would indicate the need for a buff. However, I personally don’t think they should be buffing or nerfing any specs in Classic WoW. That doesn’t mean I can’t see that paladins are easily the best tanks and massively overrepresented compared to the other three.
Why are you so defensive?
I’ m chill as always my man
Serious question though, have you been voicing your opinion on underperforming classes like arms warriors or feral druid? I mean it seems like you should help out the real struggling classes man. Feral druids have to manage bleeds and savage roar and mangle and crap and still are bottom of the meters while some classes just push mutilate and end up toping meters. Now THAT seems a little bit “massive”
Anyways buddy I’m off, was fun! See ya.
I just said I don’t think any specs should be getting buffed or nerfed in Classic. Ret buff opened the door for all manner of “buff me” whining.
You haven’t been remotely chill. You’re telling me I’m crying over and over again, putting words in my mouth, telling me to shut up, and all around being a dickhead. But ok. Have a great day!
20% of WoW players are paladins. You got a buff because you’re in majority and your opinion is clearly biased.
Prot pallies deserve a nerf.
Sure buddy. I play all tanks not just protection paladin and I do just fine with them all. We clear just as much content as we do when I’m on my paladin so you whining for a nerf to paladins only means you and your team suck. Seriously, if you can’t clear Ulduar and you think it’s because you’re playing a prot warrior over a prot paladin that is a SKILL ISSUE. Every single tank can clear this raid so quit your crying.
Exactly this.
Warriors have been buffed so much over the years that I can’t really remember most of it, but we’ve also been smothered and beaten with the nerf bat so many times, any real warrior would flow with the punches and still rock, A good warrior will and not scream for buffs. All of classic and og we were GODS, the moment we got some gear it was over for everyone else, especially a geared tank.
Every other class was just ‘there’ and Paladins were…healing, and some were…spelladins snort so I don’t care if paladins are good currently, they were in the hole before and they’ll be in the hole again in other expansions, just like warrios were/are. Paladins have it rough so who cares really? They have it easy on one fight more than others in Ulduar, soon enough you’ll see Bear tanks in current PvP gear and they’ll just soak up mass amount of damage, I’m sure the forums will cry about that too later on.
I can’t believe I’m saying this but not every role is going to fit every situation, if you want that maybe go to retail? If you really want to carry the flag for a class that needs attention, maybe fight for a shaman…I swear It’s like blizzard hates shamans for some reason and they have GREEN JESUS.
Still, as a Paladin main, I would not object to Warrior buffs, DPS or Tanking.
I should mention I was a die hard Ret main in Classic Vanilla. You’ve no idea how hard I farmed the buffs for raid night just so I could be viable.
Don’t play Retail but sorry to hear that Shamans have the short end of the stick.
Shamans are okay for healing, Elemental drops off around ToC and Enhancement is viable even in ICC heroic but you need to be sweaty try hard just to keep up, while a warrior/dk/rogue just need to PLAY the game. Feral druid has some harsh mechanics, if they screw up their rotation and let any debuffs drop, it’s a huge DPS loss.
I’m not arguing it’s a skill issue. I’m saying paladin is so braindead easy that people opt for them in groups. How many times have you seen “LFM Prot warr/Fury dps” compared to “LFM Prot Pal/Holy pal”.
Get real scrub.
Get real scrub? Really lol. I’m the scrub. Buddy you’re on the forums whining to blizzard so they will nerf another class just so you feel better about yourself.
You sound like a real loser.
Even worse, he wants to nerf a tanking spec because a DPS spec got buffed out of pure spite/jealousy.
It’s illogical and petty.
Even worse, these threads are flooded with paladins who have NO BUSINESS commenting on the issue after getting an undue buff.
Edit: Wish you’d been around earlier to tell Paladins to stop whining on the forums for their buff. You were strangely absent then… almost like you’re benefiting massively from Blizzard’s Paladin favouritism.
Sorry you were saying?
Nobody wants a Paladin’s opinion on the matter. Let the non-favoured classes have a conversation about what Blizzard should do.