There's only one fix for the Blackrock Mountain pvp event

PVP can still happen there. You can still be attacked and killed there. You just also get attacked by guards. Guards also exist in main cities, in Booty Bay, in Silithus Cenarion Town. You’re still there and can still be attacked. You can be sapped. You can be distracted off the side.

You didn’t make some gotcha observation, you fundamentally don’t understand what you’re talking about. Mald more. Get off PVP servers if you don’t want the risk of being flagged all the time. Period.

Yeah so bring in guards to BRD entrance, easy. Instead of jumping down everyones throats “You chose to roll on a pvp server” understand blizzard has implemented changes from era to combat situations like this happening. Constantly repeating “i told you so” is not a smart way of looking at a problem.

Why? BRM is a designated PVP zone during the event. It makes no sense to put in guards.

Because that is the point and purpose. Don’t like it get off the server designed for that style of play. PVE servers that way. Thanks and bye.

Didnt they put guards in ashenvale which is also a pvp event? You lack alot of critical thinking there bud

Yeah thats the point and purpose, except when blizzard brings in changes to stop pvp happening.

Not at the PVP event. They put them at the non-PVP event area.

Wrong. Go play PVE servers. You don’t belong on PVP servers.

So BRD is the pvp event area? The only place you can take part in the event? Whats a non pvp event area? I thought PVP servers were PVP all the time?

Bro i play an UD rogue, im not crying about this at all. Just listening to what people are saying about the situation. Again, critical thinking. Look it up.

Yes. There is an explicit 300% honor increase inside of the mountain to incentivize PVP to happen there. It is also a hostile location completely controlled by enemy NPCs and does not have a neutral faction NPC presence the same way Emerald Wardens has.

A place that is not explicitly dedicated to PVP by the mechanics of the events. PVP servers make it so that everyone is flagged, it doesn’t make every area a “PVP” area in that there are events designed around PVP play an engagement, such as Ashenvale and Blood Moon.

You don’t even seem to understand the reason why they put the guards in and the differences between them. You’re not using critical thinking, you’re just trolling on the forums. Go get your win somewhere else.

and p3 and p4

Ok so what youre saying is PVP servers are PVP all the time, except in very specific situations that blizzard has implemented changes on. But they cant implement changes on things you dont want changed because PVP servers are pvp all the time, except in very specific situations that blizzard has implemented changes on.

Very deep thinking adult right here, posts big words on a forum but lacks basic critical thinking.

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What I am saying is that PVP servers are PVP flagged all the time. There are also specific events in zones, irrelevant to a PVP server that exist on both, which are something else.

No. There is still PVP flagged all of the time. They have decided that certain areas are designed with certain aspects in mind, such as neutral zones, and therefor they put guards in those areas. Blackrock Mountain is not such a zone.

The argument is “I want to do something and PVP is preventing me from doing that.” This argument could apply to literally EVERY situation on a PVP server. “I want to get to this raid instance, but there’s so many Horde in my way.” “I’m trying to complete this escort quest, but the Alliance keep killing me during it.”

What makes BRM different than those areas to be worthy of guards to be placed there? Nothing other than personal desire.

You remember when they placed guards at incursions?

So ashenvale incursion quest givers was decided it would be a neutral zone by blizzard, but they cant turn around and make brd zone entrance a neutral zone because?

So you’re just a troll and refuse to think. I gave you the reason already. They didn’t put guards at incursions, they put them by the Rep Vendor and Quest giver ONLY to make those specific NPCs on par with other neutral factions in the game, and because they were primary NPCs for a neutral faction. That was it. That was the difference. Goodbye.

So they can decide where they want neutral zones to be, but not in places where you dont want them to be. Because pvp servers are pvp all the time, except in places where blizzard feels pvp shouldnt happen all the time eg around vendors.

You see how you are disproving your own screeching?

You’ve been put on ignore and reported for trolling. You’re clearly here to just argue intentionally and troll. Goodbye.

And thats how you know youve lost

Yeah on wild growth

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What does making groups to kill Flight masters have to do with PvP?

You’re beyond moronic to say the intention is for Horde players to pvp and not grief. Big cope.

Give us Shaman and this will happen. Until then stop using your “Crutch” and crying when we start something about it not being fare.

Alliance and Horde need to have both Shaman and Pallyies… Even better would be them getting rid of the other crutch RACIALS!


Send a horde of super cute kittens. No one would dare harm such cuteness.